
First thing I drove to Holywell Hospital for a blood test with an overly brusque phlebotomist, so treated myself to Avocado and eggs on sourdough at Sainsburys. 

It was nice to get out of my pyjamas, but I was tired out by lunchtime, so I had  small nap before supervision

Every two weeks I meet with a specially trained senior supervisor to discuss my clients 

Supervision is ..

 "A specialised form of mentoring provided for practitioners responsible for undertaking challenging work with people. Supervision is provided to ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken."

I enjoy supervision

Today my supervisor shared something with me as I was discussing a somewhat challenging client. 
“ You’ve changed “  she observed simply 
The comment took me by surprise so much that I went quiet 
“ You are becoming an effective counsellor “ she added with a gentle smile

And suddenly I was a child again, thrilled at some much craved for praise and acceptance “ 


  1. What have we all been telling you? Well done and well deserved praise.
    Hope the bug is dissipating, and glad Weaver will have to stick to cat food, not human flesh! xx

  2. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Well done! Phillis

  3. Barbara Anne9:24 pm

    Ah, praise is sweet music to your ears! All the sweeter since you've felt so awful in recent days. Applause!
    Hope you could taste the Sainsburys food as that could be a sx of recovery!?


  4. You are well and truly on the right path. Now take care and get well.

  5. We all need praise.

  6. Damselfly9:57 pm

    Wonderful feedback from your supervisor! 😊👏

  7. Sometimes the least amount of words can mean the most old lad. Hope that you are feeling better soon

  8. Anonymous11:07 pm

    we all need a boost to our self esteem now and again, well done John, i hope you soon feel better xx

  9. Bless your supervisor and you!

  10. What a lovely compliment from your supervisor, and well earned I am sure. I can tell you listen and care about people, from reading your blog these many years.

  11. Anonymous12:57 am

    You will make a wonderful counselor! Cali

  12. Anonymous1:50 am

    Congratulations, John!! Enjoy her words. They are true and your clients are so lucky.
    I’m so proud of you, and for you. Carol in Atlanta

  13. Anonymous1:52 am

    Yay! How wonderful to be acknowledged. Feel better. Olivia

  14. Ah ... supervisors don't heap on undeserved praise - that is not their role... Praise from her is praise indeed. You should be very proud of yourself, and coping after that nasty flu bug is even more meritorious. You are fantastic!!

  15. Well done. And I presume you are feeling a bit better. Keep taking the pills!

  16. Receiving praise makes us feel so good! Just what you need for a good dose of positivity and energy. Hope you are on the mend, even if you need to pace yourself.

  17. Definitely getting there! Hard work but worth it

  18. I read this blog. You are not just an effective counsellor but also utterly awesome!

  19. What the hell were you before you became an "effective counsellor"? When she said you had changed, I naturally thought she was talking about your underwear.

  20. Yorkshire Liz8:58 am

    Two little words that can change your world and your view of yourself. That is the equivalent of a red ribbon, a tick VG and shooting stars, all at once. And just when you were at a low ebb and needed a boost. That is a great start to a new year.

  21. High praise indeed. Well done, you have worked hard and finally some good reward for you. I don't imagine for one moment the sincerity behind her comment. It must be so rewarding for her too to know how competent you are now at the very difficult job if counselling.

  22. Anonymous11:01 am

    Well deserved John xx Kath

  23. We all need praise, especially when it is well deserved. xx

  24. Excellent. Glad you’re able to get out of bed and especially happy for your well-deserved, I’m sure, praise!

  25. And that is good medicine.


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