Nothing Day

 I’m going to quiet on Going Gently for a few days
I will be on night shifts some extra to cover staff absences.
The extra money will be useful . 
It’s minus 2 here today and I’m going back to bed soon as a sleep before night shifts is the only way I make it through nowadays.
The Welsh love this siesta time and climb under the duvet with enthusiasm 
It’s antisocial though and for the next five days I’m not going to see a soul save for people at work
I hate that
I had brunch at sainsburys  
And lit the fire when I got home 


  1. Take care of yourself, John. xo

  2. Hope you return feeling better.

  3. Take care on the roads. We'll see you in a few days. x

  4. All will be well in a few days. Take care. We'll see you when it is right.

  5. See you when you're back in the blogosphere!

  6. Keep warm, drive safely, sleep deeply and I hope all the extra shifts are easy on you. We'll all be here whenever you feel up to it! xx

  7. Enjoy your escape if you can. See you soon.

  8. Rest well and take care. We will miss you.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes