
 I’ve gotten out of the habit of looking at myself in the mirror.
Has anyone else got out of this daily routine? 
Perhaps I don’t want to see my grey beard, and my shiny grey hair my dad possessed before he died . 
Perhaps I don’t want to see how tired I look after a day shift.
Perhaps I don’t like looking at myself at all.
I went to Supervision today , it’s been a miserably wet , grey day, and supervision gave me something to think of at the beach in Bluebell
So I’ve come home and had the longest of hot showers,  a kick ass shave and lots of face moisturiser , and made ramen noodles with prawns for supper which I ate in front of the fire , watched by four pairs of eyes 


  1. Anonymous8:58 pm

    I don’t look at myself in the mirror either, only when I wash my face and comb my hair.. My late husband used to say that I was the least vain person on earth. He said that I was always clean and neat. He liked that I was always ready to go. I had a long hot shower today mainly to get warm, the weather has gone from summer to fall this last week. I just had a nap cuddled under two duvets with my dog. I don’t know how i will survive a cold winter.. i struggle to figure out what to cook for myself and being on antibiotics has killed my appetite. Your meals always sound so good. Oh well I have lost 10 pounds in the last couple of weeks which I needed. I hope you are home with the crew tonight. Gigi

  2. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Your meals always sound so inviting....and eating such a lovely supper with 4 pairs of eyes watching must be as comforting as the food! I try NOT to look at myself if at all Gigi mentioned...only when I wash my face and comb my hair (what is left of it). I recall my Mother, as she aged....telling me *I try not to look in the mirror because I end up thinking.......who IS this person? She doesn't LOOK like the person I feel like on the inside*. I think of those words often
    Susan M/Calif

  3. The real trick is not to put your glasses on before looking in the mirror!

  4. i'm the same age as you and i don't like looking at myself, sometimes i feel like my face needs ironing! xx

  5. Yorkshire Liz9:33 pm

    No it's not just you! Age means I don't look like a person I recognise any more. But I'm ok with that, as never much to look at in the first place! Life's like that. And I prefer wrinkles and laughter lines to a blank face and expressionless face. Like Melanie Trump, for example!

  6. We have two bathroom cabinets side by side, my husband fitted them. I'm so short that all I can see are my eyebrows and forehead. Fortunately I'm not vain either.

  7. Anonymous10:07 pm

    I completely understand that. During Covid I stopped dying my hair and was shocked to discover it is white not gray. However, comments and suggestions as well as “looks” have not been kind. - Jackie

  8. Yes, so much that when I see a photo of myself it is a shock...and it is usually me behind the camera taking pictures of others as well.

    But the eyes have it as the head of foundation said when I met her nearly thirty years later...

    It is too easy not to look after oneself...

  9. I also do not look at the mirror much but never did. Somehow i lost all the blogs I follow in yet another move. YEA ! I found yours first.

  10. I still look in the mirror. I think I’m hoping to be surprised.

  11. I only look in mirror to cut my hair and to make sure [rare new] clothes fit. I loved my mom and miss her dearly, but I don't like seeing her face instead of ''mine'' in the mirror. Inside we are all 17 or 25, maybe 30, but not more. Her eyes look so sad and worried, hiding pain and loneliness
    It's not how you look , what matters is the man you are in your heart, John. Good, kind, empathetic, emotionally smart, etc. That said, since you'll need to connect w new clients, who may judge n those first 10 seconds of meeting, you can maybe? step up the grooming, buy some nice glasses, get a good haircut etc. Consider it an investment?

  12. I usually try to look my best so yes, I look in the mirror. Even just to go food shopping I want to present myself as well as possible. Lunch out with friends means hair and full makeup. If I feel.good about myself I am more personable to others. I admit I am way overweight but that is a totally different issue.


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