
 We went to Colwyn Bay beach first thing and shared a sausage bap at Parisellas 
Roger got over excited which is his want,  running at anyone in reach with a determined I love you look upon his face.
It wears thin after a while.
We walked down the Promenade to Porth Eirias which was nose-to-nipple with jet ski enthusiasts. It was all butch types stripped bare to the middle, wet suits a flapping.
Nice to look at but a little bland I thought.

The village has been titivated by the go green group. The exotic sounding Malinka Le Vey has filled tubs and planters with flowers by the bus stops and some other kind soul has titivated the bed near to the Church which still displays delicate yellow Welsh poppies who brave the elements so well.
The community orchard has been strimmed. 
I have a long list of requests for Flower Show Flyers and hope to get the first delivered tonight 

In the meantime I’m eating lunch before I’m sorry I haven’t a clue 
Then I’ll make up my other kitchen chair
Which I did in record time. 
I showered the dogs using baby shampoo, then spent almost 45 minutes deep cleaning the shower, before washing the towels used and hanging them on the garden wall. 
Animal Helper Pat called around for a flower show booklet and it was nice to chat and gossip with her in the evening sun of the lane 

Roger climbed onto the table soon after this photo and smashed the milk jug


  1. You taught me a new word today, John. I had to Google "titivate" as I hadn't heard that word before!

  2. Bears don't need a wet suit , my love. :)

  3. weaver1:29 pm

    Lovely pic of the two sitting looking out on to the beach.

  4. Do they allow dogs on the beach itself?

  5. I wonder if Milenka Le Vay is related to our dear late friend Sonia Le Vay? Or even Jonathan Le Vay? Maybe you could ask! I once wrote about Sonia Le Vay on my blog.

    1. I’ve messaged her cro

    2. Cro message from Malinka

      Oh thank you John, how very kind of you! About the Le Vay connection, I m not sure, it was my maiden name, haven't known any relatives on my mother's side but how fascinating!! Love your blogs, very eloquent and witty!!

    3. Anonymous9:32 pm

      I love the names of your villagers I thought Malinka Le vey was a pseudonym



  6. Yorkshire Liz2:16 pm

    Sounds the perfect low key Sunday to me. The sausage bap would have been perfect too (brown sauce, thanks. Any fried onions?) A brisk walk on the beach, lovely. Can do without flappy anything, though. Abd then lunch in the garden. Perfect. And what's even better - no football, no politics. Bliss.

    1. No onions ( I’m afraid) not good for dogs and no sauce , so plain with butter, bloody lovely

  7. Anonymous3:35 pm

    Roger running at anyone within reach sounds alarming for those who are genuinely scared of dogs, have you considered dog training classes for him?

    1. Not at all, I have trained all of my dogs
      He will take longer that’s all

  8. Roger is like an enthusiastic toddler. Everyone's a friend!
    Bare chested jet skiers - poseurs in my opinion. "Do ya think I'm sexy", springs to mind.
    Lovely that there are people in your village who take a pride in it and are willing to titivate (love that word!). xx

    1. Malinka has proved herself a bit of a star

  9. Roger! What can I say. Lovable but a little scamp in his own way.

    1. He’s a dear, but like a fat toddler needs supervision

  10. Barbara Anne5:43 pm

    What a delightful picture in words of your Sunday excursions hither and thither!
    Sorry about the broken milk jug. A returen to IKEA for a replacement?


    1. Jo in Auckland6:56 pm

      The exact same thought entered my head! Wouldn't the troll go into a frothing frenzy at that...

    2. Apoplectic comes to mind. Lol

  11. A relaxing and productive Sunday. Sad to hear the sweet milk jug is no more. Hope Mary's well.

    1. She adores her shower, as long as it’s hot
      She stands with eyes closed not moving for an absolute age
      Loving it
      Roger doesn’t understand what’s going on, his shower is an all out wrestling match

  12. I've just passed through Trelawnydd on my way home to Lancashire; the bus stop looked fabulous!

    1. Lol thank you scarlet, next time stop for a cuppa xx

  13. Maybe you could put some Flower Show flyers in the phone booth food bank place? And is it posted online/

    Roger must three or four? Five? Time he started behaving. My kids were terrified of unleashed dogs, our own dog taught not to rush or jump up--and Pugs love to greet people so it took time, I do understand.

    1. PS can we see the new chairs?

    2. Roger is never off the lead ever lol

    3. Anonymous2:38 pm

      He's how old? I thought you were talking about a puppy. He's an adult dog and if you haven't trained him by now not to lurch at people then you need help with him.

    4. You can’t tell me about dog training so jog on

  14. The beach sun, salty air and lovely sea never disappoints. The jet ski I could do without. They are like motorcycles on the water. Paddle boarding is so much quieter and nicer. Enthusiastic Roger will sleep well tonight.

  15. Too bad about the milk jug -- it was a little beauty!

  16. A really nice day except for the jug. It was fun and I hope you can replace it, if only with another type. Roger is so exuberant!

  17. Oh, Roger, such exuberance. I love your descriptions of places and people, John.

  18. Oh, ROGER! Way too much excitement at the beach, I guess. :)


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