In my grandmother's garden

I went to my grandmother's garden
I went to my grandmother's garden,
and I found an Irish Farthing,
I gave it to my mother,
who bought a little brother,
The brother was so cross,
We put him on a hoss,
the horse was such a dandy,
we gave him a glass of brandy,
the brandy was too strong,
we put it in a pond,
the pond was too deep,
we put it on a heap,
the heap was too high,
we put it in a pie,
the pie was too little ,
we put it in a kettle,
the kettle had a spout ,
and they all jumped out.
I remembered this nonsense verse, as I was walking the dogs earlier. My Gran used to recite it when I was a boy. Chris' email comment about about Gran and Grandad living in their little house by the tip, made me remember it! I wonder where it comes from
Looked on the internet and found this "old song" no details of where it comes from>

I went into my grandmother's garden,
And there I found a farthing.
I went into my next door neighbour's;
There I bought a pipkin and a popkin
A slipkin and a slopkin,
A nailboard, a sailboard,
And all for a farthing.

Said to be a riddle, of which the solution, somehow, is a tobacco pipe.

"What a difference a day makes........

.....24 ....little hours", well thats what the song says, and it is true. Friday was not a good day! Overloaded by stats, an exam, an All Bar One nostalgic moment and an e mail row with a friend. I felt like Garfield, who used to be on my fridge, with arms outstretched saying " Come on world....Hit Me!!!" Meryl helped, as did a chat with Nu, and 24 hours or so later I feel alot better. On reflection I hated being angry with a friend but felt justified in saying what I did. I was just happy that I balanced my feelings of hurt with the truth that I missed them. Friendships from time to time do feel one sided, and that is painfull, especially as you feel you are the one that does the running the majority of the time. But I guess that is the way of the world. As long as your say what you need to and make up, thats important.

Last night I got away from doing a night shift, which was the best thing I could have done ( Not enough patients on ITU), so I said I would do an extra covering shift over Christmas, picked up some nice food on the way home and watched Strickly Come dancing, covered with dogs!

This morning was beautifull. The field outside the cottage looks lovely, The village Elder Steve rang and said that it is ours (I will wait for the official letter) and that we can put the chickens on it while we are waiting. I already have several bantams lined up from a bloke down the road , whose wife has left him!

This morning I am getting stuck into my stats questions (yeah right so why are you writing this) and this afternoon Janet and I are going the listen to Eric Knowles fromAntiques Roadshow at Theatr Clwyd.

Oh the excitement?! well yes it is pretty nice.

Had a chat with Susan (The dogs' breeder) and she gave me some advice regarding Meg's possible pregnancy. I am letting things go their own way...if she has puppies she has puppies......

OH Some excellent news!!! friends Nia and George in Australia have just had Little George!!!! I was so happy to hear that everyone is fine, happy and healthy.

The Devil wears Prada

Meryl Streep stole the show in the Devil wears Prada. A crappy film about nice girl (Anne Hathaway) becomes not-so-nice-girl, in a New York fashion magazine, then becomes nice girl again. A young Sandra Bullock would have made a better job of the young secretary, but no one could have beaten Streep, who shines with evil as the boss from hell. She is wonderfull. Look out for Adrian Grenier. very cute as Hathaways boyfriend... A nice afternoon movie to lift my spirits.

Aberfan after forty years, lots of work, & All Bar one

At 9.15 am on Friday, October 21, 1966 a waste tip slid down
a mountainside into the mining village of Abervan, Near Mertyyr Tydfil in outh Wales. It First destroyed a farm cottage in its path, killing all the occupants. At Pantglass Junior School, just below, the children had just returned to their classes after singing "All things bright and beautiful at their assembly. It was sunny on the mountain but foggy in the village, with visibility about 50 yards. The tipping gang up the mountain had seen the slide start, but could not raise the alarm because their telephone cable had been repeatedly stolen. The slide engulfed the school and about 20 houses in the village becore comming to rest. 144 people died in the Aberfan disaster: 116 of them children

As a child Aberfan frightened me ( I was four when the disaster happened),
actually on reflection I think the sadness and fear it instilled in the
adults around me, frightened me more. Last night I watched a programme about
the disaster, and was appalled by one small scene of the original newscast.
The young tv presenter in rather clipped English was "interviewing" local men
who were frantically digging at rubble at the disaster site. He was actually
standing next to a weary middle aged welshman, who was streaked with coal

"How long have you been digging here?" he asked,

"For a while", the man answered absently.

