Pat Thistlethwaite


Roger’s been wearing a white feather on his head, something picked up from jamming his bonce into the hedgerows early this morning. It’s still there now after our jaunt to McDonalds for a large white coffee for me and cheesy bacon flatbread for them. I’ve just sat down with said coffee ( drumming up bravery to accost the litter tray in the back bedroom which now resembles a public toilet at Glastonbury.) when I saw that the son of Weaver Of Grass had just emailed .

His message was brief “ Just to let you know that Pat passed away on Thursday.She was getting plenty of morphine and sedation and everything went as well as these things can go. Thank you everyone for your support”

The news was very Weaver
Understated, unfussy , no drama 
The feather wouldn’t be her either, no way……but it’s nice to think it might of been 
We shall miss the old girl.

I shall miss her.


  1. Ah, so sorry to hear that.
    Thank you John.

  2. So sorry to hear about Weaver she was a lovely lady.

  3. That is very, very, sad news. I'll miss her. RIP xx

  4. Anonymous10:16 am

    I shall miss her too. I’m glad she had a peaceful end to a life very well lived and thanks to he son for letting you know. Catriona

  5. Sad news. Thanks for letting us know xxx

  6. Traveller10:21 am

    She will be missed. Her posts were so often thought provoking as were the comments.

  7. Anonymous10:23 am

    Thank you for update and news of Weaver's death , as you said underrated, unfussy and without drama. A wise woman who lived life well ... Jane x

    1. Anonymous10:35 am

      Just what I thought, thank you.

  8. Thank you for letting us know, John. Please pass along my condolences to her son and family.

    Weaver was a lovely human being and she will be sadly missed.

  9. Anonymous10:39 am

    Very sorry to hear this news and thank you for passing it on. I think the white feather might very well have been a sign.
    Hugs ~ Ro (n.w. Italy)

  10. Anonymous10:56 am

    Thanks John.. RIP Pat x Libs

  11. Thank you for letting us know, John. We miss her.

  12. Thank you for letting us know. Pat was so lovely; always enjoyed her posts, especially her "good-bye" one that was so plainly but beautifully written. She had such grace about her.

  13. Anonymous11:15 am

    Thank you for letting us know, John. She was an admirable lady.

    Frances SW

  14. Sadness at the loss, thankful that she was a part of our world.

  15. John, thank you for letting us know about Pat. It was through her blog that I found you, and many others who brighten my day. Pat was a bright and beautiful light in this sometimes dark world. If it happens this way, I hope that she was met on the other side by the many she had loved, and who loved her so well.

  16. Anonymous11:20 am

    Thank you John, it seems she sent a sign through Roger! RIP to the good lady, Weaver and condolences to her son. Gigi

  17. krayolakris11:29 am

    RIP Weaver

  18. SueJay11:34 am

    Thanks to both you and her son for letting us know. Condolences to the family should they look at these tributes. She was a lovely lady and I miss the wisdom of her blogs. An odd co-incidence about the feather, I wonder what Pat would have said about it.

  19. This world has lost a treasure,we are left with
    memories to cherish...

  20. Thank you for telling us about Pat. She will remain in our hearts for a very long time. And hopefully her blog will always be there to remind us of a wonderful person.

  21. Sad news, but a long life, well lived. I'd like to think that the white feather was Pat's farewell to you, John, her good blogging friend. Who knows? xx

  22. Condolences to all who knew Pat the Weaver of Grass.

  23. Such a kind, compassionate and intelligent lady. Will be in many people's thoughts today. Thank you John and thank you Weaver's son for sharing this with us via John, of whom I 'm sure she was extremely fond. Jan Bx.

  24. Anonymous12:08 pm

    R.I.P. Weaver x
    Alison in Wales x

  25. Anonymous12:10 pm

    I had recently started reading her blog all over again from the very first post. I plan to continue to do so if her son decides to leave it available. I have kept her wise words as we have emailed over the years. My condolences to her son and all of her family and friends. Jackie in Georgia USA (Ride on Dear Pat!)

  26. She will be so missed by so many family and friends and bloggers, such a lovely lady. Peaceful Journeys Pat.


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