A sign of the times and the orders come in!

I think I have had too much sun today when strimming another third of the Glebe field, as I now feel rather shivery and fluey! But even though I have had only an hours sleep this morning after night duty, I feel I have got alot done. Heard an interesting piece of trivia today from the BBC. Welsh language channel S4C is to broadcast a current affairs programme with Polish subtitles.
O Flaen Dy Lygaid (Before Your Eyes), produced by the BBC and broadcast on Tuesday, is thought to be the first UK TV show to use subtitles in Polish. How things change!According to unofficial sources (how do they work this one out?) there is over 10,000 Polish nationals living in and around Wrexham just East of us, and surmise that there are many,many more living along the North Wales coast. I wonder why is area in particular is attracting this particular group of people, or is it just a reflection of a National trend? anyhow I found the article interesting.
I put up a tatty poster up at work advertising our free range eggs and now have 8 orders for the girls' produce! I can now feel the pound signs "Ker-ching-ing" in my head. The pictured lettuce is freshly picked from the allotment , oh to be the hunter gatherer!

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