Walking Out On Callas

 I’m running late.
Last night I caught up on sleep and although I’m not quite right, I feel a little more rested.
I drank tea from my new dinosaur cup and planned the day
I have to drive over to Abergele to see my clients, not too far but. 22 mile around trip.

Last night I went to see Maria 
It was dreadful. Lazily written and a showcase for Angeline Joline rather than Maria Callas herself., the story of the last two weeks of the Diva’s life was little more than a pout on screen. 
You see a lot of Joline and very little of Callas 
And that was a shame. 
I walked out

Sue was in the field yesterday.
The ponies return very soon
What fun


  1. I was debating going to see this, but with your review I might just wait until it ends up on one of the streaming services and save myself some money.

    1. I read the guardian review this afternoon and it was glowing

    2. Yorkshire Liz8:52 pm

      Well, if the Guardian review is glowing, that says it all. Guardian reviews are incredibly po-faced and woke (they always hate films I love: go figure) yet as little reflection of the popular zeitgeist. Have never been convinced by Angelina Jolie, a very preening self indulgent actress. What IS this trend for classical music biopics lately? And as if the last fortnight of Callas's life was as interesting/intriguing as the rest of it! Walking out is a strong statement, and very satisfying!
      But I do love your teapot!

    3. I would rather rely on your review than that of the Guardian, John. You have never let me down before.

  2. Very much agree with your review John. I watched it last week on Netflix and was relieved when it finally ended. Glad you're on the mend. X

  3. Bravo and walking out on a mediocre film.

    1. I’m never shy at walking out but only after a good hour of trying

  4. Glad you're on the mend. What a shame about the film. That's why I haven't been to the cinema for years, the risk of being disappointed. I remember my daughter's review of The Lord of the Rings - "3 and a half hours about a ring. Makes your bum numb!"
    I wonder what the twins will make of the ponies? xx

  5. Oh dear. I was looking forward to "Callas." Alas.

  6. It's good to know you feel a bit more rested, and
    Yippie about the ponies returning,-Mary

    1. I can’t wait to sniff up pony noses

  7. Anonymous12:56 pm

    I love the dinosaur mug. A cheery start to the day. It’s good to her you are getting better. Well done on the A and also what a lovely supportive comment, that you’ve changed re your counselling role, two positive things to tuck away and enjoy. Jean in Winnipeg

    1. The praise came at just the right time

  8. I'm glad you're on the mend. I'm sure the jolly dinosaur mug helped. x

    1. Dino themed rubbish always brightens my day

  9. Anonymous1:55 pm

    I saw Tyne Daley play her brilliantly on stage (and she did her own singing) and I think I'm also one of the very few people to have have seen the great Fanny Ardant play her in the almost completely forgotten Callas Forever - Bel Ami

    1. I never envisioned ms Daley being a soprano

  10. Glad you are feeling better. What did the blood test show? My son has been having terrible fatigue and it might be his thyroid. Blood test tomorrow. I wondered if your thyroid has been checked, John.

    1. I’m till waiting for my blood results

  11. Good to hear you are on the mend. Don't overdo it!

    1. I have done, the bathroom sprung a leak

  12. I've just been eyeballing this on our local cinema website. I think I'll give it a miss. Can't stand Joli anyway.

  13. Barbara Anne5:33 pm

    Love the dinosaur mug! We had all things dinosaur when DS1 was small. He intended at that time growing up to be an archeologist but instead now digitally designs working parts for joint replacements. I still have one of the twin size dinosaur sheets if you're in need of it!
    Take care of you as you try to get back to work and your routine. Baby steps, naps, and lots of water/tea/and such.


    1. Oh dinosaur sheets , be still my beating heart !!!!

  14. Damselfly5:35 pm

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. The dinosaur mug is guaranteed to brighten your day!
    Safe travels to & from seeing clients today.
    Rest well this evening and soon you'll be back in tip top shape!

    1. I adore everything dinosaur
      It’s the little boy John in me

  15. Oh, no. I was hoping to see and enjoy Callas.

    1. Go and see it but you won’t feel as though you’ve seen callas

  16. Anonymous7:58 pm

    It’s wonderful that you have bounced back so quickly from your illness You must be very resilient. And healthier than you realise. So good to know you’re ok
    Lizzy d

    1. I’m not back to normal Lizzy . But I have three days off now before my next shift which I had planned to potter gently, but I had a flood at home this afternoon !!!!

    2. Oh how dreadful, a big anxiety fear if mine.

  17. I'm so glad to see you up and at 'em again. And I couldn't agree with you more on the film. Crappola. What a lost opportunity.

    1. I should have gone with gut feeling that I would not enjoy it

  18. Good for you for walking out! Many would stay on the grounds they paid for it so have to stay.

  19. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Tell me more about the teapot


  20. Yorkshire Liz8:56 pm

    The last thing you need is a flood- especially in winter! Hope you got it all sorted OK. Exhausting coping with emergencies, especially when you are in "I-don't-have-time-for-this!" mode. Much fellow feeling coming your way!

  21. Yay...you're feeling better!
    Like you, I do not sit through movies that are not for me. MC was a talented opera singer and she led an interesting life, it is too bad the film was not well done.
    It will be great to have the ponies back in the field. You might post a photo and that would be nice.

  22. My wife has been wanting to see it. I shall show her your critique.


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