
 It’s a lovely morning in Wales
And Weaver’s namesake is zooming again

Rachel heard from Pat yesterday and it’s good to hear that she’s peaceful 
The link is here
If I hear anything else I will post it here


  1. Thank you.

  2. Yorkshire Liz8:58 am

    Thank you for the update, and the link. Where the conversation is warm, caring, and a very moving tribute to a wonderful lady, who clearly had more friends and followers than she ever knew about. Very touching God bless her.

  3. Traveller9:17 am

    Thank you for posting the link to Rachel’s blog on the update.

  4. Anonymous9:37 am

    Thanks to Rachel, Pat clearly feels closer to her than you John. You will be disappointed not to be in the center of it all but I am sure you will thank Rachel sincerely and not allow misplaced jealously to get in the way as she steps in to support Weave (and us).

    1. What an incredibly sad and nasty thing to say

    2. Anonymous11:53 am

      I agree John. But with your counseling, you can attribute Ute this to a broken person. Which is very sad. And compared to someone like Pat who is very positive, interesting and giving. Peace to Pat, you and Rachel

    3. There is pain in the comment for sure and that saddened me

    4. I thought maybe weaver is writing her farewells as she finds energy. It doesn't mean John is less valuable to her

    5. I thought the same as kylie

  5. Dear Pat, I hope you go gently into that good night. You touched more people than you'll ever know. Thank you John and Rachel for the update. xx

  6. Yellow Shoes10:54 am

    Spelling centre “center” narrows Anonymous down a tad!
    They won’t want to be narrowed down or made to feel less; what a pathetic way to run one’s life, just being unnecessarily mean to others.
    The title of today’s post gave me a mini fright so I was relieved to read on.
    I read Rachel’s blog and - like yourself - she talks the truth.

    1. Anonymous2:46 pm

      Don't be fooled. She did that to make us all think anonymous is American! Gwen

    2. Oh yipee! So we only have all of America to search for the anon!😄

  7. It's good of you to share that link to Rachel's blog with us John, thank you,
    -Mary xx

    1. Not good at all mary. Weaver was there at the start of blogging for me and for many others including Rachel and Tom Stephenson . She was a constant to our ups and downs
      She has many dear friends here and in reality

  8. I hope Pat can feel the comforting presence of her loved ones past and present x

  9. Anonymous11:45 am

    Thank you for sharing update, I am glad she is peaceful and heading gently into that good night x Jane

  10. Anonymous11:47 am

    Thank you JOHN for your kindness x

  11. Anonymous11:48 am

    Thank you John and Rachel, we all miss Weaver’s blog and will truly miss her when she moves on. Gigi

    1. I’ve just seen village leader ian who was tickled pink that you fancy him

  12. Thank you John and Rachel.

  13. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Dear Pat, I shall be holding her in my heart in the coming days. Kath x

  14. Thinking of Weaver. Thanks, John and Rachel.

  15. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Anon, why is it when something so incredibly sad is happening to someone like Weaver, a soul so many of us love and admire. Even though we have never met her. Why oh why can some people not keep their hateful comments to themselves. It shows a very unbalanced mind I am sure.
    Please keep us up to date ,John or Rachel. So many of us like you both ,care about her.
    Love Fish xxxp

  16. Peaceful is the way to be at one's life end. Thank you for the update. x

  17. Thank you John. xx

  18. Anonymous2:34 pm

    Thank you John. - Jackie

  19. Thank you John. I wish her a peaceful death.

  20. Thank you, John dear.

  21. Thank you for letting us all know.

  22. Thanks from me too xx

  23. Barbara Anne6:21 pm

    So good to learn that Rachel heard from dear Pat and appreciate your passing on the news with the link, John. Wish we could send more than virtual hugs to her.
    Am glad Weaver's namesake is zooming and hope her sister is, too.


    1. Saying goodbye is so often not done for a myriad of reasons. So Rachel’s contact with Pat was so lovely and so Weaveresque
      The friend and the hospice nurse in me wants that the appropriate meds in that syringe driver are up and running if needed
      That house will be full of her carers I know that

    2. Anonymous8:35 pm

      Don't worry John, end of life care will be in situ.

    3. I know that, weaver and I have talked about the merits of medication a lot recently , I like to think it was my final and practical gift to her

    4. You are a good man, John Gray.

    5. Anonymous9:58 am

      Her house might well be full of carers but only you would know how to do it properly

  24. Anonymous10:14 pm

    moving post here today, John...... I did not *know* Weaver but she is in my thoughts on her journey. May her remaining time be peaceful indeed......she has done what she needed to do. Thinking of you both.....and all her dear friends and family.
    Susan M/ Calif.

  25. Jo in Auckland2:25 am

    Thank you for the update on Weaver... I don't follow many in blogland but went and had a look at her blog when it was mentioned she was unwell. She writes in a calm and practical way and is very easy to read and imagine the scenes she sets for me looking on from afar. I wish her much peace at this time.

  26. Thank you John - she will be missed by so many people.
    Wendy (Wales)

  27. Thanks to both for sharing xx

  28. Thanks for the update. Weaver always seemed such a grounded and kind person. Not everyone can be so practical and calm at the end of their life, but it doesn't surprise me that she is. I wish her a peaceful passing.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes