Big Breaths

 A couple of my colleagues at work feel unwell today. Everyone’s coming down with colds. 
I’ve lost my voice.
It not stopped us laughing
We sounded like a room full of dirty phone callers when we were checking drugs.
Another fit of coughing giggles.
When I was a Samaritan up to 40% of my calls were either abusive or sexual
I remember one guy who yelled out a quick and despirate 
“ Before you disappear I’m not a pervert I have COPD “ 


  1. I trust you've all tested for Covid? Having to work when you're feeling under the weather sucks. Get well soon - that's an order! xx

  2. Ha! Very funny. Made me laugh anyway. (Not the bit about you all feeling unwell, obviously!!)

  3. Anonymous2:16 pm

    did you all have the safe and effective, just wondering because my neighbours did and all now have colds, and are feeling bad ,

  4. Barbara Anne2:26 pm

    Hope the staff feels better as the day has gone on and that masks are still available so nobody shares the cold germs. In a perfect world, you and the other sick nurses could have stayed home, but then perhaps there would be no need of hospice care ... we would each just stop and evaporate or something. No coffee yet. Is it obvious?
    Chicken soup for all!


  5. You and your team are wonderful people! Making the best of a tough situation.

  6. Yorkshire Liz2:45 pm

    The idea of you all being like a room full of dirty phone callers really made me laugh. That was a Monday morning giggle that was much needed. There is a lot of comfort in everyone suffering from a bug together. Unity is strength. Or coughs and sneezes spreading diseases.......


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes