
Coffee on the beach before library

My essay is in at midnight tonight 
Well 23.59 actually

I have 650 words to go as well as typing and referencing it .

So I’m at the library early doors today.

Last night I woke around 4 am with student essay anxiety 
Only to find  a tiny black kitten curled up under my chin 
Just like Meg used to do.
Lots of purrs
A tiny body seeking a warm spot

When I reacted, she sensed change and got up and moved away.


  1. Not long now before you'll have them both curled up on you. They'll always find the warmest, most comfortable spot, even if it's uncomfortable for you.
    Good luck getting the essay finished. I don't know how you do it, but I admire you for it. xx

  2. Yorkshire Liz8:21 am

    I can empathise if today's post was essay avoidance therapy. Been there done that. I would wish you luck but you don't need luck, just channel a lifetime's knowledge and let it pour forth.
    What a cosy kitten! That is truly feeling at home and safe. My little rescue dog likes to sleep with his head under the arch of my foot. Better than bedsocks!

  3. The kittens will probably soon discover that the warmest part of your body is your crotch.

  4. I love it when a furry one reminds me of another - I think mine have somehow got anothers spirit inside - Both have separately rubbed their body along soft furnishings like a cat - I loved my feisty terrier sleeping on my head - A bit nervous when I moved though x

  5. I would love if our cats would cuddle like that with us. It’s not in their nature.

  6. 650 words to go? Is that to be written or to be cut? Good luck either way.

  7. Anonymous10:21 am

    I did a lot of my OU essays at night because there were fewer distractions, meals to prepare, housework to do, and errands to run. The pile of ironing looked fun compared to 3,000 words on trade in Antwerp in the 16th century.

  8. Anonymous10:22 am


  9. Anonymous11:18 am

    My dog sleeps on my feet, not a comfortable place, I would think. She always has to have her feet touching me at the very least. She has separation anxiety even though most days we spend at least 22 hours together. Now go get that essay finished, no more pissing around! Gigi

  10. How beautiful. Clearly the kittens feel safe and are showing affection for you. I love it when mine snuggle up. They would normally have their mum for comfort. I hope you are giving them plenty of attention and sharing play. You have a very busy life but they obviously need and seek a fuss. Adorable little babies who have clearly taken to you. They sound so gorgeous.
    How is Roger reacting these days?

  11. Anonymous11:56 am

    I'm guessing those little moments make up for all the kitten hassle......
    Alison in Wales x

  12. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Was the kitten curled up under your chin Weaver or Bean? - Jackie

  13. I think you should be incredibly proud of yourself for working towards this goal you've set.

  14. You don't really need blankets, do you? I imagine a heap of animals on the bed with you, keeping you warm.

  15. Good luck finishing up your essay (although it's not luck, it's good old slogging through it). I love that you had a kitten under your chin. I'm so looking forward to more tales of how they start to warm up to you and the dogs! -Jenn

  16. Barbara Anne2:15 pm

    How sweet! Our 3 kittens of long ago used to curl up under Rob's beard to sleep.
    Wishing you well in completing your essay and references.
    It's a lovely, chilly day here. Odd for early September.


  17. My Freddie used to do that too. I'd wake and find a sleeping fur-ball under my chin.

  18. Funny how so many cats seek out that particular spot. Mine never did, but then, I lived in Florida and they were usually trying to keep cool!

  19. My 2 cats position themselves on either side on me in bed, especially during cooler nights. We've reached a point where any movement by me is ignored.
    Hope the library is peaceful and the essay completed in short order.
    Be well, John dear.

  20. Sigh... cats see us as heating pads and we might as well face it, lol

  21. Awwwwww. Sweet kitty.

  22. Our boys (who I still think of as kittens) curl up with and on us too. And view a loo run as the signal that breakfast is on. Or should be.

  23. What a sweet kitten! Good luck with the essay - you write well and know what you're talking about, trust me. I believe in you and think you are the right person doing the right course. Jan xx

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. John, I couldn't find your email so I'm putting this link here to some of the greatest pictures of dogs I've ever seen. I thought you'd enjoy it.


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