
 I’m feeling a bit better, even before I am to start on insulin,
I’m pleased by this.
I suspect my diabetic diet , is responsible for this as the peaks and troughs of my blood sugar have been ironed out a little.
And I have been strict .
Yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning out the kitchen cupboards without an afternoon nap .
Last night I read most of a book without falling asleep
Warmed by the fire , I was still awake at nine , as the twins swaggered down the stairs to take their place near the hearth .
Only then did I go to bed.
Today I’ve made bacon soup ( from the diabetic menu) and had a hot shower with Roger ( which he loves)
I listened to The Archers Omnibus on IPlayer, spoke to a friend and listened to music as the Welsh sat on my chest and the twins hovered nearby.
I listened with interest to the eloquent speech from Justin Trudeau waging economic war on Trump
Animal Helper Pat stopped for a chat and moments later Mrs Trellis dropped off dog treats wrapped in serviettes 
Sundays are a little long as they always say to me couple time 

Hey ho


  1. From the first sentence, should we deduce that you have been diagnosed as a Type I diabetic? I thought you had just entered the Type II category.

    1. I wondered the same, YP. I don't know much about diabetes, but did think insulin was only prescribed for T1. Anyway, glad you're feeling better, John. Onwards and upwards! xx

    2. No it can be given to type 2

    3. Anonymous2:24 pm

      Insulin is given to Type 2 diabetics usually only when other first line medications don't work..

    4. Didn't realise that, John. Well, I hope you can improve things with diet first, and with medication as a last resort.❤ xx

    5. Sometimes it’s given as a first resort depending on symptoms

  2. Glad you are feeling better, John!

  3. Anonymous12:58 pm

    Good to hear you are feeling better. Thank you John for mentioning Justin Trudeau’’s speech. I am pleased that you listened to it, and I hope others do also. It made Canadians proud to be Canadian, and I think captures our country’s dismay at Trump’s combative tone. We are figuratively cleaning out our kitchen cupboards. Lists are appearing on line, we are stocking up with only Canadian products from the grocery store. Jean in Winnipeg

  4. Krayolakris2:08 pm

    A cozy evening. Glad you’re feeling better. It’s really hard to live in the US right now.

  5. Glad you had a good day, John. Keep up the good work!

  6. Barbara Anne2:28 pm

    I'm so glad that the diabetic menu meals you've had have improved the way you feel and that you don't really need naps during the day. Are you to start on insulin first or take a diabetic pill like Diabinese (sp?) to see if the pill manages your blood sugar level successfully?
    Wish I could take a pill to restore my energy level! Maybe those Puppy Uppers that were talked about on SNL?
    Charming photo of Weaver and Bun enjoying the warmth of the fire.


  7. Sorry about tRump, I voted against him, he is out to destroy us. If anyone can manage an illness, you can. You will do fine.

  8. So good to hear! Ah, life can be sweet... when it sets its mind so to do.

  9. I admire you for tackling the diabetes head-on and earnestly.

  10. Trump's unilateral decision to end free trade in North America and return to protectionism is the equivalent of a "forced Brexit" for Canada and Mexico. Tough times are ahead for everyone, including American consumers.

  11. Good news that your care plan is starting to take effect.
    Onwards and upwards.

  12. I wonder how long you've had diabetes without knowing it. Do you think it's responsible for your recurrent kidney/bladder issues? I think I remember you saying at some point that the doctors were watching your blood sugar so maybe you were aware of being borderline for some time. (Apologies for not remembering the details!)

    I thought Justin Trudeau did an excellent job making clear that Canada was being forced into this position, just as the rest of the world is being forced into uncomfortable circumstances by the USA's new lunatic-in-chief.

  13. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm prediabetic as well, but not strict with my diet at all sadly. For me, exercise is what helps and I got my HgbA1C down from 6.6 to 6.2, so happy enough with that.
    Why is the doc starting you on insulin and not oral meds? Just curious.

  14. So good to hear you're feeling better! Sweet photo of the twins enjoying the fire.

  15. I’m so glad that you are getting a handle on this and can look forward to consistently feeling better. This and getting a good sleep can do wonders for so much. Well done!

