Quite lovely

She brought the house down ! Bloody marvellous 

My personal counsellor asked me if I wanted feedback today on my “progress”
Of course I said yes
You are lighter and brighter and I’m so glad” she shared, her eyes twinkling in the firelight of her apartment
I loved the way she described her counselling style
“ I will walk beside you on your journey” she said

I have four more sessions with her, and then she retires
I’m her very last client after fifty one years in harness


  1. How fortunate you've been to have such a wonderfully perceptive counsellor! I'm so glad you & she were paired. Stay safe & well, John dear.

    1. She breaks so many “ rules” and I love her for it

  2. Many of your blog readers have noticed that too. You ARE lighter (not just physically, but emotionally, too) and brighter. And I'm so glad, too. What a shame she's retiring , although I think you said she's in her 80's, so that's forgiven. I suspect she will remain in your life, though. You hang on to the important ones. xx

    1. I feel very different,
      My physical bloodwork has improved alongside my fatigue and my mood

  3. Barbara Anne8:30 pm

    I'm so glad you found such a wonderful counsellor for yourself and I wish her joy in her retirement.
    What incredible and glorious music! How do you find these talented artists, John?


    1. She is my grand mother sometimes and I understand that important dynamic

  4. Anonymous8:36 pm

    So lucky to have had her as your mentor…..and she to have you as her last student.

    1. She told me she was glad that I was her last client, that meant a great deal

  5. Anonymous8:53 pm

    You are such a storyteller John
    The “twinkling eyes” had me daydreaming of your counsellor as you wanted it to.

    Lee xx

  6. It will be good to have her keeping an eye on how you go x

    1. She’s been unwell for a couple of months it was my first visit since December

  7. Anonymous9:19 pm

    What a wonderful counsellor you have, she nailed you and I am proud to have felt the same vibes as her, you lucky cuss. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. My supervisor was signposted to me by my tutor at university and she signposted me to Judith my counsellor
      Word off mouth is powerful

  8. She sounds like a wonderful counselor and 51 years is more than enough. You're lucky to have had her. I can imagine she's had a huge impact over the course of her career. I'm sure you learned from her as well and will carry that with you into your career.


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