A Prof In The Abbey

My husband is the prof on the far right
Westminster Abbey
How good is that?

Everything But The Girl

Tonight I went to work at Sams
But another volunteer with a new listener came in by mistake so I 
said that I would cover tomorrow instead.
As I was starting the old Berlingo,
The CD that I had been listening to on my way in blasted into life
( I'm a bit deaf so usually have it on loud)
It blarred so much that two passing rough looking teen girls
turned and gave me a rather disgusted look
One girl with big hoop earrings gestured and shouted something to me
and I turned the CD off and let down the window and called out " what did you say?" 
" I said, you're a sad fuck" she mouthed as her friend cackled
Then explained with a flick of her wrist
" too old for the music"
She was having fun

Kitchen Window

I'm looking out of the back kitchen window, over the washing up, thinking that the cottage sounds all rather quiet.
All I can hear is the rain.
Chris will be shortly walking down the aisle of Westminster Abbey with his floppy Prof hat on and Sorrel will be approaching Broadstairs by train, complete with several new outfits, and a bagful of plants for her garden.
Funny how quiet a place becomes after guests have left.

Ps I found the  " slippers of seduction" in the rubbish bin after Sorrel left!
Tee hee

Light & Shade

When you have visiting family, there is often very little time to do anything else.
Chris is not much of an organiser when things that are not work involved. He prefers to let me fine tune things. It's the way we work.
And so on Friday he mentioned that Mrs Trellis had phoned to ask us all round for a quick drink but had deferred the " sorting out " to me.
I called round at dusk to say we would come.
" I've just been writing an eulogy for sweep" she said and although I was busy, I asked to hear it.
I was glad that I did
There were no lights on in Mrs Trellis' house, and in the gloom of dusk in her kitchen she read out her thoughts about her cherished old dog without embarrassment. Her voice quiet .
I found the whole thing rather moving.

A companion warm and true, whenever I was sad, you came with enquiring eye
Bright with love.
Many many miles we walked.
In early morning mists, past sunlit meadows,
enjoyed warm summer days.
In Autumn the changing leaves matched the colours of your lovely coat.

We saw squirrels chase, we heard the woodpecker drill his tree,
the buzzard mew, teaching her young to hunt.
We stood aside as horses passed.

Head held high, you sniffed the air of the new mown hay, honeysuckle and pine.

You travelled on with proud step in wind, rain and winter snows when even the rooks
were silent.
We walked in the pink glow of fabulous sunsets.

To see the light go from your beautiful eyes.
No more, the lick on my hand , or the paw to hold,
No more the clown to play your favourite ball games.
The garden is quiet, your blackbird does not come to welcome the eventide
I miss him too.

So until we can be together once more 
Goodbye and god bless

The depth of affection humans  possess for animals baffle some people, but I think anyone " non dog"  would have been moved by Mrs Trellis' sincerity and her reading of a poem  at a gloomy kitchen table on a bank holiday weekend.

If Mrs Trellis had lost a relative then, as a regular Churchgoer, I would have thought she would have received support and comfort from the whole congregation. But because she had lost her dog, I don't think that she had received one card of sympathy. 
Funny that.

A Good Champagne

More harrumphing by the Prof who is cooking dinner

Sorrel and I are just a little red faced after 
two very large glasses of good champagne 
at Mrs Trellis'
and are sat uselessly in the front room

Sorrel likes a good champagne

The Pink Slippers Of Seduction

We were all settling down to the wartime itv series " Home Fires" ( which is a likable Home Counties version of Tenko) when Winnie suddenly spied Sorrel's pink fluffy slippers.
What happened next was a rather unsavoury bulldog masturbation moment which was only stopped by a bit of old lady screaming....
Chris has created a monster
Oh the shame
Home Fires......Samantha Bond gives it large

Prof's Birthday

It's the Prof's birthday today
So in way of celebration I have tried on his official Prof's cap which has been temptingly been left out for an " official do" next week
I've been dying to play with it for ages!
( I didn't have time to run around in his grey cape as he was coming up the stairs!)
Hey ho
We are off for lunch at Bodnant gardens with Sorrel then afternoon tea at Bodysgallen Hall. Mrs Trellis has invited us all for champagne and stawberries tomorrow 

Princess Betty

Mother in law is glued to the tv
Watching the door of St Mary's Hospital
She thinks the new baby is going to be called Alice
Chris has been harrumphing in his armchair and keeps swearing at the banal tv reporting
When asked what he would call the royal sprog 
He pulled a face and shouted " Gertrude!" Rather unhelpfully

I'm plumping for Betty!