Mutton Dressed As Lamb

I’m off to the library so I’m dressing young
When I want to do this I have a choice of three T shirts
Garfield, Herbivore or Jurassic Park
I’ve gone all dinosaur
It suits my sore knees
The twins have started to bounce on my bed at night and one got herself trapped inside a pillowcase out 5 am which caused a great deal of yowling
I’m sure they think their names are fuck and off


  1. That made me laugh John!.

  2. Haha! Our dog was born deaf, but if not, she'd think her name was "You little shit!'

    I love your Garfield shirt, but (maybe a country difference) I feel wearing that would make me look old. Really, it wouldn't be the SHIRT. Garfield was cool and fun in my early teens. I assume younger folks wouldn't know who he was. His wanton penchant for lasagna, his buddy Jon, his sarcasm.

  3. I'm laughing, too. The fun continues! Have you lost a bit of weight, John, or is it the t-shirt? You're looking quite svelte. xx

  4. Anonymous10:21 am

    I notice younger men here wear Harley t shirts, more manly than Garfield. My kids wore Garfield when they were about eight and ten years old.. lol. Gigi

  5. As they are cats and you won't be calling them to heel in a park, perhaps you could call them 'Fuck' and 'Off'.

  6. We are old, but are we dinosaurs?

  7. Jo in Auckland11:46 am

    I had a kitten called Myrtle... but her 4 a.m. name was Fuck off Myrtle... she was hilarious.

  8. I think if I were you John - I would wear t shirts showcasing your love of the theatre etc whilst shopping - Supermarkets are a chance to meet like minded people - Just sayin' x

  9. Did dinosaurs have sore knees? The thought of the trouble the kittens get into makes me laugh -- because I’m here and they’re not waking ME up.

  10. My kittens know their own names now, they learn so quickly. When I first had them their territory was the kitchen, hall and stairs. They used to jump on window sills to look outside. This meant via the kitchen counters and knocking things off the window sills, plants included, a real no no. They soon learnt the words No and Down.
    How rude of you to say that to them John, typical though 😸 and it made me laugh.

  11. Oh John, you do make me laugh. 😉

  12. Oh no! Trapped inside a pillowcase! Hijinks that only a kitten can get up to, hahahahaha!

  13. I knew a man who swore he always thought his name was God and his brother's Damnit.

  14. Well...after all, it was your idea to bring home two of them. No good deed goes unpunished.

  15. Anonymous1:49 pm

    My husband’s ex called him jesus christ. I always called him Sweetie. He said he didn’t know his name wasn’t hey you till he was 10.. gigi

  16. Yorkshire Liz2:26 pm

    Disillusioned. Where's the Walking Dead or I Dig Darryl t shirt then?

  17. I am laughing out loud at the nicknames of the kittens.

  18. Anonymous2:43 pm

    What a night for you but hey head over to me, just made the biggest crock of fresh ratatouille, most ingredients were given to me, in your words ‘bloody lovely’. Jan in Castle Gresley

  19. Nice photo, you're looking slim! Why do you need to dress young for the library?

  20. Barbara Anne3:56 pm

    Ta for the laugh!! I can envision young feline outrage at there apparently being no way out of the pillowcase.
    Love the tee. Yesterday 40 year old DS2 was wearing my Rameses the Great tee from when that exhibit came to Memphis, Tennessee in 1987. He was 3 at the time. The shirt looks new. I do not!
    Flis has a great idea for future tees for you so you can be a quietly mobile ad for yourself.
    Hope the library was quiet and you enjoyed your time there.


  21. I remember buying my godson a T-shirt like that. I think he was 7.

  22. It sounds like the little terrors are enjoying exploring the house!

  23. Smiles and giggles to start the day! Thanks ever so much!

  24. Anonymous5:26 pm

    better than thinking your collective name is

    Lee x

  25. Anonymous5:46 pm

    I always wanted to call my horse I rode cross country "Kinell" but was banned. Can think why? Su

  26. 🤣🤣🤣 ..... you do make me laugh ! XXXX

  27. That gave me a belly laugh. Fuck and Off....great names.

  28. Anonymous9:00 pm

    well.... at 5AM no wonder their names changed! LOL! Those two will be a constant source of entertainment.....and I trust at times, frustration! I love them!
    Susan M/ Calif.

  29. That last line cracked me up! Pretty sure my pups must think their names are Git and Out.

  30. A hectic but hysterical time while they are kittens!

    Nice T shirt.

  31. Anonymous6:44 am

    I had a friend whose dog was called NoNoCaseyBadDog.
    Another friend had a Japanese exchsnge student that wondered what the word outchugo meant when they said it to the dog. ( out you go).

  32. Haha ... you are making me realise that I will never rehome a kitten (or two) again. It's grown-up up cats for me in future. I don't think I could cope with being woken by such antics anymore.

    Love the t-shirt, Alan wears plain white when he's being sensible and slogan shirts when he's in a fun mood. He gets chatted up by lots of elderly ladies when he wears his: Born in the 50's, some parts still in full working order.' one. 😀


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