
 I have a whole selection of day dream fantasies, doesn’t everyone?
Places you go and visit when you’re warm in bed and your conscious minds flits like pond skaters do on the surface of the village pond.
My favourite recently is that I’m on a night train to somewhere. The sleeper is decked out ala North by Northwest or if not that American then say the train in From Russia With Love. 

Faded but smart
If you get the gist.
Of course I won’t be sharing ( that idea repulses me) but the thought of getting lulled to sleep by the noise of the train, intrigues me.
The man with a hole in his jumper doesn’t figure on any train, but the idea of meeting remains cinematic and dramatic in nature. It’s a scene from a gentle comedy film, wholly British with mr Jumper being scruffy but sweet and our meeting romantic and chaste

I have the money no object fantasy but it’s transported to a tv makeover where the cottage is a tardis with every to do task completed to the highest level of style and competence. 
The programme ends with me being presented with a baby bulldog from grateful friends in the village.

Sometimes I’m walking in New York like an aged Sarah Jessica Parker, off to meet friends for lunch at some bistro or other. And fantasies like these are fleeting and are almost like snapshots rather like little movies. 
I’m on stage singing ……singing like Ruby Rossi from Coda or Hyde from belting out This is the Moment ( you would never know I was gay would you?)

Sometimes I day dream of loved ones gone too
Bittersweet day dreams, like I said , that flit in and out of consciousness like pond skaters on the village pond


  1. I have pretty much stopped daydreaming, but I do think of the people now gone. Some little thing reminds me of some little event from long ago, and I think on it, and marvel at the way small details pop into my mind.

    1. I smell things in my daydreams, I think off my grandmother and smell cold cream

    2. I find that smell is often a 'trigger' for a memory. I will walk past something cooking or the smell of a pine tree or the scent of murphy's Oil Soap, and bam...triggered.

    3. Stew smells remind me of my mothers bad cooking

  2. Barbara Anne4:46 am

    Love your imaginative and fancy-free imagining all sorts of wonderful experiences. May you fly!
    At this time of year, my daydream fits in a Hygge book: soft, warm, cozy, comfy... but then, I'm a bit older than you are.


    1. My minds always on the go, typical Gemini

  3. Occasionally I dream of 'dogs past', running in the woods. Very emotional.

  4. When I'm doing housework (rare nowadays!), I imagine I'm cleaning someone else's house. The idea that someone is paying me to do it spurs me on, somehow. And all the familiar rooms, furniture and ornaments become much more interesting and exotic. xx

    1. I'll definitely have to try that! 😁

    2. Jo in Auckland7:39 pm

      Believe me HH after the first house the charm wears off... ask me how I know lol

    3. Well, I admit, after several decades, the novelty does wear off. Now I just look at the dust and think "Perhaps tomorrow..." 🤣 xx

    4. Tomorrow is another day

  5. Now I can no longer drive I daydream about being rich enough to have a private chauffeur and a posh car ready to drive me anywhere I want to go.

  6. I daydream all the time. Usually about places I want to visit but never shall.

  7. Yorkshire Liz9:59 am

    Wonderful to still have the capacity to daydream.

  8. I have daydreams but not like yours. My daydreams are mostly concerned with recollection - places I have been, people I knew, memories. And sometimes I am undertaking long walks that I have already trodden. There is very little fantasy as such.

  9. "Faded but smart," I must remember that the next time someone asks "How are you?"

  10. I don't tend to have any daydreams these days, perhaps it's something to do with Covid robbing me of any sense of smell. I used to pick up on the smallest of scents and be whisked back to places and scenarios from both the near and distant past. I do miss smelling things ... especially when my toast burns. :-(

    1. Smells trigger flashbacks in my experience

  11. Fantasy thoughts, often lead me quickly off to sleep. I need to try a long distance train someday.

    1. Don’t they have a trans continental express in the us?

  12. I have several worries troubling me right now so it's hard to get my mind off of those. :(

  13. I have had basically the same day dream since I was a child- a little cottage on a river I love, watching the sunset from my own dock as the birds fly in to roost, the water gently lapping, perhaps a rolling dolphin or two making their way back to the ocean after a day of feeding on river fish.

  14. Your last three lines read like a poem.
    I daydream that my late husband is justout in the garage putzing around.

  15. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Pond skaters skating on a village pond is perfect description. I often dream of having acreage and a small cottage near the ocean with loved ones having cottages near by and lots and lots of standard poodles and other dogs running happily in a fenced meadow/woodland.

  16. Jackie6:46 pm

    I am wondering if I daydream at all. I will come back to read all the comments later but I must say Dianne's words broke my heart because that is exactly what my husband does and I try my best to enjoy every day we have together.

    1. I think some daydreams are ways of processing grief

  17. Anonymous7:19 pm

    No daydreams here I can’t even imagine this. Something I’ve missed out on
    Lizzy d

  18. Jo in Auckland7:43 pm

    My daydreams seem to centre around actual renovations I need to do to finish the house off. It is an old rental that had never been updated the bathroom has been done and is wonderful but the kitchen... urgh! At the moment all I can think of is kitchen design and trying to fit in all I need in a small space with no walls.
    And the other daydream is spending the money if I win the Lottery hahaha. Fat chance but it's fun.

    1. Dreams as well as day dreams are just a way of processing the “ to do “ lists we all have

  19. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Like Dianne, I dream that my late husband is down at the boat just mucking about, and that he should be home soon. The only other thing I do is to remember in detail the day I met him and what he said, then what I said, and that was 40 years ago. That gets me to sleep if I am having a hard time. Gigi

    1. It's hard to carry on alone after so many years, Larry is still a large part of my life. We were married in 1974. I'm not good at being by myself. I'm glad your husband helps you to sleep!❤️

    2. Two sweet stories x thank u

  20. Anonymous4:00 am

    I had a romantic movie in my head about a man I had loved long ago.
    He died one year ago today, as it happens, and I rarely play the movie any more

  21. Anonymous9:12 am

    The overnight sleeper from Calais to Livorno was by far and way the least enjoyable journey I have ever taken. Nothing at all like the movies - Bel Ami

  22. I don't really daydream anymore, although I used to a great deal. I think for me, daydreaming was just so disappointing, or maybe it was life that was disappointing. Things almost never turned out like I wanted them to.


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