
Iceland just before lockdown sees an elderly widower Kristofer (Egill Olafsson) receiving bad news from his doctor, who suggests helpfully that he puts his life in order rather quickly. Haunted by an old memory. He flys from Iceland to London in search of an old Japanese restaurant. 

A flash back occurs

In 1960s London young Kristòfer (Palmi Kormakur) is a quiet, easygoing Icelandic student looking for a job. He starts pot washing then cooking for the owner of a Japanese restaurant Takahashi-San  ( Masahiro Motoki) and starts a secret passionate  affair with his daughter Miko ( Kôki)

During their courtship Miko admits to Kristòfer that she and her father are Hibakusha, survivors of the Hiroshima bombing ,and are now people viewed by some, as damaged and unclean. Soon after father and daughter disappear from any contact.

During lockdown an aged Kristòfer now flies from London to Hiroshima in search of his former love,
What will he find ? Will the pair be reunited and why was Miko forced to give up her first love in the first place?

Touch is a beautiful, beautiful love story , with Olafsson literally breaking your heart as the benign, big hearted Icelander battling with a loss of memory and a lifetime of grief.

You will be dirty crying at the end, and will remember this very different love story for a very long time after first seeing it


  1. Genuinely sounds enthralling.

  2. Another one to put on my "to see" list. Everyone needs a good ugly cry once in awhile.

  3. You have sold it to me with your eloquence. I was almost crying at your review. Tissues at the ready. xx

    1. I can’t let anything out of the spoiler bag, but the final scene and I was blubbing

  4. Anonymous8:09 pm

    I grew up next door to a Hiroshima survivor. It's true, no family wanted her as a partner for their son. Eventually she did marry and have three children. Only one married. But she did live to see her first grandchild. She died of pancreatic cancer. At her funeral it was revealed what a marvelous life she had led prior to her marriage. It would be an enthralling movie.

    Have you ever been to Iceland? If not you should go.

  5. Please sign in with you name

  6. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Oh at last a film you have clearly loved !
    Im so happy you saw it
    You deserved it


    1. I was crying along side 6 others who were crying too by the sound. Of things

  7. Anonymous9:09 pm

    I saw this last week and cried and cried when Miko finally opened her door


  8. Anonymous9:20 pm

    So glad you enjoyed it.

  9. Traveller9:35 pm

    Two great reviews…thank you

  10. I've seen the trailer for it but that's all. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll keep an eye out for it.

  11. You mean not the movie version of real love? Real love is so very heartbreaking. I know. I am trying to survive real loves downside. The loss of the one you love with all your heart, soul, and being.

  12. That sounds like my kind of film.

  13. I've received advertising emails for this film and just the ad is beautiful.
    I must try to go

  14. It sounds like one I would love to see.

  15. That sounds like an absolute 'must see'. ❤️


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