Yael A New Jerusalem

Today’s piece from the lisping choir is a particularly difficult one to sing. 
It’s a short and quite beautiful choral and one which suits my mood.

Yael, one of the original bloggers who passed in and out of Going Gently for years has reluctantly cancelled her blog recently. I thought she had originally changed the privacy settings so only invited readers could access her everyday story of life in Israel for a gentle and thoughtful grandmother, with a big heart.
Sadly I was wrong, she has left for good, because she felt judged and bullied and unheard, feelings non of us would want for her.

I’ve always made it a general ( but not exclusive) policy of mine not to talk politics or current affairs on my blog. 
I have learned that the most innocuous of comments can inflame some fucker out there in blogland , so talking about serious subjects that polarise only causes bad feeling, conflict and upset. 
Saying that, fairly recently a fellow blogger was surprised that I held a firm and serious view of the plight of the civilian population in Gaza and the role Israel has played in that plight. 
I said little here out of respect for Yael , who as an ordinary, frightened Israeli had her very real views on the whole situation.
Now what I’m not saying is that debate should not take place in blogland. Of course it should. 
But I think that with my strong beliefs and ideas that come from a place of peace and safety, I  should be a little judicious in my sharing, especially if others feel threatened and upset by my words.
Ok why pull any punches? Why not give my views, why not shout and scream and call for sanity? 
Well in someways I have . I’ve written and emailed my MP and more , I’ve sent money to an appropriate charity, if I lived nearer London I would have demonstrated more publicly I think.
I hope that I would have anyway…….but…..

There are times to agree to differ, to listen rather than shout the odds.
Now a sweet soul has left a forum she supported with a gentleness and with a genuine concern for others.
Another casualty of this awful war, we all never wanted to see

I’m sending Yael this recording by the lisping choir of Let The River Run with my love and best wishes, I know most of us here are thinking of her 

Meal Of The Dammed

 Sometimes your world can feel very small
That’s what night shifts do to you. 
A quiet night last night. 
A nursing colleague with problems of her own
A very tired support worker
And patients that were stable and who slept.
My world is as small as a gnat’s chuff

In the daytime sleep takes over,
And on warm days, like today it can be difficult. 
I was up at 2 pm eating a pot noodle and although they taste wonderfully cheap
They are still a meal of the dammed

Soon I will make a decision to come off nights for good.
This may not be practical or  indeed possible but like all management quandaries there’s always a pragmatic way around to an agreeable solution.

I walked the dogs and put Swedish IKEA meatballs in the air fryer to cook and returned to bed with the laptop. I love the way IKEA takes the piss out of itself by selling its own meatballs 
They are so clever the way they do things .

I checked the village website out 
No real news expect someone had dropped a full crate of expensive beer at the top of Bron Haul 
Ever cheerful Gwawr informed everyone that it had been cleared up.

Ten days off after tonight. 🤗😎😍😀 

I’m ready to hang my nurses uniform up now I think , and for good 

I’m entering my 42 year 

Men Talking Shit

 No, I’m not talking about the election, though the recent betting Scandal gives you as much confidence as a fart in a spacesuit.
I’m talking about geeky men and their conversations .
I’ve just had an hours worth and as L’Oreal so eloquently put
It WAS worth it.
Now some faghags will understand this phenomenon, as will the spouses of men ( and women) who frequent comic cons, but some people ( mostly men) love to talk shit with other men.
It’s a serious pastime.
I have three male friends I can do this with. Nigel is the friend of choice today and apart from the usual work talk, we galloped around subjects Such as the film The Stars Look Down, serial Killers, minor female characters in Star Trek. How bad Marlon Brando was, in Apocalypse Now and paraplegics we have known .
We had a lovely video chat at my kitchen table
The sun is fierce today and the sky is very blue. It feels like a holiday abroad.
Janet is gardening, it’s nice to hear someone beavering away in the garden.
The cottage feels alive, especially with Roger watching every move she’s making from his vantage point in the window.

I’m on night shift tonight
And  I wonder who I am on nights with? 
Night shifts are another strange place for talking shite! 


 We went to Colwyn Bay beach first thing and shared a sausage bap at Parisellas 
Roger got over excited which is his want,  running at anyone in reach with a determined I love you look upon his face.
It wears thin after a while.
We walked down the Promenade to Porth Eirias which was nose-to-nipple with jet ski enthusiasts. It was all butch types stripped bare to the middle, wet suits a flapping.
Nice to look at but a little bland I thought.

The village has been titivated by the go green group. The exotic sounding Malinka Le Vey has filled tubs and planters with flowers by the bus stops and some other kind soul has titivated the bed near to the Church which still displays delicate yellow Welsh poppies who brave the elements so well.
The community orchard has been strimmed. 
I have a long list of requests for Flower Show Flyers and hope to get the first delivered tonight 

In the meantime I’m eating lunch before I’m sorry I haven’t a clue 
Then I’ll make up my other kitchen chair
Which I did in record time. 
I showered the dogs using baby shampoo, then spent almost 45 minutes deep cleaning the shower, before washing the towels used and hanging them on the garden wall. 
Animal Helper Pat called around for a flower show booklet and it was nice to chat and gossip with her in the evening sun of the lane 

Roger climbed onto the table soon after this photo and smashed the milk jug

The slap Mildred Pierce

Mildred Pierce has always had a gay following. It’s Joan Crawford beating flour stew thickener without even looking as she argued with her husband, it’s Joan Crawford learning to be be a waitress ( and a good one) in a frantic bed tempered restaurant, and it’s Joan Crawford listening to Eve Arden’s sassy manager before getting her eyelashes slapped off her head by the most odious of movie daughters.
It’s a life as improbable as Crawford ‘s shoulder pads that’s why the gays love it so much.

It was worth going to see a restored version at the Picturehouse this lunchtime.
I wasn’t the only gay in the audience 


 I will leave you with this little village video. I’m out for the day

IKEA is fun especially when you find the meatballs 
I went for a duvet set and came back with ( are you ready?)
2 kitchen chairs,
A selection of chopsticks, 
A tablecloth and napkins
A vase
A tea pot, 
Sushi knives, 
Kitchen hooks in the shape of dogs’ tails 
A rainbow doormat
And a toy dinosaur


Will from Byron Street came around this morning to repair the roof slates moved by storm isha. Older than me, I was impressed by just how quickly he got up that ladder. 
Like a rat up a drainpipe.
It’s almost oppressively warm here, with hazy sunshine lifting the day.
I’m seeing clients this afternoon and have lots to do at home.
Summer may finally be here
Today’s video is of the surprise speech from Princess’s  Leonor and Infanta to celebrate the first decade of their parents accession to the throne. 
King Filepe’s face is a picture 


The Goat


My adopted nephew Leo is visiting me next week 
I haven’t seen him for a year or so
I’m so glad he’s coming up to see me 

I’ve been booking stuff for us to do, which is easy has he is a total film geek like me so we are going to see A Quiet Place Day One with the glorious Lupita Nyong’o as well as the Theatre Clwyd production of Rope 
I’ve also booked us and my family for a meal in The Goat which is a new eatery in Llandudno ( a homage to the Kashmiri Goats living on the Orme) and we have plenty of time to fill in with other movies he wants to see.
Mary is ten years old this month too so it will be nice for Leo to meet with her for the first time, she’s an old gal now. When he was a little boy he visited and bonded with old George so I suspect him and Roger as well as Mary  will become firm mates too


Leo and George on my field 
Many years ago