Read All About It

 As counselling students we have to experience two lots of counselling, covering at least two modalities of counselling theory. 
I’ve already covered pure person centred theory last year, which was interesting.
Now I’ve started with are more interactive and dynamic counsellor who I think will challenge me more.
She talks a lot too. 
I like that also.
She was recommended  to me and has a practice in a little market town out in the sticks of North Wales some 20 miles South. She is sharp eyed and has a ready smile and although in her late seventies I suspect she misses nothing. 
We started today upon how I deal with loss.
The day is bright, almost hot even and when I left the office I spied two black nuns, resplendent in light blue habits with white borders, sat at the nearest bus stop. They were laughing and the whole scene felt a good omen
“ Do you rest much John?” the counsellor asked me after watching me get up out of the chair with a struggle and before I answered said “never mind, I’ll come to that again” with a smile

I am reminded of this song
As I drove home through the glorious Welsh countryside 


  1. Barbara Anne4:58 pm

    Nice beginning!
    As one who deals with non-restful sleep (I mean, who knew that was possible? Thank you, lupus), that's an interesting question. Hope this new counsellor is just the right person for you to talk with at this time.
    Methinks with winter coming on, you might consider some sort of hobby to do at home. Pottery (again), painting, knitting, writing that book, or some other activity that involves creativity and deep delight for you.


    1. Something that you can sit down and rest while you do it. :) Or lie down and rest ....AHA your new hobby should be resting in a prone position.

  2. She sounds like a very perceptive woman. I think there are many here who would ask you the same question! I wonder if she reads your blog? xx

  3. Anonymous5:17 pm

    The pictures you paint

  4. And how many times have we told you to rest more???

  5. Is rest really the hidden nutrient?

    1. I doubt it is , exploring why will be interesting

  6. Such a fascinating process. I wonder if there are revelations that still surprise you.

    1. Oh I’m sure there are still ghosts in the cupboard my friend

  7. Anonymous6:24 pm

    "ALTHOUGH in her late seventies" Good for her, still some working brain cells at that grand old age.
    We're not all useless and incapable of stringing a sentence together in our older years John. Age discrimination doesn't sit well with you.

    1. Now I’m not going to stand for this!
      If you take offence to this observation you are an idiot and an old idiot at that.

    2. Anonymous8:14 pm

      Slap her John !!!!!!


    3. Jo in Auckland8:21 pm

      Find the IP address then you'll know where she is and that will probably reveal the crone... then block her arse! She is so twitchy even I want to slap her.

    4. Anonymous 6:24 pm - leaving mean little anonymous comments isn't a good look for you, to be honest. Why don't you just stop reading here, if you find the content so offensive?

    5. What a foolish comment Anonymous, it was an observation not a statement. If some-one said that about me (I'm 75) I would feel quite chuffed. Mind you, that's probably why you are anonymous, to scared to reveal yourself. Sorry John, didn't me mean to hijack such a lovely thoughtful ppost.

    6. To be honest I was a bit taken back by that line as I know many people in their 70s and older who can still outsmart the youngsters. I'm not sure why (John) you took offense at the comment. I must be missing something. Although I also know more older people who aren't as sharp as they once were,myself and my husband included. Forgetting things,grasping for words etc.

  8. You are making good progress with your counseling program, John! Keep up the good work! xxoo

    1. What I needed to hear today was an objective validation not what I’ve done , but of my strength

  9. I think everyone could benefit from therapy. Even therapists themselves, which as you have said is something you must go through to be accredited. I had some free telephone grief counselling and I'd have more if it wasn't so expensive going forward.

    1. My therapist says she still has therapy and not just supervision, I liked that

  10. Sometimes I think the very most important thing about therapy is that someone is listening to you, concentrating on you. Taking you seriously.

  11. I bet at her age, your new counsellor has seen it ALL.

  12. Working with this counselor will be highly beneficial. She seems smart, perceptive and happy to talk. She sounds like a perfect match for you.

  13. Was Emeli Sandé a paper girl then?

  14. “ Do you rest much John?”

    When she asks you again, you'll have to let us know the answer.

  15. That comment brought back memories. A very long time ago (45years!) a close friend was going through a very, very tough time with a young baby very ill and two older children both with very serious genetic problems. Through all this she behaved as if nothing was happening. A very experienced counsellor asked her "When did you scream last?" to her great surprise .... but it was just what she needed.

  16. It's interesting that the counselor talks a lot. Seems like that would be contrary to good counseling.

    1. Indeed, Steve, it is. As so often you hit a nail squarely on its round head.


    2. Her role is also of teacher and I’m going into a new model of counselling not fully understood by me, I found her talking instructive

    3. And Ursula, so long away and immediately critical not questioning

    4. And I think my reply is spot on for a few commentators here
      Make an effort to understand before you criticise

  17. 'Do you rest much?' Let me have her email address and I'll send her a link to your blog.😄😂

  18. Thank you very much for sharing, John. It matters a great deal to me that you talk about the changes in your life, all the more so as mine is "interesting" right now. All my very best to you, the dogs and the twins. Hugs, Jan xx

    1. What I think is important , is that so many people in their 60 s feel invisible
      We are not !!!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes