Walking Out On Callas

 I’m running late.
Last night I caught up on sleep and although I’m not quite right, I feel a little more rested.
I drank tea from my new dinosaur cup and planned the day
I have to drive over to Abergele to see my clients, not too far but. 22 mile around trip.

Last night I went to see Maria 
It was dreadful. Lazily written and a showcase for Angeline Joline rather than Maria Callas herself., the story of the last two weeks of the Diva’s life was little more than a pout on screen. 
You see a lot of Joline and very little of Callas 
And that was a shame. 
I walked out

Sue was in the field yesterday.
The ponies return very soon
What fun


  1. I was debating going to see this, but with your review I might just wait until it ends up on one of the streaming services and save myself some money.

  2. Very much agree with your review John. I watched it last week on Netflix and was relieved when it finally ended. Glad you're on the mend. X

  3. Bravo and walking out on a mediocre film.

  4. Glad you're on the mend. What a shame about the film. That's why I haven't been to the cinema for years, the risk of being disappointed. I remember my daughter's review of The Lord of the Rings - "3 and a half hours about a ring. Makes your bum numb!"
    I wonder what the twins will make of the ponies? xx

  5. Oh dear. I was looking forward to "Callas." Alas.

  6. It's good to know you feel a bit more rested, and
    Yippie about the ponies returning,-Mary

  7. Anonymous12:56 pm

    I love the dinosaur mug. A cheery start to the day. It’s good to her you are getting better. Well done on the A and also what a lovely supportive comment, that you’ve changed re your counselling role, two positive things to tuck away and enjoy. Jean in Winnipeg


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