Trump This IS a Statesman !


I’m working a long day today , so will leave you this video at dawn before I go.
Integrity and gravitas


  1. I still find it difficult to believe that in a country with a population of 350 million, DT was the best they could find! When I look at his shenanigans I'm reminded of the end of Animal Farm. Trump/Putin, which is which, they are morphing into one.
    Hope your shift flies by. xx

  2. As an American I am mortified at what's being done to us by our own government and embarrassed at what's being done by our government to other countries. Do what you gotta do Canada to not be us.

  3. It's the only logical response, and I hope all other nations will do the same.

    1. Lynn Marie9:58 am

      So do we, Cro, so do we.

  4. Trudeau is the man Trump wishes he could be. What a nightmare our country has become.

  5. Trudeau has more integrity in his little finger than DT has shown in his entire life!!

  6. It is a shame that the dignified Trudeau has been forced to leave office. He is so statesman like, never mind that Jussie is smoking hot.

    1. Andrew! You're not wrong:)

    2. Traveller5:09 pm

      He lost the confidence of his party. That’s what happens in a parliamentary system.

  7. As an American, I am embarrassed and ashamed about everything that has happened. I watched Trudeau's speech yesterday and I thought he was very good. It brought tears to my eyes.

  8. Anonymous12:20 pm

    I have nothing but respect for our neighbors to the north and all of my contempt is for the loathsome man defiling the White House. It's becoming clear that his goal is to destroy everything he possibly can with no regard for the welfare of people in his own country or around the world. What little support he had (many did not vote) is slipping away fast. He is a broken man intent on revenge.

    1. Anonymous3:52 pm

      Trump is a sadist. He probably hurt small animals as a child. I am so ashamed of my country.

  9. Good speech, well written and spoken. I worry for family and friends in the US. They are seeing food and essentials already rising at a dramatic rate.
    Trump and Vance are escalating world unrest, how much damage is going to be done in the next 4 years. Heaven help us. We need Europe and our allies to pull together as a united front. In my little world I'm avoiding buying anything that originates in the US,
    Have a good shift.

  10. Krayolakris12:55 pm

    We are living in a nightmare.

  11. I have cousins in the USA and have invited them to come to us in Australia if they need to get away. We have some unpleasant politicians here too, but at least we don't have guns.
    Art and Architecture, mainly

    1. The guns in our constitution were meant for the populace to keep the government from taking over. We are then able to defend ourselves from a government takeover.

    2. Well that’s going really well isn’t it. Refresh my memory what is the leading cause of death in children and teens in the US?

  12. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Yes Trudeau did well. Thank you for the video clip John. Jean in Winnipeg

  13. Canada already tariffs the US to death on imports already and we supply them military supports. Do you know Canada also has laws that protect jobs so that only if workers can't be found in Canada to do certain work then someone from another nation can be brought in and given that job(aka job protections). Trump is just evening the score with Canada.

    1. Anonymous2:13 pm

      Those who defend Trump will likely see the error of their ways before the year is out and the suffering is laid bare for all to see.

    2. Traveller2:24 pm

      Yes Canada has a points based immigration system. A US citizen cannot just walk across the border and get a job in Canada and, you know what, a Canadian citizen cannot just get a job in the US either.

    3. The tariffs are not sustainable, and they will collapse in on themselves, but not before people suffer. Even MAGA. And that is when the tide will turn. In the end, history will remember the words of Trudeau and the people who stood up to what is happening. The words of the sycophants will be lost in the miasma of angry noise.

    4. Please be so kind as to list the tariffs that Canada had on US goods prior to yesterday.

    5. In his last term, your President negotiated the USMCA/CUSMA/T-MEC which provides for increased trade and investment between the three parties. It was HIS agreement, that he is now saying is a bad deal. There was, built-in, a mechanism to resolve conflicts, but he has unilaterally decided to punish all taxpayers in favour of his oligarchs he kneels down to.
      As for the protection of jobs, that is true for both the USA and Canada.

  14. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Trump has proved that he is a puppet of Putin. Yes, elbows up. Eh. Gigi

    1. He has stated he is not for Putin nor is he for Zelinsky, he is for a ceasefire.

    2. Anonymous6:06 pm

      And you actually believe that!

  15. Anonymous3:26 pm

    This used to be a politic free blog. Why do you now incite people to spew bile.

    1. Anonymous3:56 pm

      It is important for people to discuss what is happening in the US. People will die due to reduced aid to foreign countries and reduced healthcare in the US. My country is now Nazi Germany, people won't be killed in ovens but by Trump's policies.

