Blue Angel


I watched Last Night Of The Proms last night
American Soprano Angel Blue looked remarkably moved by the roars of the crowd 
I liked that.
Auld Lang Syne upset me a little . I couldn’t remember the time I sung it let along link arms with another person whilst doing so. 
It’s a song best sung drunk
Another thing for my bucket list,to do.

It’s a grey blustery day here and the village feels as though it’s hunkering down for winter. Affable Despot Jason will be hibernating until April 
Islwyn’s autumn bonfire on the pony field will come and go with only the kittens to observe him. They miss nothing from the bedroom windows and he likes to fire it mid afternoon.

The cottage is quiet and my mindfullness has changed into a doze on the couch. The Welsh are sharing the reading chair in the kitchen , the twins sat carefully on the landing their front feet folded beneath them.
This afternoon I intend to watch The Wedding Planner with a family sized strawberry trifle


  1. Anonymous11:26 am

    It’s time to bring those kittens down or they will think that they are supposed to stay upstairs. When my dog was a pup we gated the top of the basement stairs and now there is no way she will ever go down there. She thinks it is off limits. It seems like Roger and Mary are O.K. With the kitties. Rest well my friend. Gigi

    1. John wrote a little while back that the gate had been removed.

    2. I only erect it again when food is laid out

  2. Anonymous11:28 am

    Oh yes, sung drunk with friends and playing the kazoo. I miss those warm Old Years Nights. Gigi

    1. I do too, but did they really happen?

    2. Anonymous11:08 pm

      They absolutely happened in Grenada WI for several of the years that we were there! Gigi

  3. Definitely an autumnal feel today. I'm with AD Jason, wake me up in spring! I wonder when the twins will venture into the Welsh's territory? xx

    1. This morning I I’ll post a photo tomorrow.

  4. It sounds so cozy there.

  5. It's a song best sung on New Year's Eve. It doesn't seem quite right being sung in mid-September.

  6. Anonymous12:22 pm

    As you often do, village life is painted with words. Take care, Jackie

  7. Your social connections are far better than mine. You make an effort, I don't.

    1. Anonymous8:11 pm

      Hey!!! Bake off ‘s Ruby, my pin up lesbian


  8. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Home. The outside world is an interesting energetic sometimes fulfilling place, but nothing beats closing the door and being home. I love the smell of an autumn bonfire. There’s a crispness in the air here, a hint of the changing season. Jean in Winnipeg

  9. That really does sound like Autumn now.

  10. Maybe if your community hall has a New Year's Eve party, you can organize an Auld Lang Syne singalong, arms linked, at midnight?

    1. Yes one is usually organised , there’s an idea

  11. It's too hot here and, altho some of the leaves are starting to change, it doesn't feel like autumn at all. Too many days in the high 80's (F°)! I love autumn so am looking forward to it.

  12. Anonymous1:32 pm

    It’s hot and intensely sunny here. A grey day might be a welcome change
    My parents always woke us up to welcome the new year. And we’d sing Auld Lang Syne. It’s odd to think that my parents were only in their early thirties then. They’d drink champagne and laugh and laugh
    Lizzy d

  13. Alan often takes to the sofa for a Sunday afternoon film or a binge of NCIS with a family sized trifle to keep him company.

    1. I always liked that man

    2. You're incorrigible, the pair of you. 😄

  14. Your day sounds lovely...and the twins are good company. The monsoons have past and today is still hot but the air is floating past with the feeling of Fall to come.

    1. Winter is going to be a bad one, I feel it

  15. I've always liked Auld Lang Syne and look forward to hearing it at the stroke of midnight when one year turns into the next. Someone should find an excuse for it to be played more often.

  16. Wish I could be there to share that strawberry trifle with you. Although I am a fan of Robert Burns, I’ve never been a fan of locking arms and singing Auld Lang Syne with a bunch of drunks (even if I was one of them).

    1. I prefer a Sherry trifle which I would share with you anyday

  17. Barbara Anne7:26 pm

    I also think of Auld Lang Syne as a New Year's Eve midnight song.
    Your account of who is where and doing what in the cottage sounds blissful. And strawberry trifle ... you must be doing something right, John!


    1. I’m not a sweet lover but I bloody loved that trifle

  18. Damn, I missed it, We had guests.

  19. A strawberry trifle in front of a cosy fire sounds just wonderful!

  20. Nice description of the seasonal changes in your village. Very atmospheric!


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