A Tight Perm

 " Pay particular attention to the details of your work. 

Paying attention to detail makes for the personal touch...it is thoughtful and  it is kind"

This was a particular manra of my tutor Mr Brint , back in my psychiatric days
I remember it well as in one lession we had, the class was taught how to put ladies hair rollers in! 
The ladies were a group of "patient volunteers" from the long stay ward and Mr Brint and a tired looking Occupational therapist were showing us all how to shampoo and set!
Hair and make up are vital for good self esteem" Mr Brint trilled " Everyone can be made to feel beautiful " 
He looked over at me as I manfully tried to roll my patient's grey locks around a roller which resembled a hairy caterpillar 
" And how is your lady looking Nurse Gray?" he purred 
I looked at my lady's head thick with haphazard looking rollers 
" She looks like a German mine!" I told him honestly 
His heart was always in the right place 

Speaking of tutors, my out standing essay was finally second marked yesterday
I’m averaging a B for last year’s academic work which is bloody good going, given that I’m a definite bit of a plodder.
Hey ho


  1. Ha-ha! A German mine! Don't you mean a coal mine? Well, the pithead anyway!

  2. Brilliant, say what you see. 😄

  3. Thanks for the image and the giggle. I remember those spiky rollers. I used to try sleeping in them, expecting lovely curls when I woke up. Trouble was, a) I couldn't sleep, they were too uncomfortable and b) any curls I managed to create dropped out after about half an hour. I soon gave up and accepted my hair as it is! xx

    1. Well done on the B grade. B for bloody great! xx

  4. Oh I remember those days of the shampoo and set .. back when I had a schoolgirl Saturday job in the local hairdressers.

  5. I can assure you that trying to sleep in those rollers is like lying with your head in a nest of hedgehogs. And the ensuing 'curls' were a mixture of signals pointing every which way - that's if you had any hair left after trying to untangle it from those spiky hedgehogs. Absolute torture!

    1. Ana Dunk5:09 pm

      Vanity - thy name is woman!" quote Shakespeare.
      I would lay my head with my ear on top of my folded fist to keep the weight off my curlers. I had naturally curly hair to start with, but it wasn't the right KIND of curls!

  6. I remember those days of trying to sleep with those spiky rollers in my hair. So painful!! Now I keep my hair short and cut it myself so no more rollers needed!

  7. Anonymous4:10 pm

    You should have paid more attention to your tutor, you're not always kind..

    1. And your statement is kind because ..........?

  8. Barbara Anne4:11 pm

    Love the story and your apt analogy! I, too, and glad to be rid of those hair rollers.
    Your B average is most excellent as you bravely went back to school not so long ago. Shoulders back!


  9. You paint such vivid pictures with words. Thanks for the chuckle.
    Well done on your B average... you've got this!

  10. Mr Brint was wise indeed...what a lovely mantra to live by. x


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