
Library closed at 4.30 rather its usual 9pm
Shit hadn’t quite finished my conclusion 
But had Downloaded all my references to drive beautifully 
Loaned laptop from other library across campus with minutes to spare
Finally tweaked essay at 9 pm 
All calm and serene , happy with my essay
Couldn’t cut and paste all references to end of essay
Software said no
Pulled up bra straps and re wrote references
Not bad, missed a few though
Clicked on electronic essay portal 
Could not send file 
Tried again 
Sent my tutor assignment and references by email 
Good assignment , references now so so 
Deadline midnight

Large one


  1. Gin ... all was not lost. Next time we will be earlier on our finish...won't we?

    1. Better than being a dumb one. :O) sweetheart

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel your pain. I now have a five year old in school, complete with bus apps and school apps. WTF.

  3. Oh god. That is rather awful isn’t it? It WILL work out, but in the meantime suck back your gin! ( I’m having a red wine right now). -Jenn

  4. Phyllida Law has ME laughing. I hope you were able to laugh after all that! Or at least after the gin.

  5. Nelliegrace10:34 pm

    It is done. Well done.

  6. Sod's law, when the going gets tough - shit happens! I hope what you managed to submit will be acceptable. Enjoy that gin (or 2, or insert appropriate number here). You've earned it. Tomorrow is another day... xx

    1. Reminds me of a poem I wrote years ago when I first got a computer:
      Oh, how I hate computers,
      they never do as they're told.
      You ask them, quite nicely, to do things,
      but then, somehow, you end up on hold.
      You press all the buttons carefully,
      whist reading the gobbledegook.
      Then all of the words just disappear,
      and you can't find out why in the book.
      I've no doubt that once I get into it,
      it'll be quite simple, but...
      I'd much rather have pen and paper.
      My kids think that I am a nut.
      "It's easy", they cry, "Mum just watch me."
      Then they do things I don't understand.
      I'll not let this blasted thing beat me.
      "Kids, come and give me a hand!"

  7. Barbara Anne10:47 pm

    Well blast and damnation! Hope you have an understanding tutor who has experienced computer disasters too, and will forgive any tardy pages.
    Phyllida Law is a treasure.
    Red wine here, too.

    Big hugs!

  8. FUCK! I'm sorry, John. I think a large gin was the absolute right choice!

  9. What a sequence of events! I hope your tutor has had computer glitches, knows the issues and gives you some slack.

  10. If you hate doing that to computers then don't do it! After all, such vigorous activity cannot be good for the motherboard.

  11. I feel for you. Nothing seemed to go right.
    I wondered if Phyllida is still going and she is, at 92. What surprised me is that she is Emma Thompson's mother. How did I miss that?

    1. No, really, Emma Thompson's mother? She is a delight!

    2. The bone structure gives it away! They've both to wonderful strong faces.

    3. Look out for the excellent "The Winter Guest" in which they appeared together. My favourites were the two old biddies who went to the funerals :)

    4. Certainly will look for it.

  12. Anonymous12:21 am

    See The Winter Guest with both Thompson and Law, Alan Rickman, director. Margaret


  13. Technology is wonderful . . . until it isn't.

  14. Oh John, what you have just gone through and your reaction sounds exactly like my recent experiences with technology. Though once the thing is sent I calm down with a rum and coke. Damn unreliable things, give me a pen and paper any day.

  15. What sort of gin? I hope it's a good no rubbish type.

  16. Sometimes you just yearn for an old-fashioned pencil and paper.

  17. Arggggggghhhh. What a stressful day! The fact that you held off on the gin until you were done shows a level of self control I am not sure I possess.

  18. In France I always check opening/closing hours for every shop I intend to visit; they tend to close for no apparent reasons. It sounds like we should all do the same here too!

  19. I'm surprised you stopped at one gin! That was the entire Universe ganging up on you, for sure!

  20. Am horrified just reading about it! You did well to keep to overcome the problems under pressure. Nightmare.

  21. I take it the Gin was a bottle with a straw! I had one of those challenging days too - the Universe sent me 3 hours on the phone, trying to make a payment with a reference which turned out to be incorrect (thankyou Equiniti) and so was the replacement. Even the bod at the bank couldn't make the payment. They don't take card payments . . .

    Glad that you got your essay finished and submitted in time anyway.

  22. I feel your pain. Husband completed his OU degree this year and had nightmares understanding the computer apps. etc. He is a self-confessed Luddite - and I'm not much help.

  23. Yorkshire Liz7:17 am

    Happy Hooker had it bang to rights - when the going gets tough, shit happens. Now, there's a t shirt slogan for you! Just think of it as yet another test of character (and bloody minded determination!) Just the club, mate. And we know the essay will do great!

  24. Argh! Can empathise - I somehow managed to corrupt/lose an assignment for my MSc the day before it was due to be handed in. A computer whizz I called in couldn't recover it. I sat up until 3am trying to do so and after reading umpteen solutions on the net found one that worked - only when it did, all of the paragraphs/grammar had been removed - bleary-eyed I managed to edit it and get it in on time...Bloody computers indeed!

    Hopefully your tutors aren't jobsworths who would insist that it's only valid if it's submitted via the portal and are human beings who appreciate these things happen.

    Fingers crossed for you. Have another gin this evening - sounds as if you need one! x

  25. Glad my college time was just before the introduction of computers for course work and essays, doubt I'd have coped very well. I still remember my amazement when I found out that I could keep more than one tab open at a time..................

  26. Tracy7:58 am

    I am convinced that computers and printers are like animals - they smell fear/anxiety and react accordingly! Glad you got it sorted. x

  27. I feel your pain, how stressful.

  28. I will still not submit my Art History papers without supervision - and in plenty of time. I do not trust anything with a plug.

  29. You did your best, it was only technology that defeated you. Gin sounds like the right answer. xx

  30. Glad it worked out. Will you start earlier next time?

  31. Jo in Auckland6:57 pm

    Blimey! Reading that gave me a stress attack... I sympathise with you, I hate computers for work or study related assignments; I just missed out on when they fully became work horses back in the late 80's when I went off to have children. I have never caught up so am computer illiterate so never went back in an office in any capacity much to my chagrin. Only a month ago when I was attaching files to an email and my daughter was here she said to me "Mum you do know if you press control you can highlight all of the files you want to attach" I was like "WTF" life was easier right away. I am not surprised you had a gin but I am in awe of the fact you waited!! Well done at least this one is in the bag. Maybe time to invest in a laptop of your own??

    1. Jo in Auckland5:48 am

      Oh! Keep it charged and in a case and it's ready to go when you are! Much easier than trying to scrounge one when the chips are down.


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