  16. Oh, I didn’t know you had to start on insulin. Hope all goes smoothly and you feel much better as a result.

  17. Is eating regularly a thing as well?

  18. Anonymous5:27 pm

    How often are you checking your blood sugars? I'm surprized that you will be going straight to insulin. Metformin or another oral med is the first choice unless the pancreas is really under performing. My pal's husband was on Metformin, then Ozempic. Ozempic did nothing for his sugars or his weight.

  19. I saw a meme the other day that unfortunately says it all for us here in the U.S. with Trump's tariffs:

    "It's really cool to live in the U.S.A. at this point because it's like the downfall of the Roman Empire but with Wi-Fi."

  20. Seeing an improvement with diet changes is good. I'm glad you have a plan for health and wellness.
    The fire in the stove with the Bun and Weaver sitting near looks very cozy.

  21. Anonymous6:32 pm

    I am glad you are feeling better on your new eating plan. Well fRump has done it. Canada has started by putting 25% tariffs on imports from the red states. Ontario has taken all American booze off the shelves. I don’t think I will need any product from USA that can’t be found elsewhere. That dope just gives me anxiety and I don’t need it. I feel very sorry for the Americans who did not vote for him. I heard, but not sure if it is true or not, that musk has been given access to to all government information on all US citizens. Oh boy, they have lost so much with this president, and all in two weeks. He will never get Canada, we will defend ourselves. Gigi

    1. Gigi, what you heard about Musk is true. He now has access to my Social Security number and everyone else's along with other critical information about each of us along with control of government payments. He is an un-elected person who has now become our overlord in what looks like a coup. My apologies to our allies who must think we've lost our minds.

    2. Ulp...I missed this.

  22. Jackie6:43 pm

    I’m pleased you are feeling better. My Mother had adult onset diabetes and so does a close friend. Once they got into a routine they managed it very well. My niece was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is taking Mounjaro - she says a great side effect is weight loss. Hang in there - you've got this!

  23. John, you know what has been a great game changer for me? I eat a very large protein rich breakfast: two hardboiled eggs, plain yogurt (make it myself) with flax seed and blueberries, half a wheat 'sandwich thin' slathered with peanut butter, and a couple slices of nice cheddar along with my coffee. I was surprised to find that this breakfast will hold me until supper. I eat a very large tossed salad for supper. My glucose readings have really settled down. I am hopeful to get out of this without insulin or drugs, and I really am proud of myself.

    1. Anonymous11:47 pm

      Food only takes up to 4 hours to empty from the stomach, perhaps your system has just got used to not eating again until later in the day.

    2. Proteins take longer to digest, Anon. It's not as straightforward as you seem to think. Food breaks down at different rates. Carbohydrates break down the quickest.

    3. Anonymous3:19 pm

      Yes food breaks down at differerent rates but your stomach will still have emptied after 4 hours unless ypu have an illness that prevents it from doing so. There are fast proteins and slow proteins, fast passes through the stomach in a couple of hours, slow proteins take longer but will still have exited the stomach in 4 hours.
      So it is in fact quite straightforward.

  24. Anonymous9:24 pm

    I's a shame that you have to be given insulin for Type 2, perhaps you've tried other meds first?
    I expect you know but in case you don't - you will need to inform the DVLA that you're on insulin.
    You don't have to inform them if you're type 2 diabetic on other meds, e.g Metformin but it's a legal requirement for driving to tell them if you're on insulin.
    Hope all goes well.

  25. You still have a couple of cats and I don't know how many dogs. I saw a small anecdote today in which a depressed, suicidal fellow called up one of his friends and asked "What is the point of it all?" After a pause the friend replied gently "Mornings are nice." And the first friend got better.

  26. Good to hear that the diet is working..with any luck you will eventually be able to manage with just that.
    Ear scratches all round to the furry tribe xx

  27. Good for you for taking care of yourself! You are a better man than I to listen to politics these days.

  28. It's good to hear that the better diet is already giving you some improvement, I hope it continues this way for you. xx

  29. Katie C.2:03 pm

    What do you think is the biggest change being suggested in your diabetic diet? My guy has been borderline for several years and if I can change some (more) of his diet to help him that would be great!


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