Neighbours and the art of being neighbourly

The village spokesman, and his brother, have now fixed the Church boundary wall next to the field we hope to rent soon, and a grand job was done indeed. I went out to survey the work and was joined by other neighbours Carol and John from Next door, as well as one of the Parish committee members from the high street. The informal chatter made me think of how neighbourly village life can be compared to city life. In Wynyard road, I was friends with neighbours John and Bev, but I certainly was not neighbourly to other people living on the street. I just never really saw any people , let alone spent the odd half hour chatting in the road about village life, dogs, gossip and the state of the weather. I am not usually one to chat to people, especially acquaintances,

I prefer the company of friends, but the "art" of small talk in village life is one I am getting better at.

Well Meg may be pregnant! Even though she seemed to finish her season, out of the blue we caught Finlay indulging in his first graphic sex act! Admittedly I think the experience shocked and frightened him (not to go into too much details they were "joined" for half an hour or so), so he has spent most of the time acting post coitially , "like a monk !!!

Worked last night, and today after a short sleep,am now looking forward in a full roast dinner. Judy (aunt) is comming for tea, which will be nice as we all have a glass of wine and watch Antiques roadshow.

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