    2. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's John's blog and he can decide what he wants to post. I didn't hear any spewing of bile, rather a statement of facts.

    3. It is John's blog, and the content is up to him, freedom of speech works that way. If you don't like it feel free to leave. And BTW, here is no bile being "spewed" here only facts.

    4. This is what I said the other day about someone liking living in the U.S. they are welcome to move to somewhere they find better suited to their opinions.

    5. Anonymous5:24 pm

      This version of the US is not what I recognize so I'll not be leaving but will work to return it to democracy.

  16. Barbara Anne5:07 pm

    As I recently read, the definition of 'evil' is someone whose actions intentionally harm others or the planet. This is 100% true of the Felon Rapist. May his term be short before his impeachment and may that come quickly. Heaven help us all.


    1. Once again, having no facts people revert to name calling ,which loses the debate.

    2. Anonymous6:09 pm

      barbara anne you were ok with the Biden crime family ? child sniffer Biden, god only knows what must have gone on behind closed doors seeing he did that in public, Jen

    3. Anonymous8:10 pm

      Oh do be serious.

  17. I would say that President Trump is more the sow's ear than the silk purse.
    I see his intentions are all for good for the U.S.

    1. Anonymous8:28 pm

      Bwhahahahahaha. That comment really is sooooooo funny.

    2. All for the good of his billionaire, oligarch friends rather. But you'll see, sadly.

  18. What the U.S., my country, is doing is beyond belief, and more than a bit embarrassing. I feel like throwing up.

  19. Anonymous6:08 pm

    It’s just reciprocity. Canada puts 125% tariffs on US dairy. You can put your facts out there, but your “feelings” are silly.

    1. Traveller6:18 pm

      Dear Anon, please do check the terms of the trade agreement that was in place before Trump rescinded it.

  20. ilona7:39 pm

    Wasn't Trudeau the one who mandated the fake jabs in Canada, told the truckers they have to roll up their sleeves. If they refused they lost their jobs. Didn't the truckers have a show of strength and protest. Didn't Trudeau seize all their assets and close their bank accounts. Didn't he tow all their trucks away and store them in a compound. When they were eventually allowed to get their trucks out they found that all the windows had been left open and their cabs full of snow. And didn't Trudeau do a runner and disappear while all this was happening. I suppose I just made that story up because I am a conspiracy theorist.

    1. Well you do read and watch some dodgy sh*t, I do know that

    2. ilona9:14 pm

      No need to attack me. The story I quote is true.

    3. Anonymous9:42 pm

      It is not true. the COVID vaccine is not a “fake jab” and you do post a lot of strange stuff. For example
      “ Starmer is no peacemaker—he's an opportunist trying to rewrite history while pushing Britain further into the globalist agenda. Trump was calling for peace in Ukraine long before it was politically convenient.”

    4. ilona9:58 pm

      Can't have a conversation with those who will not reveal their name.

    5. That was me…now can we have the conversation about how the vaccine was effective?

  21. The Canadian president is a decent and strong gentleman
    That shows itself here very clearly to me
    Polarised comments as always and the personal insults to me remain, wrong, ilfounded and childish

    1. ilona9:19 pm

      You are mistaken John. He is not a decent man.

    2. Anonymous9:43 pm

      No Ilona, you are the one who is mistaken ….yet again

    3. ilona9:56 pm

      No Anon. You are the one who is mistaken.

  22. I am a Canadian, living in the US for thirty years. I am married to a American and because I've retained my Canadian citizenship, I cannot vote in the US. So I've had to watch. The first time this sick man was given platform in the White House I watched in disbelief as some friends and other seemingly well balanced people were able to overlook the character of the man and justify their vote. The second time around I watched in horror as they repeated their choice.

    As I see it, what we are witness to is no longer about politics. It is about morality and living with a value system that elevates us as humans.

    I am a woman of a certain age, and as many women in that age group, I was subjected, throughout my life, to glorified animals - disguised as men - who were in a position of power. I was raped once and fondled and touched inappropriately throughout my life by this type of 'man'. Not one was ever held accountable because I was repeatedly told that these men were too powerful and I would never win if I were to speak up against them. I was a single mother, I needed my job. What finally emerged from those experiences is that today I am one strong mother (fill in the rest), and I will speak up if it is necessary, come what may.

    I love both countries, but my family in Canada is upset, and I stand with them. Yes I am a nice Canadian, but a bully can only push nice so far.

    1. Katie
      Powerful and sobering
      Thank you


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes