Where was the Bloody flip flop?

Apart from the overlong Golden Voyager bit which should in essence be performed in the opening ceremony, the closing of the Paris Olympics was dreadful. A couple of lacklustre bands, an orchestra who played down La Marseillaise and some suitably pouting French teen failing to lip synch in a posh Parisian garden.

Tom Cruise picked up the flag for Los Angeles and the dye was set for a repeat of the terrible 1984 games where money was no object and whole thing was overblown and souless. 

Paris did something different which almost worked . Greece and the UK captured their own countries perfectly and the Sydney games underlined fun ( how could it not with Kylie on a twenty foot flip flop) 

 6/10 and no cigar for Paris


  1. So I guess I shouldn't be sorry I missed it,thanks
    for the report,have a good day,-Mary

  2. We gave up on it. Not worth watching the rest, then.

    1. The voyager bit was a bit glum but entertaining and gain the French put it on for too long

  3. I thought it was dreadful, just a full of itself rather bad music concert with rambling speeches and a botoxed to the eyeballs Tom Cruise pretending to be taking the flag to another lack-lustre concert. I drank too much wine and went to bed.

    1. Sue I agree with the music , not a melody in sight

  4. Anonymous10:39 am

    Someone's feeling miserable and sorry for themselves today.

  5. Anonymous11:02 am

    I didn’t give it more than 3/10 and gave up after the rings were hoisted. I just could not wait to see long winded speeches, the athletes must have been bored and would have just wanted to party. There was so much “smoke” or “fog” that you couldn’t see anything. I looked in again later and there was a rock? Band that the athletes seemed to like but then I tuned out again. Glad it is over now for another 4 years. By then I will probably be gaga and won’t give a hoot.

    1. Whoever booked Celine Dion will get a bonus

  6. Anonymous11:03 am

    That was Gigi, sorry.

  7. Not sorry I missed it all, then. I must admit, when I saw the title of the post, I thought one of the kitties had been playing hide and seek! xx

    1. Oh that is what they are doing , every hour on the hour

  8. me too.. thought the kitties had one of your flip flops

    1. My flip flops were thrown out years ago after I slipped out of them on the back step of my old house

  9. I couldn't be arsed x

  10. Anything involving Tom Cruise completely turns me off. But I would have enjoyed being in the middle of that group below Kylie’s flip flop.

    1. They had 100s of drag queens leading the procession as I recall

  11. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were fun

  12. I enjoyed Tom Cruise's stunt and the Hollywood sign with the Olympic rings. Also Billy Eilish's performance. Even Snoop Dog.

  13. Quite as disjointed, incoherent and too-too long as the opening ceremony had been. I hadn't wanted it to be so but I gave up and went to bed even before Tom glided in and phut-phutted out. But the Games itself? The best presented (with lovely venues) and the most compelling Olympics I can remember - and I've watched them all since Rome 1960.

  14. I thought what I saw of the Games was terrific! I couldn't follow the ending program so I switched off.

  15. I saw some snippets and wasn't impressed with any of it, from what I saw. I will stick with Lady Gaga's chic opening number along the Seine and her ode to ZiZi Jeanmarie.

  16. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Tom Cruise! Wow! Have you seen him running? Wow!!!

  17. Barbara Anne4:27 pm

    Neither inspiring nor interesting, so we gave most of it a miss. The games were better but we didn't watch much of those either.

    When the cat owned by DS1 and DIL was a kitten, they trained her by sort of hissing at her for 'no' and she learned easily and well. How are the twins doing?



    1. I just say "No" firmly to mine and they soon learn. They learn their names quickly too. Cats are really clever.
      Jean .

    2. Weaver is a purrer and more confident
      Beans is shy and a spitter
      But are getting better at being handled

  18. Anonymous4:53 pm

    Agree…..ending terrible. Also embarrassed over the Tom Criuse scenario….The USA is much more than over paid entertainers and bad bands….hopefully the 4 years to prepare will be productive and we developed something interesting and worth out time to watch. But, the way the world is and its priorities…I doubt it!

    1. I remember thinking at the 84 games that it was all too much

  19. I must admit, I didn't watch it. None of it.

  20. Anonymous5:23 pm

    I thought the opening ceremony was awful. We couldn't really see well with everyone on boats. I always enjoyed the parade of nations. I cheered for the little guys especially! I knew the closing would be a disaster too. I was right. Tom Cruise is too old to be considered a suave foreign agent kind of guy. I hope Mayor Bass stays out of planning if this was her idea.

    1. The beach party looked somewhat lacklustre

  21. I never bother with the opening and closing ceremonies . It's the sporting achievements that are the important thing and they were all brilliant.

    1. I think I disagree , I think it’s a chance to show that country off to the world

  22. Yorkshire Liz6:38 pm

    Always find the opening and closing ceremonies awkward and embarrassing, so avoid. There was some great sport on show, and some new sports, which were fun. But I enjoy the paralympics more, and find them inspirational. I really would like to know how and why Tom Cruise manages to stick his oar into everything and anything going. Can't stand such immature behaviour of constantly trying to prove his eternal youth and how It Must Be All Down To Scientology. Another definition of weird to go with the Trump/Vance ticket.

    1. I get that , sometimes the little hiatus’ between acts embarrass me too

    2. Oh, is Tom Cruise a Trump supporter? I didn't know that. I do admire that he put his career and money on the line during Covid to make MI II to help the failing theaters and Hollywood. I also find it remarkable that he is able to perform Stunts. Not a fan of his religion but that is his right!

    3. Anonymous1:40 pm

      No Tom Cruise isn't a Trump supporter. Trump thinks Cruise is truly wonderful but that's one sided.
      It's on record that Cruise has said he supports the person who he thinks will do the most good rather than their party. He has in the past donated to both Democrats and Republicans.

      Yorkshire Liz - has Cruise said his eternal youth is down to Scientology? In fact he speaks very little of his religion which is a personal matter as should be anyone's religion. The media refer to it often but not Cruise himself.

    4. Thanks for the clarification. I don't know how Trump.got thrown into this but anything and anyone negative gets tied to him. BTW, not Cruise or Trump fan, just trying to be fair.

    5. Anonymous5:43 pm

      Tom Cruise might not appeal to everybody and I'm not a "fan" but I recognise the good he's done. Most of this is in the background, he's known for being an actor who produces films and does his own stunts who has a particular religion however behind the scenes he's a benefactor to many charities and there's a long list of good works to his name. People don't realise there's more to some people than their commercial image. So what if he's "botoxed to the eyeballs" he's a Hollywood actor for goodness sake, it's what they do! Good for him having the ability to do his own stunts, don't we all wish we were fit enough to do the same if we wanted to!

  23. Anonymous9:57 pm

    The games were excellent, but the opening and closing ceremonies were a bad joke at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
    I think it’s time that the International Olympic Committee starts dealing with the reality of the overall expense and financial waste of the Olympics.
    Many venues built by cities that hosted the games are disused and in ruins.
    And too many officials at the IOC are corrupt and place too many demands on candidate and hist cities. - Rj

  24. I had access to television coverage of the games but watched very little of it and missed both the opening and closing ceremonies.

  25. Love the giant flip flop.

  26. I didn't see any of it; no TV.

  27. Anonymous4:26 am

    John. Love you. It by your own admission your parents xxxxed you up. Love yourself. You are a good person

  28. I wonder how the Welsh will do it when The Olympics finally come to St Asaph or Cardiff. If they can do breakdancing in Paris why not the sack race in Wales?

  29. Break-dancing ? ?? unless it popped up on the news or YouTube I chose not to watch it.

  30. I think your 6/10 was very generous ! I hate being negative but the Opening and Closing Ceremonies were abysmal. The Closing Ceremony is really meant to be a bit of a party for the athletes .... La Marseilles is meant to be a rousing, marching anthem but was mournful as was The Stars and Stripes. As you said, the Golden Voyager should have been in the Opening Ceremony. London 2012 had George Michael. Paul McCartney, Queen, Oasis, The Who etc.etc .... a rock concert for the athletes. I guess we are very good at that sort of thing and have an endless supply of amazing acts ..... France not so much ! Having said that, the Paris venues were amazing ..... Paris and London are beautiful cities. Michael Johnson said LA obviously doesn't have that so they will be concentrating on entertainment and technology ! They will have to clean up the homeless and drugs on the streets ! XXXX

  31. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Great pic of Kylie. We call them thongs Down Under ,not flip flops...Just sayin':)


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