For Sale

 Old Trefor’s house is on the market and already I’ve seen three 4x4 couples giving it the once over.
He was always careful with his money so the asking price would have made him wet himself.

You can see my cottage from his back bedroom ( below) , and in his later poorly years , he would sometime signal me with a flash of the lights that all was well. 

Trefor was always kind to me and always accepting that I was gay, something that may have been a challenge to someone in a tiny village and was 80 years of age. 
I remember introducing The Prof into the conversation as my partner one afternoon as I helped him collect apples from his small orchard and for Trefor  saying rather nonchalantly that he already knew and that  Auntie Gladys had  told him in passing at Friendship Group ! 


  1. Trefor and Auntie Glad...gems of the community xx

  2. Trefor was another wonderful surprise in your little village. What’s a 4x4 couple?

  3. The elder folk in the village where I grew up were such fun, not what you expected, they had see so much and was accepting of everyone.

  4. That's cheap! a place like that in Suffolk would be £500,000 or more!

  5. £375,000? That's a bargain compared with house prices in south west Sheffield. Stick Trefor's bungalow in Dore or Ecclesall and you are talking about £800,000.

  6. Yorkshire Liz8:52 am

    A lovely home, so I hope you get nice neighbours who become part of the community rather than flash second homers or city types going rural, which sucks the heart out of a village by the death of a thousand apathies. And that they don't have yappy annoying dogs/teenagers and the blight of the garden trampoline!

  7. Prices are the same around here. Once 'rural backwater', now 'highly sought after'.

  8. They are getting expensive here in West Cork.


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