I couldn’t make college today but still had to get my podcast assignment turned in to turnitin to be marked. The podcast outlining best practice of the disorder PTSD was a ten minute snap shot recording which sounds simple enough to complete unless you have a wracking cough , flu and two kittens determined to get in on the action.

My fifth attempt had me swearing for fucks’  sake!!! at the eight minute mark as the twins yowled loudly  under the kitchen door. My sixth was aborted after some Typhoid Mary coughing and several more for fucks sake ! Yells.

I swear I was in tears by attempt twelve. 

I almost got dressed and went around to sailor John next door, to see if he would present the whole thing for me , but I pushed through, had a lemsip and thought What would Angela Rippon do in this situation?

Big breaths and carry on!

I nailed it on my 17th attempt save for several muffled coughs and one contained fart .

My recent academic poster earned me an A which I was tickled pink about, let’s see how this goes


  1. That's probably wiped you out for the day, but tomorrow will be easier.

  2. Well, after that lot, you should at least get an A* for effort! xx

  3. Barbara Anne5:38 pm

    Well done in trying until you succeeded tho I am certain it was tiring, annoying, and no fun to have to plug on and on. Yep, you deserve an A for effort against all odds, too.
    Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


  4. This whole post had me in stitches at your expense. Thanks for the good laugh today!!!

  5. That contained fart was the last straw! HAHAHAHAHA!

  6. Jo in Auckland6:14 pm

    You may well be dying but your sense of humour is still completely on point...I haha'd all through that! An A+ is the only outcome in my mind. Fingers crossed for that and you being well again.

  7. Oh, and I thought we were going to get to hear some of the efforts. Better left hidden, your descriptions had me grinning like an alligator in a hen house.

  8. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Is a contained fart high pitched ?


    1. Not necessarily, Lee, but I bet it makes your eyes water! xx

    2. Haven't got one.9:35 pm

      Surely a contained fart has little or no sound, it's just brewing!

  9. Well, you must know it by heart by now - at least the first bit.

  10. Some days are a challenge from beginning to the end. With a heroic effort you got your work done ad met the deadline. Are you feeling any better?

  11. You met your deadline AND got an A on previous assignment. I say Well done. Feel better soon.

  12. Well done you for completing it.

  13. Sorry it took 17 tries, it sounds great.

  14. Anonymous9:50 pm

    You can rest assured you haven't got flu. Anyone who's had it can tell you that you wouldn't be able to be up out of bed and doing a podcast.

    1. Nice to see a medical doctor reads going gently

  15. Your perseverance paid off,Brava -Mary

  16. Haven't got one.10:35 pm

    Glad you got your work sorted, eventually. You are supposed to be relaxing and getting better not stressing yourself out. I know what you mean though. Poor twins, they will pick up on your mood and wonder what's happening. I have to have complete silence when I do paperwork, emails and the like. Kittens in another room with food and water, and no ticking clocks.
    Sounds like you were in a different room but the twins knew you were there because of the talking and wanted your company.
    In my middle teens, my Dad at work, my Mum returned from shopping to find me at the table doing my homework. She looked to the mantlepiece to check the time and said, " Where's the clock?" It was in the other room, on the sofa, under a cushion. I still can't stand ticking clocks to this day.
    I know you had to get your work in, and I can feel your stress and frustration, I hope you've now had a stiff drink or two and chilled.
    I too get stressed about some things, so that's rich coming from me!
    Hugs to all,

  17. Hope that gets a good mark!
    There is a truck driver that will need help locally (NZ)... A woman intentionally walked out in front of him on a fast section of the state highway.
    He didn't have a chance to stop .
    Heartbreaking for both..he will need counselling like one of Pirate's friends who had a car driven into his tanker ( thankfully not a fuel tanker) and a sympathetic employer

  18. It made me giggle to read "contained fart"...I'm glad you completed the assignment.

  19. Haven't got one.3:12 am

    Whoops! Sorry, how did that happen?! Two!!!

  20. Angela Rippon would be proud of you!

  21. So funny! - but not for you though!

  22. I’d love to see the expression on your face during the contained fart!

  23. John, just look at what you were able to do, in the midst of this shit storm of a flu! Bravo! When I am sick, I'm a big, old baby and can't do a damn thing but suffer under the covers. Oh, kittens! More self-centered than teenagers. May the force be with you!

  24. Get well soon, John! That's hysterical, although I'm sure you don't think so. Reminds me of working from home during Covid. I'd be in meetings and the dog would plant her nose on her doorbell to go out. The chime sits in the room where I was working.

  25. You may have PTSD from recording this.

  26. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Congrats on the A! Feel better soon. Cali

  27. I had the same thought as Ms Moon -- maybe they're trying to get you to personally experience PTSD! You get an A for effort, in any case.

  28. Well done on your A mark! Kath x


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