I Think It's Going To Rain Today


Well it had to come.
The first blizzard of the winter caught the field totally unawares this morning, and in just a few minutes has deposited ( and is depositing) tons of wet, cold,unwelcome snow.
The old hens, led by veteran Stanley all disappeared undercover leaving the new girls and the crackhead whores forlornly hunched at the field borders......already I have endeavoured to bring in the stragglers, especially the bald hens who have no reserves when it comes to being cold AND wet....but faced with this sudden downpour of cold stuff...some of them seem transfixed to the spot
....hens can be so stupid sometimes.
Already I have given the pigs extra feed.......and now I am off to check on the turkeys.....being more dense than a block of concrete, god knows where they will end up in this weather!

Sleeping Beauty

With Chris working away..I thought a night out would be in order.
I managed to get a couple of tickets for Sleeping Beauty ( the live performance from the Royal Opera House) and Janet said that she would like to go, so we both thought that a bit of culture was just the thing to lighten the week a little.
I didn't really get into this revival of the 1946 production and was almost relieved when
Janet was taken ill just as the second act started, and we had to go home...

Andrew's Eulogy

Ann and Janet's floral tribute ( a drum kit)

Postie Big Up

Don't you just love the Post Office sometimes..
Today I received a lovely Christmas Card from a person who reads the blog. I am sure they won't mind me sharing the rather original way they addressed the envelope
It said

Mr John Gray (John-the-dogs-Gray)
Organiser, Trelawnyd Flower Show + allotment day
Caretaker of pigs,fowl,dogs and Albert the cat

It made my day!

Little Dramas

Thank goodness Chris is away until Friday.....for some reason Albert has increased his rodent collecting abilities and since the infamous "rat incident" he has brought into the house no less than 6 field mice in 24 hours!.
Mabel, the only dog not to be swayed by Albert's rodent obsession
Of course the terriers have enjoyed these little gifts immensely, mouthing and crunching them like Nigella's Christmas titbits at a cocktail party.......only Mabel, from her position of comfort on the kitchen sofa, has refused to join in any of the fun.
Yesterday I posted the Christmas Cards, and delivered the ones in the village. It was a dry, cold day, which was perfect for walking around with a load of paper and as I ambled from one house to another, I saw an elderly lady, I only know very vaguely, standing in her front garden.
As I stopped to say a brief hello, she came to the gate to make a fuss of William, who I had brought out with me, and although she was pleasant enough, there was something in her affect that pricked my attention.

As I exchanged chit chat, the lady's husband came out of their house and joined her. I know him a little better, and as we made small talk , out of the corner of my eye I noticed that his wife had moved quietly away to the garden hedge where she pottered around the privet.
Only after I had started to walk off, did I realise that she had in fact started to water the hedge with a tiny indoor watering can..and finally the penny dropped.... the lady obviously was suffering from some sort of dementia.
As I looked back, I saw the man gently guiding his wife back to the house. He waved brightly as she took her slightly shaky tiptoe steps...and I couldn't help thinking, that behind every little neat garden, and inside every curtained window in the village, little dramas are being played out every hour of every day.

Only ours have more mice in them than most

Please, Please, Please,

Hijacked by the sickly sweet John Lewis Advert... this sad little song has nothing to do with Christmas
It is perhaps the saddest song I have heard in a long time

A Rat Under The Sofa

It is 5.45.am
I have been awake since 4.55am
As you know, I just DON'T DO mornings..
and I am not a happy Bunny.

Chris woke me up with a somewhat worried "Something is squeaking under the sofa"
He was up early as he is due to work in London this week, but even so.......informing me of a half dead mouse at that time was just NOT ON.
Of course I could not sleep.
I could hear William and Albert scuttling around the lounge after the poor animal, so I thought "fuck it" and after getting dressed waded knee deep into the melee
Chris was standing there holding my wind up torch in his dressing gown .
He looked worried. 
"There's a rat under the draft excluder" he said lamely.
Chris doesn't DO rodents!
"Get me the rolling pin" I ordered....taking charge of the situation and I rolled my sleeves up ready for a bit of a tussle.
Chris returned with a large pepper grinder
Typical academic
I huffed, found the rolling pin, and after removing the excluder, gave the small rat a couple of hefty whacks
He was bloody invincible!
Chased by William and a somewhat joyous Albert ( who was thoroughly enjoying himself) the rat made a dash for the bookcase. then dived behind the radiator before squeezing himself under the writing desk....
By this time I had just about had enough.... the room resembled Dresden after the bombing ,and my first cup of coffee of the day seemed a real age away...so  swearing like an old docker, I marched into the kitchen, donned one of Chris' old moterbike gloves, marched back to the lounge ( still swearing) and after pulling away the frantic animals reached down and grabbed the struggling rat by the throat.
He knew the game was up
Shaking with early morning anger... I strode to the back door, took a deep breath and threw the rat across the lane and against the Church wall, killing him instantly...

Message to all rodents... don't mess with Mr Gray before he has had his morning coffee