
 Am I destined to return to Italy?
I hope so . 
Ive cancelled my trip to Rome in five weeks only because I’m up in the air with my diabetes 
I’ve no problem with that, I’ve got refunds on my accommodation and have swapped flights to July when Ruth and I are going to Madrid to see my lisping choir in person ( again) 
Their summer concert is Eurovision based and will be camp fun
The four months in between will allow for my health to stabilise.
I’m skint too, that’s just an observation not a gripe. 
Every bill has increased this year, including my mortgage, so I’ve booked a few extra shifts and have tightened my belt.
I will still try to go to the theatre and cinema when able ,as these treats keep me sane and I’m happy that I saved up for my sister’s 2025 birthday and Christmas gift last year, so our trip to the Royal Opera house to see Romeo and Juliet won’t come as a real shock.
Next year my friend Nige and I have tentatively planned to visit Naples
Only 141 miles to Rome


  1. Barbara Anne4:34 pm

    Love the music!!
    Wise of you to allow your diabetes to stabilize before you sally forth into the world of holiday travel. It will be lots more fun after you've gotten used to whatever diet and meds you'll be on.
    The Lisping Choir in person again? Delightful! Will this be Ruth's first time to see them?
    Our bills have risen, too, and that doesn't count the eye-watering cost of groceries now. Heaven help us all with the megalomaniacs in DC. Impeachment, anyone?


    1. I kind of fell in love with Madrid last time , now I can enjoy it all again

  2. Anonymous4:48 pm

    Smart to look ahead and see what makes sense, especially getting used to a new health regimen. We're looking at various economies too, I think it's the current way of the world.

    Cheers, and love to Roger.


  3. That all sounds very sensible, but still with nice things to look forward to. xx

    1. I feel my life has been taken over by sensibilities

    2. It's bloody awful being a grown up isn't it ... I'm about to abdicate, I've had enough. ;-)

  4. Keep your treats coming John. It's hard running a household completely on your own and you deserve some nice times xx

    1. Every billl has increased. My mortgage by over 100 pounds

  5. By the time you and Ruth head to Madrid, you'll be feeling so much better. Good times await! xx

    1. I’m feeling better already to be honest and that’s without medication

  6. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Sounds like sensible and enjoyable plans John. Flexible and pragmatic and no less enjoyable for that.
    Thank you for your blog; always frank, always profound, always inspiring.

  7. A nice time to be in Madrid. I hate worrying about money.

    1. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you had enough NOT to worry

    2. There was a time, but those days are gone!

  8. I think you did the right thing. Better to get a handle on your diabetes and in a routine before your trip in July. You'll probably have more of a feel for things by then.

  9. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Good moves, John, you should be feeling much better in a few weeks time and it will be good for you to have company on your trip to Madrid. Gigi

    1. Yes..I’m a little tired doing things on my own

  10. You're becoming a real groupie of the Lisping Choir! I hope they know they have such a devoted fan, it's a real compliment to them.

  11. Yorkshire Liz6:41 pm

    You are being sensible. If you don't mind theatre on screen, National Theatre Live costs £99 pa or £9.99 pm. Good value. There is an ever growing film list for free on YouTube, and if you like classic theatre I recommend the Shakespeare Network, 500 classic theatre plays, masterclasses and documentaries. Some famous and brilliant content.

    1. Thank you Liz for those ideas I’m not a lover of Shakespeare but I have a friend that Is

    2. Yorkshire Liz8:39 pm

      They are far from all Shakespeare, it is just the title. Free to subscribe to the Shakespeare Network. And as far as NTL is concerned, lots of other things including musicals. The free movies on YT are growing all the time. Search via a star or movie type. Between them, you should stay well entertained! Good luck!

  12. I know just how you feel about you I'm looking ahead and saving already xx

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Slow internet is confusing..I thought it wasn't loading because I hadn't touched the screen properly!!

    1. Things are hard for everyone , but. I do feel the pinch being a singe guy

  15. Your plans sound both sensible & wonderful! Glad to hear you're feeling better already. Stay safe & well, John dear.

  16. If you start up a "Go Fund Me" appeal, I will be happy to pitch in with a fiver.

  17. Anonymous9:12 pm

    I hope you meet some of the hour this year , especially the attractive tenor on your sidebar lol
    Great you are going with friend can I join you ?


  18. Oh how fun, a summer trip w Ruth, to Madrid! And seeing the choir live. Wonderful plan. Hope it's not too hot, I know you don't like hot weather.

  19. Traveller10:39 pm

    You are sounding more “you” in the last few posts….if that makes sense.

    When do the blacks get to venture out again and have you informed Roger?

  20. Feeling better, more stable, will make travel more fun. I could live in Rome.

  21. You've got a good plan. Getting healthy and travelling to some of your favorite places with great friends sounds perfect.

  22. Makes sense, John. You want to be feeling your best before you travel.

  23. Looking after your health comes first, play happens once that's stable. How sensible you are. We are finding prices skyrocketing here in NZ - certainly the transportation costs to the bottom of the earth exacerbate the problem. "cut your cloth" and all that ... boring and depressing.

  24. You're not a 'stay at home' person, so it's probably more a question of finding bargain trips rather than depriving yourself. Your diabetes shouldn't affect your travels.

  25. Carole R9:26 am

    Good idea to get your diabetes sorted before travelling.
    My sugar levels are always very good when I am on a city break, all the walking everywhere helps with the stability.

  26. You are wise. These are sound plans.


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