Men Talking Shit

 No, I’m not talking about the election, though the recent betting Scandal gives you as much confidence as a fart in a spacesuit.
I’m talking about geeky men and their conversations .
I’ve just had an hours worth and as L’Oreal so eloquently put
It WAS worth it.
Now some faghags will understand this phenomenon, as will the spouses of men ( and women) who frequent comic cons, but some people ( mostly men) love to talk shit with other men.
It’s a serious pastime.
I have three male friends I can do this with. Nigel is the friend of choice today and apart from the usual work talk, we galloped around subjects Such as the film The Stars Look Down, serial Killers, minor female characters in Star Trek. How bad Marlon Brando was, in Apocalypse Now and paraplegics we have known .
We had a lovely video chat at my kitchen table
The sun is fierce today and the sky is very blue. It feels like a holiday abroad.
Janet is gardening, it’s nice to hear someone beavering away in the garden.
The cottage feels alive, especially with Roger watching every move she’s making from his vantage point in the window.

I’m on night shift tonight
And  I wonder who I am on nights with? 
Night shifts are another strange place for talking shite! 


  1. I thought this was going to be about your drains!

    1. The post may have been more interesting if I had have done

  2. Sounds like the kind of conversation where. you are constantly on the edge of laughing, and thinking, I have a story like that.

    1. Yes lots of laughter involved David x

  3. Nowt wrong with talking shite - unless it's in a professional situation, of course! On another note, I love those dinosaur lights. I remember you told us where you got them, but I can't remember where that was. I'm sure Roger would love to help Janet in the garden. Not so sure how much help he'd be! xx

    1. He loves his cuddles from auntie Janet

  4. A touch of sarcasm ?
    My sister is a professional gardener I pay her for her work and expertise

  5. Barbara Anne12:46 pm

    Great pictures and another brilliant post with your somewhat 'flight of ideas'. Hope your coworkers are an entertaining bunch.

    I've always wondered about farting in a space suit.


  6. Anonymous1:15 pm

    I always feel I'm a bit of a disappointment on the talking shit front...BA

  7. Glad you had a good visit with a friend and you are looking forward to your night shift. The garden looks great - well done, Janet!

  8. Very true. You can find yourself wandering into some very strange topics at 2 am. And random fits of giggling...

  9. What's the difference between talking shit and just talking? Not every conversation needs to be serious. :)

    I love your dinosaur lights!

    1. Perhaps I should rename the talk as geek talk

    2. Anonymous9:20 pm

      No geek talk is intelligent meaningful and often boring talk. Yours is letting go feeling free talk …it’s more comforting

  10. I find shite talkin a great pastime and for me relieves stress and sadness too x

  11. Its good to just talk
    Have a damn good natter and put the world to rights!!

  12. Your title made me laugh so much, Not quite sure how you know my husband though hehehe xxx

  13. Anonymous3:51 pm

    Your home and the gardens look beautiful! Are those copper swallows on the exterior wall of the house?

  14. I had to google faghag, now I know.
    I think straight men like to talk shit too, as opposed to how they feel about their relationships, god forbid.

  15. Debs farm5:41 pm

    Nigel sounds like a hearty and debonaire dude!
    <> from across the pond

    1. He is certainly hearty but not debonaire

  16. Anonymous5:43 pm

    You managed to make a post about people having an ordinary conversation. It happens all he time, people chat, whatever their religion or sexual preference.

    1. Is that an ok thing or not?

    2. Anonymous9:27 pm

      you must think its ok as it was you wot wrote it

  17. Men do bond over the strangest things. Or so I've observed.

    1. We are silly, fickle little creatures

  18. weaver6:41 pm

    Men are funny (both ha-ha and-peculiar) but then so are women, I have always preferred chatting to men - I think many women are like that.

    1. I prefer chatting to women in general , I don’t do general “. Bloke “ talk…except for geek of course

  19. Jo in Auckland6:57 pm

    Get a couple of tradies together and listen to the shite they talk... that's a whole nuther level! SO is a plumber so believe me I know all about shite!

  20. Sounds like a good start to your week... sunshine & blue skies, garden looking lovely, wonderful chat with a dear friend, and adorable dinosaurs on the table.
    Hope the night shift goes well, and you & your colleagues have a pleasant evening.

    1. I hope so too. It’s warm tonight and somewhat oppressive

  21. a d - as a lady who has been told talks shite on many an occasion ( due I believe attributed to electrics in my brain) - (my neuroologists knowledgeable explanation ) - near miss of lightening strike - 2 sessions o f e c t - electrical storm in my head - apparently hemiplegic migraine in my head - plus betrothed to an electric engineer - My opinion is - You were attracted to the dinosaur to pass on its power of strength and courage x

    1. Anonymous9:29 pm

      What the hell is that all about? More ridiculousness.

    2. Migraines are the worst! I didn't have he mills if migraines but for 40+ years I suffered about 15 days a month with devastating migraines. Wish they had the meds back then that they have now. I missed out on so much.

    3. That should have said hemiplegic.

  22. I love to talk shite but don't think it has anything to do with electricity.

  23. The sparks of electric from John and his friends brains - together made connection and positively for their own individual lighteness - imho x

  24. I think Brando improvised his own dialogue in that movie.

  25. Those kind of chats always make me feel lighter and happier. Especially if the friend has a lot in common with me.

    Am loving this weather and the garden at the moment. Enjoying every minute.

  26. Anonymous8:36 am

    Janet is your garden fairy. Is Roger watching her hoping she will find a long lost bone.

  27. Your gardens look beautiful through the windows. I would love to watch someone putter away in my garden. An hour of watching someone else pull my weeds would be beyond gratifying. I don't think it'll ever happen though.


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