Jobs Done

It’s taken all day but I’ve finally cleaned up and dried the kitchen and shampooed the living room carpets
Free of wet paw prints and slime. 
I’m knackered. 
But the cottage now smells of lemon and disinfectant and the humidifier given to me by the velvet voiced Linda has done its job rather well so that the windows are no longer misted.
There is something rather satisfying in a tidy house
Pizza for supper ( the Welsh love the crusts)



  1. Well done, especially as you're still recovering. Time for a large G&T, snuggle up with the furries and relax. I think you've deserved it. Did you discover what happened? xx

    1. I left the hand basin tap running

    2. Oooops! Mind you, I guess we've all done something similar. Blame it on a brain full of other stuff (that's what I do!) xx

  2. Yorkshire Liz7:43 pm

    You have done well, the kitchen looks very spicy and span. But don't kick yourself too hard. Everyine does something like this from time to time. It's called being human. Succumbing to the law of averages.And saving yourself from something else that could be worse!

  3. Anonymous7:49 pm

    so happy for you nothing better than a clean house except true love

  4. Glad everything is ship-shape again! I love the fresh smell of lemon!

    1. That’s why I overdose on buying them , great cleaning agents

  5. Anonymous8:22 pm

    The yellow poster looks funky what does it say?


    1. Barcelona !,, it IS funky , I agree , a Christmas gift from my sister

  6. Damselfly8:25 pm

    So glad all's well at the cottage now. Rest well this evening, John dear!

    1. The fire is lit , we are all on the couch

  7. Traveller8:48 pm

    I can remember driving along on a country back road and I yanked the handbrake on. No idea why. Luckily there was no one around.

  8. Sweet dreams after a job well done. You have a very cozy place.

  9. You can tell you are overtired when something like a sink overflow happens. Glad all is well now. Get some rest! x0x0 N2

  10. Barbara Anne9:36 pm

    Well done, you, and I can imagine how tired you are. All looks wonderful and hope you're having a well deserved rest now.
    I've done several loads of laundry and made a quiche. I, too, am tired. Sure wish this frozen snow would melt!


  11. With some effort. Great effort! All is well again. Enjoy the weekend.

  12. Your home is beautiful, I so love your kitchen. But what a job! And---do you pay for water usage, big bill coming? And what is under your main floors, a cellar or crawls
    space? Did you check that it is dry there?
    Now rest and relax and enjoy the scent of lemons and a very clean home.



  13. It sounds like it could have been worse. A friend of mine had a ruptured rubber pipe to the washing machine at the same time as his business was in difficulty. Sent him completely over the edge.

  14. Anonymous10:30 pm

    I’m glad to hear that you had a one-day cleanup instead of a 2-month home reno ordeal. Chin up!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis (where we are anticipating -31F windchills this weekend!!!!)

  15. You can do hard things, John Gray.

  16. Anonymous11:05 pm

    What a nice kitchen, and now the floor is spotless! We had something similar happen but it was a frozen pipe that thawed in our absence - came home to a waterfall running down the stairs. Luckily our water was from a well so at least there wasn't a big utilities bill coming! And I don't remember having a dehumidifier, that would have been helpful!


  17. Well done John! You rolled up your sleeves and got stuck in.

  18. Yes, all my pups loved pizza crusts. We call them "Pizza-bones" Good you're feeling better.

  19. It's good to know that you
    turned what could have been a huge problem into a more pleasant atmosphere in your home.Rest well with your home full of lovable pets -Mary

  20. Hugs and a kiss on the forehead, tucking blankets in ...goodnight sweet dreams.

  21. Welp...that is one way to clean a house. It is not, however, the BEST way to clean a house. Glad you got everything back to rights. You probably want to run that dehumidifier for a month.

  22. Well done. No flooding here, but similar cleaning. My wife's away, so I thought I'd do a thorough job.

  23. I suppose the overflow was a good thing. You’ve got a clean and shiny house (at least the downstairs).

  24. Our dehumidifier is churning away, too. And we haven't even cleaned carpets! (Though we should.)

  25. Lord, what a job that was, John, and now you have a spanking clean house. Such a cozy home you have.

  26. Jo in Auckland1:05 am

    Exhausting but a job well done, and I bet you cleaned a few corners that get overlooked usually, all shiny and ship shape now. Not a great way to clean but at least it's done! Have a G & T and rest now!


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