

When we got home after counselling earlier I suddenly noticed Roger standing in the kitchen doorway looking worried.
He had his usual “It’s not my fault” expression on his face and suddenly I  heard the sound of dripping water.
The bathroom sink had overflowed and the water had leaked down into the kitchen to a depth of an inch.
The twins were sat on the kitchen table, marooned 
Both yowled at me loudly
I swore like a docker. 
Life is like this is it not?
Nice positives yesterday
Fuck off disasters today 

Bollocks twat cunt !!!!


  1. Bugger, damn, fuck as well. Just when things seem to be going right, life has a habit of sticking its bloody great size 9's in. I hope the damage isn't too great. xx

    1. I’ve just finished cleaning and drying

  2. I hope it's not TOO expensive to fix the damage.

  3. Damselfly10:51 pm

    Did you have pipes that froze?
    Hope the repairs are not horribly expensive.

    1. My fault I left the tap running in the Bathroom xx

  4. Not good. Did the water come down the stairs or through the ceiling?

  5. I must admit to having a preference for "shit, wank and bollox" as my expletives of the moment. Better days ahead old lad..

    1. Wank isn’t a swear word in. My cottage

  6. Well shit, that's not good.

  7. John - I am assuming you, as an intelligent homeowner with a mortgage, has homeowner's insurance. Now is the time to contact them. (Advice (wanted or otherwise) from a retired insurance claims agent.

  8. Plumbing and water damage are never easily dealt with.
    It happens to the best of us.
    A few years ago, I had to replace hardwood floors and repair the heat pump that caused the l flood. The heat pump engineer found that a spider built a nest inside the heat pump evaporation line that took water outside. When the water flow was blocked, in spilled into the living room.
    Never a dull moment!

  9. Aieeeeeee! You just had the bathroom renovated!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:54 am

    OMG so sorry I'm laughing but you make the most horrible situations funny with your writing style! Linda

    1. Anonymous1:41 pm

      I feel like I should explain. I am thinking the twins did it and Roger didn't want to be blamed. Linda

    2. I wouldn’t be at all surprised that it was weaver

  11. Not good. Short of washing away, water is the worst damage to fix. Best wishes.

  12. How did this happen? You left the tap on, the twins turned it on, a pipe broke/ froze? Such a huge exhausting clean up. I hope you have good insurance. What is under the kitchen floor, a cellar, a crawl space? Is the water leaking down there too? My mom would always say when things flooded, "Oh it's ok, water always dries."

  13. I can relate to the "one day good, next day disaster". You have my complete sympathy. Somehow, we always get through, but that sinking feeling when we realize what's happened . . .

  14. I hope not too much was damaged. Flooding can be devastating.

  15. Oh no! Your lovely kitchen. I hope you manage to get things sorted without too much trouble. Xx

  16. Oh no! How horrible. You didn't have long to simply enjoy your peaceful and happy time then. I hope the damage isn't too bad.

  17. Oh BuggerBuggerBugger! That is just Not Fair. After getting your kitchen and bathroom both looking so great . I am presuming you have insurance, and of course, since your renovations are so recent, there shouldn't be a dispute about restoration. But every step of the process is Pain in the Butt. Arrrgggh. I'm so sorry John.

  18. "Nice positives yesterday
    Fuck off disasters today"

    You broke even.

  19. Oh no. I hope, after the awful clean-up, there’s no serious (i.e., expensive) damage. Which one of the kids left the water running?

  20. So sorry to hear this. It's all you needed right now. Hope it's put right soon. x

  21. Poor Roger and Twins..and you..and Home...

  22. Oh no!! Not long after we moved here our toilet leaked, water poured through the floor through our newly plastered ceiling. You have my heart felt sympathy xx

  23. Oh. Shit.
    Sorry John.

  24. Who left the tap running then? I bet it was Daft Roger after he had finished brushing his teeth.

    1. I think Roger was with John for counseling.

    2. Yes the dogs was with me, my fault I left the tap on

  25. It never rains but it pours ... in this case from the bathroom sink. Let the insurance pay for the repairs. Poor little marooned kitties. :-(

  26. How odd...did you perhaps leave a faucet on by mistake? In any case hopefully it's just a matter of somehow getting rid of the water,using towels etc. to soak up as much as possible...I hope you soon somehow have the situation resolved,-Mary

  27. Oh no! I hate water where it isn't supposed to be. I hope insurance will cover this. Could be worse, maybe? I recently read an article about a naughty dog who got up on the stove to get at something, turned on the burner and caused a major fire. The critters and family were all safe, but their home will be unlivable for a bit.

