Caught short

 I took the Welsh out for a wee and stopped to talk to Trendy Carol ( blonde streaks and new Ponytail v nice) she told me that villager Glenys had passed away. She had been ill for some time and leaves a gentle sad husband who I often talked to over the kitchen wall.
I dropped a sympathy card off at his house and as I drove off Bluebell’s gear stick came off in my hand ! 
Luckily I was pointing for home downhill, so I coasted back to the Church and waited  for the RAC to help, which they did wonderfully. The technician loved my Garfield T shirt which made me preen like a schoolboy. After he had gone I was caught short and had to hide behind the lytch Gate in order to have a desperate and crafty pee.
For gods sake I’m 62
My sister called around to give me an unwanted Victorian armchair which has replaced the cheerful yellow chair in the living room. 
I’m not sure if I’m well enough for University tomorrow , but this week I have a nursing study day, my counselling day and then two long days at hospice over the weekend.
I’m of to bed early tonight. 
Hey ho



  1. I haven't had a UTI in years and I'm very thankful for that. I used to get them as a young woman and they were awful. Hope you're feeling better soon John.

  2. Condolences to Glenys' husband.
    Oh, the joys of getting older! Creaking joints, failing eyesight and hearing, a bladder that seems to hold about a teaspoonful of pee before you have to empty it. It's great isn't it? Lovely armchair, and it looks so comfy. That's another age thing - falling asleep in the chair - sorry, resting your eyes!😴 Hope the morning finds your UTI improved. Rest and hydrate, but you know the drill! xx

  3. Barbara Anne7:37 pm

    My sympathy to Glenys' family and all who loved her.
    Listen carefully to your innards as you decide if you're well enough to keep your scheduled activities in the coming week. You may need a new Rx from your doctor, too.
    As mother of 2 boys, I am well aware of the joy or urgent need to pee outside! May thick bushes always be close when that time comes!
    Love your new chair but hope the happy yellow one is just elsewhere in the cottage.


  4. Oddly I was just thinking that Bluebell has held up so well and no gear shift fall offs lately. ooops, I jinxed you. I can't imagine a gear shift coming off, what happens then?
    Does the new/old chair need a trip to the reupholsterer to brighten it up? Or a nice easily washed slipcover? Is it comfortable?

    I hope you feel well enough to fulfill your busy schedule. Take care of yourself, even if resting bores you silly.
    lizzy x

  5. Anonymous8:27 pm

    My Doctor prescribed Sulfatrim this morning. I should feel better tomorrow. I almost got caught short with my specimen bottle on the way down the hall to the little girls room, had to run. So sorry to hear about Glenys, her husband will be crushed. I hope you will feel much better after a good nights sleep. Gigi

  6. Let's hope the gear shift is the only thing that falls off this week, Take care, get well.


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