A Man Eaten By His Cats

 I’ve just got up
Just before 8pm I realised that I’ve been in bed for 24 hours.
Ewan ( Trendy Carol’s hubby) kindly collected the dogs this morning so I could fester in my own Petrie dish of a bed all day. 
I’ve not moved except to feed the twins and to urinate 
And that was a trial 

I’m shivery so downed paracemol and was grateful to have some chicken soup left by Mrs Trellis in a vintage thermos ( the one with the cork stopper) to drink. I’ve forced myself to light the fire, and am wrapped in my duvet on the couch. 
Confused by it, Roger gave it a quick wee on the corner
I haven’t bothered wiping it yet

Being single and unwell is a ball ache
When I was in my late 30s and alone in my Hillsborough house I suffered a late bout of Chicken pox which floored me. 
It was the only time I honestly thought I was dying , and I remember then thinking my cats Betty and Joan would be happy eating my corpse after my demise.
I was effectively single then, 
My partner at the time was an arse.

Today Weaver watched me carefully from her corner of the bed. 
It was afternoon
I presumed it was Weaver as she refused to approach me , and sat there stoically with narrow eyes
“ fuck off” I moaned at her “ You’re only waiting for me to die” 
I’m sure she was smiling

The fire has gone out because I’ve not tended it
We are all off to bed again


  1. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Fuck this made me laugh

    Lee ( sorry :-(

  2. Barbara Anne9:14 pm

    Bless Ewan and Mrs Trellis for services rendered today. So sorry you're still feeling so miserable and hope you're soon on the mend. Meanwhile, more soup, hot tea, tend the fire as long as you're awake and in the room, wash the duvet and dry it when you wake up.
    I'd be over to help if not for that ocean that's in the way.


  3. Had to giggle at the image of Weaver eyeing you up for her next meal. Being ill is the pits, but you have some wonderful friends and neighbours keeping an eye on you. I hope the paracetamol and chicken soup work their magic overnight and you wake feeling slightly better. Sending healing virtual hugs. xx

  4. Anonymous9:30 pm

    Keith here in Ohio
    I feel your pain
    I once had cardiac overload and saw no one for 4 days at home

  5. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Glad you have such lovely friends

  6. Perhaps she was deciding which bits to start on first.

  7. I have been told that cats will start nibbling at you long before the dogs will.

  8. Damselfly10:23 pm

    You've still your sense of humor and your storytelling ability is in fine shape. I'm so sorry you're feeling utterly miserable, but with the kindness of your community (Ewan & Mrs. Trellis) you should be good as new before too long.
    I will admit to laughing at the title of the post and smiling at the thought of Weaver/Bun eyeing you from her corner of the bed.
    Rest well, John dear.

  9. Apart from the (minor) fear of dying, and if I have enough food, I prefer to be on m own when I'm ill. Nothing worse than pretending to others that you feel better than you actually are.

  10. Apparently, cats eat the eyeballs first. Just FYI.

  11. Lol. This made me laugh...although I feel terrible for you. Honestly, though, I knew a blogger who lived in Arizona. An old man lived in the desert with a pack of dogs. He died. He fed the dogs. When it was discovered, the dogs were being euthanized (shot) as they were found (they free ranged). She was so outraged she went out, trapped as many as she could and brought them home. Moral of the story? Do not die. People tend to deal with man eating animals very harshly, and I know that you love your pack.

  12. Anonymous11:06 pm

    Poor Darling ! If you like I'll move in with you . You will need to pay for my air fare. I live near the South Pole. Also, I am very bossy. You may find this difficult at first:)

  13. Being alone when you're sick sucks, the only thing worse is being with an absolutely useless partner:)

  14. It's awful to be sick while we're single , I'm glad you have friends helping you a bit,heal safely and soon,
    xx -Mary

  15. I am a widow living alone and I know what you mean, being sick and on your own is the pits. Of course your neighbors are looking out for you, thank goodness. My sons live in the same city I do, and I set up the system of sending them a text every day. That way they know I'm OK. I wouldn't want to be found dead a few days later with a distressed pup.

  16. You must have the 3-day version of the wretched virus. Keep the fluids going and stay warm. I hope you feel better soon. Is Weaver still giving you the evil eye? Silly girl.

  17. There are worse things than being ill alone, at least you can wallow in peace. How odd to get chicken pox as an adult. It must be quite awful.

  18. Anonymous2:50 am

    I too send a photo or text to at least one of my girls to let them know I am not dead yet. Today I sent a pic of my feet wearing my new shoes. Would hate to die and rot before they missed me. I think my neighbours keep an eye on me too. You are very lucky to have such good people looking out for you, but you would do the same for them. Keep nice and cozy, hydrated, and medicated and feel better soon. Feed those pussies well so they don’t keep eyeing you! Gigi

  19. I caught glandular fever when I was living alone in London's Bayswater. The Housekeeper took pity on me, and brought me some 'boiled mincemeat' to eat. I preferred to starve, it was disgusting. I've never forgotten it!

  20. What a nightmare! Bad enough to be sick and alone than have someone depending on you as well. Also to have something so infectious. Glad Ewan and Mrs Trellis have helped. Hope you feel a bit better very soon, although, even then I hear, it leaves you feeling very weak for quite a while.

  21. Being ill, single, and having critters depending on you is the Pits. But fortunately you have good friends, and I'm glad they are helping, both with the animals and with your needs. I feel pretty useless from the far side of the world, - my suggestions are ... MORE fluids (until you float away), MORE paracetamol, MORE decongestants (including an inhalation, if you can find something to inhale!) and MORE of whatever you feel like eating, no matter how far from the ideal diet it is! Poor John, more sympathy from us all too!

  22. Glad you help taking the dogs out and supplying chicken soup. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  23. I'm laughing. Weaver is beginning to sound like something from an Edgar Allen Poe story. I'm so glad you have some good neighbours around looking out for you - as you would for them. x

  24. Athene8:34 am

    Oh, I hear you - one of the few times I wish I had a partner. It sucks being ill on your own. Cats are indifferent nurses at the best of times, mine often come up and lick my hand and I think they are just checking for edibility. Hope you’ve turned the corner and will start feeling better soon.

  25. Glad you’re getting lots of sleep. Hope it runs its course quicly. This post was funny in a twisted sort of way. At least you don’t have to worry about how you like. Cats eat faces.

  26. I wonder which part of you they would eat first. Do they like sausages?

  27. Oh John, it has to suck being sick and alone, save for your furry little demons who seem only to care about meal time. I've always told my friends if I don't show up for something you can know that I've died and our cats were eating my corpse, so have the police find me so you're not traumatized by my half-eaten body.

  28. My son is just recovering from a virus that affected his thyroid and gave him terrible fatigue. He will have another blood test at the end of this week to see if his thyroid levels are better. Hope you are drinking plenty of fluids and eating something healthy. Please check with your doctor if you don't improve, John.

  29. krayolakris3:03 pm

    A fellow singleton here John, and seem to remember a similar event a year ago. Sending healing wishes across the pond, and hoping you receive more soup. My cats would probably pile onto me until I ceased being a heat source, then it’s anyone’s guess how they’d proceed.

  30. To Anonymous, how does your comment help John? To John get well soon buddy .


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