Could I be the weakest link?

Much to Chris' disgust, I have been informed today that I am scheduled for an audition for the tv show The Weakest Link! I am delighted as the telephone "pre-audition interview" was great fun! A bored but charming chap who sounded at the most 20, asked me various questions about my life. One question amused me greatly! He pointed out that on my original application form I described one of my interests as "dog keeping" and asked me what that entailed. He missed the irony slightly when I said "keeping dogs".

Flower show committee meeting this evening, which will mean doing what we are a told and eating Auntie Glad's wonderful scones!, Still feeling under the weather today but managed to sort out the garden and plant a load of celery in the allotment. Sold 18 eggs today too!
We have decided to get a couple of goats to graze the Church field, I would like pygmy goats as logistically it will be easier to cart them around in the back of the belingo, and as luck would have it Chris works alongside the head of the pygmy goat association so we have a "proper" contact who is very helpful . I would like to research goat owning for a good while before going ahead with the actual keeping, but I am looking forward in going ahead

A sign of the times and the orders come in!

I think I have had too much sun today when strimming another third of the Glebe field, as I now feel rather shivery and fluey! But even though I have had only an hours sleep this morning after night duty, I feel I have got alot done. Heard an interesting piece of trivia today from the BBC. Welsh language channel S4C is to broadcast a current affairs programme with Polish subtitles.
O Flaen Dy Lygaid (Before Your Eyes), produced by the BBC and broadcast on Tuesday, is thought to be the first UK TV show to use subtitles in Polish. How things change!According to unofficial sources (how do they work this one out?) there is over 10,000 Polish nationals living in and around Wrexham just East of us, and surmise that there are many,many more living along the North Wales coast. I wonder why is area in particular is attracting this particular group of people, or is it just a reflection of a National trend? anyhow I found the article interesting.
I put up a tatty poster up at work advertising our free range eggs and now have 8 orders for the girls' produce! I can now feel the pound signs "Ker-ching-ing" in my head. The pictured lettuce is freshly picked from the allotment , oh to be the hunter gatherer!


The weather has been glorious today and quite inspirational after the bloody dreadful rain we had yesterday. I have walked the dogs on a deserted beach, had a 4 mile powerwalk and have strimmed literally half the field of weeds and long grass. It has been lovely, dirty,tiring and hard work, but lovely

No eggs sold today! guess I won't get rich quick being a hen entrepreneur. Am on nights tonight, am aiming to sell a few there!

Glynis Johns-

No apologies for posting this ( yes ANOTHER video)
Glynis Johns LIVES this song...wonderful!

Empire Building and a trip back to 1973

Not the most professional sign but it gets the message across. Do you think that the pink is a little too gay? humm perhaps I should have spelt eggs as eggz?
Chris and I spent a melancholy afternoon at Colwyn Bay's Welsh Mountain Zoo . Unlike flagships such as the the zoo at Chester, Colwyn Bay had not changed with the times and everything seemed unloved,cramped and rather tired. We did love the mountain goats and the childrens' Zoo ( humm strange as we have an average age of 42) but most of the other exhibits seemed rather forlorn as they never seemed to have done to me when I was ten years old. Pity!

Storming , Norming, and an afternoon with my veg

Finlay's death has affected the relationships between all the dogs in quite a graphic and interesting way, and having more time with them has meant that I have the opportunity to watch the nuances of these behavioural changes. Fin's role as alpha male was clearly evident and although not overly aggressive he asserted his dominance swiftly, forcefully and clearly. His departure left the lead position empty and non of the remaining animals have the ability to assume the responsibility of the job. Meg is floundering in her assumption of alpha female, as she has neither the confidence or the authority to make the change effective. Her anxieties to protect the pack mean that she has become overly aggressive to other dogs and constantly alert to danger and threat which must be exhausting.

Maddie has lost her playfulness with Meg , and now won't always back down when challenged over food or closeness with Chris or I. She resembles a somewhat bad tempered maiden aunt to Megs younger, more nervous sister, the definition of who is in charge remaining blurred and unclear. George, being more of a puppy has the clearest of roles and remains the floppy, baby of the group. Getting William will eventually ( we hope) let Meg off her perceived responsibilities and will allow the whole group to settle down. Well that is the idea.

Cracked on with allotment with renewed gusto today and it does look pretty impressive. Planted everlasting spinich and radish this afternoon and plan to attack the rapidly rising tide of pasture grass on Monday with my new strimmer.

Good News

Received a rather terse letter from the agents for the field (which is now to be referred to as "the glebe") and with a heavy heart I rang to discuss the future of the hens and allotment.
Cap in hand I was ready to let them all go and was delighted to find out that both veggie patch and girls are now safe! as long as they are highlighted on the agreement! So something legal and in writing should be winging its way to me next week and everything can be signed for properly. That's one in the eye for the snooty bastards from the village that reported me!

Had a lovely meal last night in Osborns and Duncan,Izzy and Linzi left early this morning to drive back to Kent. So I aim to get back on my land for weeding and normality! nice....

Finlay's song! Chasing cars

I detailed some of the nice gifts I recieved for my birthday today. The best ever gift was for my 40th and it was Finlay, if it wasn't for him and his personality and warmth we wouldn't have Maddie,Meg,George and indeed soon to be picked up, William. I do miss him dreadfully