Stress tired

 The stress of yesterday rebounded today.
I saw my counselling clients from mid morning and after taking the dogs to Sainsburys on the way home in order to buy them some mouth watering ham , we got home around 2pm
I fell asleep by quarter past ,
Sat on the bed with the twins
I’ve only just got up
It’s just after 6pm!!!

Ok it was a balls up, but my essay I now in. My revalidation done and the flower Show finished
I needed that sleep


  1. Sometimes you just have to give in to what your body needs. I hope you woke refreshed. Those kitties remind me of my next door neighbour's 2 black kitties. Well, they're more teenagers now, but still kittenish. One is shy and wary, the other squeaky and forward. The squeaky one was asleep upstairs here for about 5 hours the other day. I'm sure they think this is their holiday home! xx

    1. I’m glad you said squeak ! One of mine does too.i can’t work which one is which

  2. You needed that rest! And now some down time, or quietly watching films time.
    I couldn't understand your computer issues yesterday--until you mentioned Portal[s]! An abomination, they never work. Poor you.

    1. Yeap !!!!I’ve arranged for another IT lesson

    2. A couple low tech hints for preventing issues is 1-photograpg the screen list w your phone's camera. And or email everything to your personal computer at home, as a linked doc, then paste entire text into an email to yourself, then save to your personal Cloud. It's important to email the pasted text to yourself at home in case the linked doc or Cloud won t open. [probably you now this, but just trying to help.]

  3. You were worn out! I hope you have a few quiet days coming up. And oh my gawd, those kittens are cute.

    1. The kittens are adorable you rotter. I want them.😄 I watched mine play for hours. Yours are sisters and different in all ways, personality as well as appearance.. If you decide which is which and keep repeating the name when you stroke them they will soon learn. Very handy when you can't find one.
      When I have an exhausting day, be it physical or mental, it wipes me out for a couple of days. It's an age thing John! Oh to be 30 again. Sigh.

  4. The kittens are so cute. Take care of yourself. More sleep is on the menu!

    1. Anonymous7:43 pm

      You sound tired John


    2. Hi bun , I feels wrong calling someone bun lol

    3. Lee I feel terribly tired lee

    4. I had a friend we all called Bun. His name was Bernard

    5. Do you know , that I’ve never really taken to beans as a name for one kitten
      Buns seems much better
      Weaver and buns

    6. I got the nickname from a neighbor's license plate when I was a kid, I thought it was funny. My sisters and husband call me Bun. I love Buns for one of the kittens.

    7. Bun and weaver it is

  5. I need that some days and don't do 1/4 of the things you do.
    It does ad up.

  6. Barbara Anne7:31 pm

    Not surprising that you needed sleep, sleep, and more sleep after the upsets and frustrations of yesterday.
    The twins can be relied on for comic relief, can't they? What a tonic, and non-addictive!


  7. Anonymous7:38 pm

    Those girls are just the cutest little fur balls ever. It’s always good to relax after a stressful day. I spent the morning at the dentist’s, not my favourite place and have to go back Monday so I will be stressed all weekend.. guess I am lucky to have all but four of my own teeth at my age. Gigi

  8. Two little trouble makers? Surely not. They look so sweet and innocent:)

  9. Good to hear you got some needed sleep, and hope you'll be getting more tonight!
    The kittens are adorable! 😸🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
    Sleep well and recharge your batteries.

  10. Traveller9:50 pm

    I have always found it more difficult to name girl cats, for some reason. Had a girl cat who we called Peggy ( I know don’t comment). After about a year she morphed into an Eric…and Eric she was. Perfect name for her.

    Beans doesn’t really work for me either - but I haven’t met her.

  11. I love to watch someone else's house. Way too much energy with in MY four walls.

  12. Some rest will make everything better. The kittens are adorable and very playful.

  13. Anonymous12:30 am

    Hmm, hope you aren't coming down with something? It's sort of that time of year? Not to put a curse on you or anything, just concerned.


  14. There's nothing like a little 4 hour nap. Unless it disturbs your night sleep. (See Steve Reed's blog.)

    1. Catalyst, I worried about that as well, sleeping too long too early. Didn't bother my night sleep at all. :)

  15. Anonymous4:22 am

    John forgive me — I’m using your blog to message Rachel. I only comment as anon. Rachel — I am close to your age — these are the good times. No anxiety about climbing the corporate ladder or any ladder. I do have to say I’ve stayed I. Good shape because I continue to have animals to care for and the fifty pound feed sacks do t carry themselves. Life is good. Weaver gives us all hope as she carried on after the farmer left her. Rachel. I so enjoy your blog. You are an interesting writer and an eclectic artist. Namaste. Do not be defined by others. I’m remembering “the two fat ladies” cooking show. I bought their cookbooks. And John thanks for letting me respond here. Good luck on your essay..

    1. I cut and pasted it to her comments , she deleted it

  16. Don't knock your ability to sleep. One day you might end-up like me and find it almost impossible.

  17. That must have been a much needed sleep! Glad I don't have to negotiate such technical difficulties and deadlines.

  18. After your yesterday, you needed and deserved the kittens prolly danced upon your chest.

  19. That was your 'stress sleep', I hope you got a good nights sleep later on. Those kittens look cute, but remind me 'never again'. Grown up animals for me from now on.

    1. My bladder woke me up twice .
      My twins woke me up three times

  20. Are you still sleeping?

  21. Anonymous12:39 am

    Oh John such friends you have(furry etc.)you are surrounded by love!!!!


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