No news

 Summer is back, albeit for a few days, and the garden is bright and the sky an azure blue. 
Malinka Le Vay walked past the cottage,with her dogs, and looked as warm as the sky.
The horses in the livery stables bow their heads together in the glow of  midday and the bullocks on the field at the end of the lane sit and chew in the grass with their doe eyes closed.
Apart from the traffic on the main road, the village looks quiet, delicious smells come from The Crown’s kitchen when I drive up to get my McDonalds coffee 
I drove to the Storyhouse and read some notes from college. Ten minutes turned into two hours 

Now I’m home , walking the dogs and cleaning up kitten detritus 
I’ve bought a new kitchen clock. It should be delivered today


  1. Anonymous12:15 pm

    gorgeous dave will love that clock

  2. That clock is so delightfully retro!

  3. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Another picture with your well-chosen words. I wish I had visited your village when I was in Wales. But, I can certainly see it through your writing. Thanks for that. - Jackie

  4. An uplifting post today. Just love that clock too!

    1. Yes I needed a lighter day
      I’ve had counselling today

  5. Yorkshire Liz12:35 pm

    There is a special relaxed appreciation for these stolen golden last days of summer, especially as we had so few to start with! And today Trelawnyn sounds a far better place to be than Ambridge!
    I love the clock! All you need now is a vintage Fifties pinny to go with it!

  6. Ohhh love the clock!
    Very Mad Men.


  7. I'm grabbing the chance to plant some bulbs in my lawn, whist the sun is shining. Imagining spring when they all bloom. Love the clock - and it has nice, big numbers. I hate those clocks where there are no numbers and you have to guestimate the time. I think I'm getting old! I agree, you need a frilly pinny to go with it. xx

    1. I’ve got crocus to go in too and miniature narcissai

  8. Painting pictures with words.

  9. I treasure the happy, calm days!

  10. The sly barbed comments are tiresome. That clock is very retro. At one of the renovations, the woman worked for a local department store. We have boxes and boxes of what is referred to as mid-century mod. Brand new. Never taken from their boxes. Light fixtures. Clocks with matching sconces, all manner of small appliances and glassware. I wish we could find one of those collectors!

    1. Indeed they are but like a sailors curse they mean nothing whatsoever and have no power

    2. Unless you have a buyer, they are worthless.

    3. Debby, try auction houses. There are loads of dealers who will buy that sort of stuff. xx

  11. No news is good news in my family. The drama of a new clock is plenty.

  12. Barbara Anne2:10 pm

    What a lovely post this morning! Is the video of the Storyhouse? If it said so, I blinked and missed it (no coffee yet). Love the words above the desk!
    Your new kitchen clock is perfect for you!
    We're in the midst of nearly 36 hours of rain with possible storms later. Glub, glub.


    1. Yes the inscription sits on the front of the art deco balcony of the 1930s odeon cinema

  13. I love that clock, I don't usually like orange things, but that is retro enough to really suit the colour.

    1. The older I get the more I like bursts of colour

  14. Your vivid descriptions of the village and its tranquil beauty really draw the reader in. I especially enjoyed how you captured the contrast between the serene village and the bustling main road. Your writing evokes a wonderful sense of place and moment. Thanks.

  15. Anonymous2:49 pm

    It is very warm here in Toronto today. Yesterday I put the glass storm window in the front door, took the screen to the basement, then put away my fans.. I was sweating when I finished then looked at the weather, 80 degrees F happy my house is that temperature inside as well, it will make for a low gas bill this month. Soon enough they will be massive. When we moved into this house about 40 years ago the kitchen had orange and yellow tiles. That clock would have fit right in. The clock I have now is a large sardine can, partly rolled open and the second hand is a fish that moves back and forth. It always get noticed as it is so funky. Enjoy your warm days John. Gigi

    1. What’s a storm window ? A safety window?

    2. An extra glass window panel installed each winter where one usually has screens. They seal out cold and wind.

  16. I am jonesing for that new kitchen clock!

    1. Anonymous6:46 pm

      Me too Mitchell ,
      Is the video the Storyhouse ? The lines look rather Decco


  17. All told a lovely day. Nice sunshine and a wonderful village community. Everybody is preparing as the season shifts. Love the new clock. Great choice.

  18. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Love that clock. Reminds me of those made by Smiths Industries where my father worked. I was the lucky recipient of many clocks and watches made by Smiths. I still enjoy wearing all the wind up watches my father gave me.

  19. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Lovely clock. Reminds me of one my pops used to own. This will make a fine make-up gift for Gorgeous Dave!

  20. September is the very best of summer in all its full blown beauty. Very hot and sunny here, puggy Mo is hiding under the zinnias in the shade.

  21. No news...and doesn't this weather help relaxation!

  22. The Storyhouse looks like a great place to hang out!

    1. It as a great vibe about it, a space used by the people of Chester for a whole host of activities

  23. If that's your new kitchen clock, all I can say is that it's too modern for your cottage. And the Storyhouse does look inviting.

  24. Love the Retro clock !
    I have a night light of an retro modern 50's TV with a Scotty of course. All goes together.

  25. What a lovely welcome "home" to the healing space of the Storyhouse. Good to simply be together with other people who are positive, calm and happy. I like the vibe of the place and see why you enjoy it.

  26. Anonymous7:13 am

    I love your clock John. I like unusual clocks, we have one that is a kind of fairy tree which people always notice and remark upon. Kath x


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes