Lee Millar

It’s been a nice weekend of film watching ….from the cheese filled The Wedding Planner, to the worthy The Critic and the toweringly good Touch , I’ve seen some quality films, and so it’s lovely to end the weekend on another high with Lee 

The story of Lee Millar’s War Time photography career makes for an interesting watch. Slightly too old for the role ( my sister pointed that out) ,Kate Winslet still shines as the damaged former model who spent a frivolous early adult life in the South of France with her beautiful French artist friends, totally unaware of the horrors to come. With the support Vogue editor Audrey Withers ( the striking Andrea Riseborough in academy award mode ) Lee chronicles the liberation of Paris and the fall of Germany including the liberation of the death camps But does so at a heavy cost, of lifelong untreated PTSD , treated only by herself through alcohol and tablets. 

There are some beautifully observed scenes, especially when Lee meets up with her French model friends in Paris after the liberation.  . The crushed Solange ( Marion Cottilard) and artist Nusch (Noemi Merlant) are comforted by Lee and you can almost feel the real warmth of Kate Winslett gushing forth on screen. It’s an amazingly moving moment.

The audience should ignore some clumsy writing though ( the fact that Lee was sexually abused as a child  is thrown in a rather arbitrary and heavy handed way) as the visuals are strong enough to carry the film on their own.

I will leave you with the first official photo of Roger and Weaver, taken yesterday morning in the living room. Bun remains shy and careful 


  1. Yorkshire Liz7:28 am

    Lee Millar's story is inspirational and iconic, and needed telling. Yes, Kate Winslet is a little on the old side, to be picky, but it would be hard to visualise anyone else capable of doing the role, to be both that tough and emotionally and intellectually naked. An excellent film.
    I love that photo, especially one curled up Roger in a sunbeam - and a certain brave little kitten poised and ready to pounce. What a lovely and quirky four legged family you always have around you!

    1. I liked Kate in the role and had a discussion with my sister reminding her that people in the 1930s always looked at least 10 years older

  2. Love the photo. Brave little Weaver. Was Roger actually awake?

    1. Yes, he was doing what Welsh terriers do best, they watch

  3. Weaver's posture says "Who - or what - IS this?". :-O

    1. Yes,she wasn’t sure for sure, Mary is the lady of the house that interacts the most

  4. Love how Roger is curled up in the sun. Weaver is getting brave, wonder whether she is thinking, will he play with me! lovely photo.

    1. The stand off continues I’m not pushing anything

  5. This is a film I am looking forward to watching. You've handled the dog/kitten situation really well. It will only take a deep sleeping dog and a nice warm patch of sunshine to get them curled up together. It's almost there in this photo!

    1. That’s what I thought , but the two other characters changed the dynamic

  6. You have had an enjoyable weekend! Glad you've seen some memorable films. Little Weaver is getting brave. Not much longer before she gets close enough to Roger to have a good sniff and maybe a tap with a paw. I hope when that happens, there's no fur flying! xx

  7. Anonymous11:23 am

    A wonderful photo of Weaver, brave enough to get close to that dog. She will soon be snuggled up with the Welsh in that spot of warmth. Her sister will follow soon. Years ago our kittens would sleep on top of our Samoyed, very cozy up there. Gigi

  8. The living room has been breached! And thanks for another film to add to my "must watch" list!

  9. Anonymous12:07 pm

    The critter picture makes me imagine alternative follow up scenes, one where Roger is sound asleep and wakes up being sniffed and tapped, another where he is peaking under his eyelids and bounces up suddenly. Fun either way. We had a big and profoundly dumb hound that got so he would sleep on the edge of his cushion with 2 pet rabbits on the cushion nestled up against him. Liking, or tolerating, rabbits was his only lovable characteristic.

    1. Roger is a sweet natured dog too, without Mary to egg him to action he’d be friendlier sooner

  10. I want to point out that in the meeting after with her friends. It is like that after a shock/trauma , you aren't comfortable with your old friends...we are now different people after the trauma. In my experience , you want different friends that don't know you how you were, because you aren't the same person after.
    John , I hope this is helpful in your studies.

    1. I’m not sure that is part of this movie’s narrative

    2. I haven't seen it , was just telling you my experience. Thanks for listening.

  11. I'll be watching "Lee" and thank you for letting me know about it. It's so easy to look away, isn't it?

  12. I was just reading about Lee Miller and realized that she and my great aunt were both models in Paris at the same time. Small world.

  13. I'm curious about this movie, so thanks for your review. I love Kate Winslet in pretty much anything. Cute photo of the brave and adventurous Weaver!

    1. Go and see it, it was better than the reviews made it out to be

  14. Barbara Anne4:44 pm

    Interesting movie, so will watch for it - thanks!
    I wonder if Weaver is considering sharing the patch of sunshine with the whatever-it-is already there. Always fun when you least expect it!


    1. Animals and sun spots ,they adore them

  15. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Too many tits for my liking



    1. I thought Kate was pretty brave letting it all hang out

  16. I should like to see that movie "Lee".

  17. In two months, Weaver will be sleeping on top of Roger, mark my words.

  18. I thought Roger was asleep too at first. They are slowly getting closer!

  19. I watched a film on Saturday evening. Staying with my brother in law in Somerset for the weekend, he persuaded us to watch the new "Beetlejuice" film with him. What an absolute load of C@$#. That's a couple of hours I will never get back.


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