    1. Yes, all is well here with the nimals m6 heart goes out to the Americans who lost pets in the LA fires

  28. Haven't got one.12:16 pm

    How awful, things like that happen just when you have a good day or two, or get a bit of respite from your worries. I'd got a feeling that you mentioned you'd fixed a problem in the bathroom the other day, but I've had a quick glance at recent posts and couldn't find it, so it may be on another blog, or I've literally dreamt it.
    I do hope there's not too much damage. If the kitchen floor had an inch of water, what was the state of the bathroom?!!!
    Where was Mary, on a chair or paddling like Roger? I feel for you John, what a mess.

    1. Jean , I tip toed into the bathroom , fearful of what I could find

      No damage!, just damp floor

  29. Oh John, what a bloody nuisance. I hope that the insurance covers all repairs.

  30. Friggin' water damage - it is the worst. Never a dull moment there, John. Saw a video of a cat unlocking a door and then opening it. Apparently, having no thumbs isn't an issue. Now when you leave the house you'll need to do a lock down!

    1. The twins are on a learning curve with this small disaster, ever learning

  31. Anonymous12:55 pm

    The bill for my upcoming insurance renewal came yesterday and reading through,it looks like it does not cover water damage. I will have to call and check as we had a similar inch of water on kitchen floor and hall to the front door the day we came home from Grenada. The faucet had broken. The water damaged the finish on the kitchen cabinets too .but we never claimed on insurance. A friend of mine, stupid lady, put a pizza in her oven to warm it up, in the box, and the resulting fire destroyed her kitchen. Her insurance paid for a new kitchen including new appliances! I guess any evidence of the cardboard also burned up. Hope you can clean up the fucking mess easily. I am in a constant state of wondering, what next. You need a hug today. Gigi

    1. The only damage ( so far) is a large crack in the ceiling, it extended a small one left by the Prof when he overflowed the bath

  32. Anonymous1:11 pm

    What about Mary?

  33. Anonymous2:05 pm

    Well crap! Crap I say! One summer when I was still teaching, I had just arrived in DC for the summer with David when a friend who was checking up on the house in Lexington called ti say there was water on the kitchen floor. Hot water tank leaked; flooring and wall more than a meter up from the floor had to be replaced (and there was the 9-hour drive back and forth). I feel you pain!

  34. BTW, the above "Anonymous" was from me.

    1. I’m lucky not much damage , even the vinyl flooring survived

  35. Barbara Anne2:14 pm

    Well, damnation! As Roseanne Rosannadanna's father used to say, "It's always something."
    Bless Roger's sweet heart as he tried to help.


    1. I bigged myself up too much earlier in the week

  36. Anonymous3:03 pm

    What a terrible mess to come home to. Wonder what caused it. Hopefully not too much damage. Cali

    1. Cali , my fault I left the handbasin tap on

  37. John i know that exact feeling... Oh close to 15 yrs ago now hubs and i were living in CA and decided to take a trip to Monterey Beach Aquarium with family . We spent one night away from home and slept on an air mattress on their living room floor to make the next days travel to Monterey easier... THEN spent the night in Monterey... Stopped back by families apartment and was going to spend the night again and head home the next day but the air mattress was so uncomfortable we decided to head home like 1 am... When we pulled in the driveway i noticed water on the sidewalk in front of the house and mentioned to hubby that the sprinklers weren't scheduled to come one i wonder where the water came from.... yeah.... We opened the front door and water poured out! The ice machine water hose on the back of the frig had come off! At least 3 inches of water all throughout the bottom floor... Jinxy , our black cat, not as bright as your two kitties.. hid UNDER the couch, his safe place! another inch and he would have been blowing bubbles.. the water was coming out with force , making noise so he got scared and went under the couch i think... crazy cat.. I'm so sorry it happened to you... Hopefully not too much damage... Hugs! deb

    1. Luckily I have a carpet cleaner, that made good wo4k on the flood

  38. Oh, this sounds awful, John. Hope your home owners insurance can help cover the cost of repair.

    1. Apart from a crack in the ceiling, everything noweems ok 🤞🏻

  39. Jo in Auckland6:04 pm

    Dammit how bloody annoying. My partners a plumber so I sympathise wholeheartedly, water where you don't want it is a pain in the arse. Hope too much damage wasn't done.

  40. No eventually only. Rack in the ceiling

  41. Anonymous3:23 pm

    I did this in a travelodge.....left a bottle of milk keeping cool for coffee making.....water went into the room below...the guests had to be moved...luckily i wasnt charged or blacklisted!!!!!


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