
 It’s four pm and I’m not going into work
I’ve finally succumbed to that nasty virus which is doing the rounds,and have retired to bed with four organic hot water bottles. 
Two kittens on one side, two Welsh on the other.
My body is checkpoint Charlie, with Weaver darting occasionally over the border in order to smack an odd ear or wagging tail.
Best laid plans ! 
I’ve eaten some fruit that’s all 

It’s now not long after seven and I’ve just got up to walk the dogs, albeit briefly . 
I’ve showered in a hot shower ( with Mary who needed a bath) .the Welsh adore hot showers btw
And I’ve put beans and spiced sausage in the slow cooker to make soup and I’m going back to bed dressed in long johns and several walking dead t shirts 
This flu virus is vicious


  1. I hope it passes swiftly on its way and you recover quickly.

    1. I’ve just had a lemsip laced with gin

  2. Oh no! I hope you feel better. It took me a second to figure out what an "organic hot water bottle" was. :)

  3. Take the best care of yourself that you can,I hold you soon fell better
    - Mary

    1. Oops meant to say I hope you soon feel
      better -Mary

    2. Anonymous8:43 pm

      Yes , you work in the public sector , perhaps masks should be worn again

  4. I wish I could pop round to administer soup, brow soothing, medication, dog and cat sitting services and whatever else you need for a speedy recovery. I won't preach to the converted by saying look after yourself, keep hydrated, etc. Ooops, I just have done! Oh well, what I mean to say is get well soon. xx

  5. I hope a border war doesn't break out. I hope you recover from that nasty virus soon.

    1. At least I’m forcing a kinda truce

  6. Damselfly6:10 pm

    So sorry to hear that nasty virus has laid you low. Rest well, hydrate often, and enjoy those four organic hot water bottles. My cats always snuggle a bit closer when I'm laid low with something, and it's comforting.
    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  7. It's cold everywhere and viruses are rampant. Take care. Wish I could run a bowl of soup over.

  8. Nelliegrace6:32 pm

    Company, warmth, and entertainment. I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Barbara Anne6:37 pm

    So sorry you're under the weather but you're certainly in the best place and are keeping cozy with the furry crew.
    Love the wonderful music and listening to it is sure to make the germs succumb. Or so I hope!
    Hope you have ready made chicken soup in the fridge or cabinet, many varieties of teabags, and sufficient cat and dog food that you won't have to leave the cottage until you're well again.


  10. They are looking after you. But you need to look after yourself and ease back on those night shifts

  11. Anonymous6:51 pm

    You have such a nice life. Even when you’re sick!

  12. Rest and take care of yourself.

  13. Oh I am so sorry for you! You are run down and exhausted. It is good that you and your contagious viruses are home in bed. I imagine the hospice patients are very frail and at risk of such illness. Feel better soon. [did you ever get your bloodwork done? I did mine last week. Hoping for good or helpful results for us both.]

  14. I feel sad knowing you're there not well with just the furries to keep you company. Get well soon John.
    I was in the hospital ED yesterday with another kidney stone - excruciating pain, even vomited - spent 5 hrs. before coming home. Bob has just completed the chemo infusions for his cancer and had a blood transfusion last week, another this week. Life revolves around hospital, cancer center, doctor offices - and now it's freezing so we hate going out.
    But there are so many suffering much worse in fires, bombings, hell on earth situations all around the world.
    We do the best we can.
    Hugs - Mary x

  15. Anonymous7:20 pm

    Try and rest easy between the warring factions, hope you get well soon. Jan in Castle Gresley

  16. The wretched virus is making the rounds again.
    Take care and get well soon.

  17. Barbara Anne8:00 pm

    Good to read your update and am glad you have soup ingredients in the slow cooker for later. Good, too, you're dressed in layers and are sleeping a lot. The Welsh must have enjoyed their outing so hope the effort of that walk didn't do you in.


  18. Hugs and quick healing wishes

  19. You poor thing, so miserable for you. I hope you feel a bit better in the morning.

  20. Get well soon. Enjoyed the symphony.


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