I went to my grandmother's garden
I went to my grandmother's garden,
and I found an Irish Farthing,
I gave it to my mother,
who bought a little brother,
The brother was so cross,
We put him on a hoss,
the horse was such a dandy,
we gave him a glass of brandy,
the brandy was too strong,
we put it in a pond,
the pond was too deep,
we put it on a heap,
the heap was too high,
we put it in a pie,
the pie was too little ,
we put it in a kettle,
the kettle had a spout ,
and they all jumped out.
I remembered this nonsense verse, as I was walking the dogs earlier. My Gran used to recite it when I was a boy. Chris' email comment about about Gran and Grandad living in their little house by the tip, made me remember it! I wonder where it comes from
Looked on the internet and found this "old song" no details of where it comes from>
I went into my grandmother's garden,
And there I found a farthing.
I went into my next door neighbour's;
There I bought a pipkin and a popkin
A slipkin and a slopkin,
A nailboard, a sailboard,
And all for a farthing.
Said to be a riddle, of which the solution, somehow, is a tobacco pipe.