My bladder played up in the night. 
The pain isn’t bad , it’s just cramping so I drank lots of water took an extra antibiotic and paracetamol at around five am then walked the dogs and went to bed.  I woke again around 9am then again at lunchtime when I realised that I’d left the kitchen door open and both the twins and the Welsh were sharing my bed albeit in different corners. 
I felt too rough to separate them and when the spitting started I just thought may the best cat win.

This is only my second UTI In a year so I’m doing very well. And this infection is a result of my pharmacy not sending me enough tablets  on my last prescription, something which is happening more frequently in North Wales I noticed . 
I’ve lit the fire, fed the animals and have retuned to bed with a hot water bottle.

I am beyond caring when I hear Roger trying to sit in the cat litter tray in a Valiant attempt to use it as the twins do.


  1. Oh dear, hope the UTI passes quickly so you can enjoy all the tete-a-tete amongst your menagerie. Hugs.

  2. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Do stop adding the unnecessary lies, they're not needed. You may have heard someone making a noise at the litter tray but you had no idea whether it was Roger or not.

    1. Traveller2:40 pm

      Oh go use a litter tray yourself!

  3. Oh, dear. Look after yourself and let the animals sort themselves out. Hope you feel better soon. Gentle hugs. xx

  4. Oh, Roger. I wonder what the twins think of that? Feel better.

  5. Oh dear,I hope you get better soon,the kittens and dogs will learn to share space peacefully,rest well when you can -Mary

  6. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Problems with our pharmacy meant I now get my regular meds online which proves to be 100% quick and reliable Kath x

  7. I so hope you feel better today! Here in the US it's time for us to update our prescription insurance. I am on Medicare (over 65) and it is called Plan D or Part D. Basically you chose a private company in the government approved list. They have worksheets to "help" you make a decision. Then I get to pay them a monthly fee to be my insurer. I got a letter from my 2024 plan saying they are doubling my monthly rate from $40 a month to $80 a month for me and for my husband. Then I have a deductible where I pay out of pocket until I reach a certain amount. Last year I did not reach this amount until late November. Then the insurance covers a portion of the prescription. If you do not select a Plan D, you pay a fine. We get to do this evaluation of plans every year. I am fed up with it.

  8. UTIs are a pain... literally...I am taking D Mannose as a seems to help


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