"Are you digging for anyone you know?", the reporter asked, obviously out of
his depth.

The middle aged man, just looked tired and vague but with an tiny edge to his
voice, said politely

"My mother is under here!"

The reporter had the good grace to looked shocked and ashamed, the difference
between today's more sensitive interviewing style was all too apparent. That scene shocked me more than any of the black and white imagery we have
seen so often of the

Comming home from Uni, I had a ALL BAR ONE moment, saw a small wine bar filled with academics chatting with large glasses of wine and nibbles. After such a busy week I would have killed for a chat with friends, aimless , fun and relaxing! Chris is late home today, I may compensate by a trip to the cinema.

The games people play..........

Yes another thought on the train to Bangor! and this time is about game playing! no, not those relationship power struggles we sometimes all have, I was thinking about those little mind games we play in our own heads when we are alone and bored.

When I was a child I used to walk to and from school ( well there is a rarity nowadays) and I remember looking at each house as I passed, I gave it a mark out of ten ( yes you rememeber my list making from earlier blogs) and then wondered what it would be like to live there. Yes was that Gay or was that gay?

This was my favourite house, back in the 1970's it seemed rather more "lived in" and more like a farm house with chinze arm chairs and dark wood furniture.

Anyhow I digress!, what other games do I play to pass the time? well I tend to hum "camptown races!" when I am brushing my teeth !!!( where the hell did that come from?) and when I am turning right into Cwm Road from the direction of Dyserth, I like to let the indicator click foureen sets of two!!.........humm now I am seriously worried as any ambling reader of this blog may well think I am borderline compulsive neurotic!!

Oh I do like to count horses when I am on a long train journey, (why?) and when driving to Sheffield I have a habit of counting all the mobile phone masts.

hummmmmmmm off to bed.....perhaps to count sheep?

A Nephew's e -mail

Got the following e mail from My nephew(Pictured) today which tickled me! Haven't seen him for quite a time as he lives in some Lancashire town, Ramsbottom or Broadbottom or something bottom! A talented artist and laid back (practically horizontal) individual it was great to hear from him

Hi John just a quick line to say i've had a very entertaining evening reading poseidon's thoughts... i bellied laughed more than once...and had some old memories stired seeing the picture of granny and grandad reminded me of seeing them every thursday at there little house by the tip when i was little. keep up the good work, i look forward to reading more.

chris your nephew

Loved the comment "their little house by the tip"..........made them sound like the Clampits!

Neighbours and the art of being neighbourly

The village spokesman, and his brother, have now fixed the Church boundary wall next to the field we hope to rent soon, and a grand job was done indeed. I went out to survey the work and was joined by other neighbours Carol and John from Next door, as well as one of the Parish committee members from the high street. The informal chatter made me think of how neighbourly village life can be compared to city life. In Wynyard road, I was friends with neighbours John and Bev, but I certainly was not neighbourly to other people living on the street. I just never really saw any people , let alone spent the odd half hour chatting in the road about village life, dogs, gossip and the state of the weather. I am not usually one to chat to people, especially acquaintances,

I prefer the company of friends, but the "art" of small talk in village life is one I am getting better at.

Well Meg may be pregnant! Even though she seemed to finish her season, out of the blue we caught Finlay indulging in his first graphic sex act! Admittedly I think the experience shocked and frightened him (not to go into too much details they were "joined" for half an hour or so), so he has spent most of the time acting post coitially , "like a monk !!!

Worked last night, and today after a short sleep,am now looking forward in a full roast dinner. Judy (aunt) is comming for tea, which will be nice as we all have a glass of wine and watch Antiques roadshow.

Control and claustrophobia

Slinked off a lecture today and came home, because I had a need to be in control and a bigger need to get rid of the claustrophobia of being either in University or work (or traveling to and from each). So the ideal place was the beach. So for an hour we had a great walk on the promenade, and all the stimuli of the last three weeks was blown away. It was lovely. I used to do the same after a particulary hard shift in Sheffield, but there I went up to Redmires, for an amble around the dams. The beach clears your mind much easier.
Instead of looking at my notes from the week, I cleaned the house, cut the grass, cleaned the chickens out properly, bought all the animal feed from the farm and pet shop ( we all, that is , me and the dogs) shared a MacDonald, and washed the windows!......the control felt very good, and has given me a boost to tackle next week!