
My mother’s tablecloths , the ones she embroidered herself are in the washing machine post flower show.
I will hang them on the garden bushes later to dry in the sun.
I met my sister in law for lunch and did a big store cupboard shop which was satisfying.
It’s warm and bright today and I’m smiling because an old friend Geoff not seen since my 1988 York days got in touch. We’ve texted during the day and his words have been healing to a somewhat tired soul 

“ I was just explaining to my dear wife why I looked you up- you meet some people along the way who you don’t forget- remember we got on really well, had some great laughs and of course there was always the memorable late shift with the Haloperidol😂. Have often wondered where you were and what you were up to so glad I’ve been able to get in touch!”

The twins made a foolishly youthful mistake last night and walked bravely into the living room together. Mary was half asleep, but not sleepy enough not to give chase before I could grab her, and the resulting bunfight had the record player knocked over and the kittens scampering for the stairs. 
This is only a minor set back for they are confident enough again this morning to be waving little hairy back paws at the dogs through the bannisters like prisoners rattling their mugs at a couple of screws.

Mrs Trellis laughed when she saw me earlier as I’m wearing my Garfield T shirt
you look like a big fat toddler” she quipped


  1. Traveller2:35 pm

    Glad to hear the twins are finding their feet and exploring.

    1. I shouldn’t wish their kitten hood away but I do

    2. Traveller9:10 pm

      Agree completely - give me an adult cat with a personality any day.

    3. It's rather sad you do not enjoy the kittens...maybe an adult cat in need would have been a better choice? My memory of kittens is they grow up fast.

  2. Yorkshire Liz2:54 pm

    A big toddler? I would consider that the best sort of old fashioned back handed compliment. Mrs T strikes again!

    1. Animal helper pat visited too today with a lovely bag of sweet tomatoes

  3. I love that you make and keep friends so easily, even when years have passed. The twins are gaining confidence and experience. I love that description of them, like prisoners rattling their mugs. You have a wonderful way with words! Mrs T is right, you do look like a big toddler, albeit one with a beard! xx

  4. Mary had to express her sentiments. The twins are alerted. They know they have paws/claws and seem ready to use them. Good to reconnect with Geoff.

    1. Skirmishes are normal , until peace reigns

  5. Love the shirt, at heart we are all big kids.

  6. I'm a little surprised that the menagerie are not more relaxed with each other. Perhaps they're just fooling you.

    1. Terriers are terriers cro

    2. By the way, my favourite book as a small child was 'Pookie' by Ivy Wallace. It used to make me cry every time it was read to me. It was about a Rabbit with wings.

  7. Anonymous3:32 pm

    The kittens at least know how to defend themselves or where the off ramp is now. Not long before they will all be snuggled up. Nice to hear you feeling better today. Gigi

    1. I don’t want scratched eyes, Mary is too old for that, so softly softly catchie monkey

  8. The kittens are getting bigger and bolder! They'll be running the whole place soon.

  9. Barbara Anne3:52 pm

    How wonderful that you heard from Geoff and he's right in that some people linger in the mind as fond memories and it's good to get in touch when they come to mind! Are there too many miles in between for a meet-up?
    Ahhh, brave kittens! I see one of them is playing with the cord to the window blinds and that cannot end well as I know from our cats and window blind cords. Can you tell the twins apart?
    Love the shirt!


    1. He lives in York , where I met him..ITS NOT FAR

    2. Yorkshire Liz7:50 pm

      If you are coming over in this direction for visiting York, you know you are always welcome to stop off here for nourishment, a break or whatever - not too far away, just a bit of triangulation.

    3. That would be lovely

  10. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Have you heard from Weaver? I know you don't want compliments but you are a saviour for doing everything you are doing for her. I hope her family ask you to lead the funeral service when the time comes. I am sure they will given how much you are central to Weaver's life and everyone will want you there.

    1. Nothing over the past 10 days , I’m sorry

  11. What a delightfully cheerful post, rather than comment about each topic I will just say thanks for sharing all you did, it's made me smile,-Mary

    1. Anonymous6:49 pm

      Lee here, no swearing ! Mary I enjoy John’s “ordinary” life too. He makes it sound interesting, the written metaphors about the prisoners made me smile


    2. Anonymous6:59 pm

      No swearing? Bet that’s killing you

    3. Anonymous7:15 pm

      Fuck off bitch


  12. Someone getting in touch 'out of the blue' can mean so much,

    1. Nice to hear from you again my friend

  13. It is a good feeling when someone gets in contact because they like you and want to catch up with you.

    1. Yes, we had a real bond and it’s lovely to be remembered before my funeral lol

  14. I met with a childhood friend that I haven't seen for 50 years for lunch the other day. Memories!!!!

  15. I love hearing about the kittens. You've done a fabulous job of introducing them to the dogs. I can't wait to hear news that they've crossed the downstairs border successfully. I have a feeling it's only a day or two away.

    1. As I’ve just sat down in the living room with the dogs , the twins have appeared like magic , heads between the bannisters

  16. My word those kittens have grown by leaps and bounds. Good to hear from a good friend. Sounds like a good bond was formed.

    1. Geoff was a sweet general nurse , who was initially totally out of his depth on our psychiatric ward. Me and fellow RMN Tracey Birkin ( who could run 100 metres in high heels quicker than any runneri know) adopted him
      I found her today on Facebook and have just told him

    2. Yes, more connections.

  17. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Melissa mc Bride’s nickname for Daryl in the Walking Dead



    1. Ha ha you are right ( season 4 ) but pookie was Garfield’s teddy bear first

    2. Anonymous8:13 pm

      Ahhh I see !!!!I didn’t know …I was being a smart arse

      Keith Xx

  18. I told ya'! I assume you're wearing the t-shirt in league with your two little kittie-terrorists!

  19. The kittens are fast looking more like cats!

  20. How nice to hear from an old friend! And I am sure bumping into Mrs.Trellis put a smile on your face. I'm glad you have friends and neighbors to lift your spirits, John. xxoo

  21. It was wrong of Mrs Trellis to use the adjective "fat". She should have said "well-built" or "burly" - something like that. Even "overweight" is kinder.

    1. Anonymous10:30 pm

      She speaks as she sees.

    2. Anonymous6:39 am


  22. Anonymous10:31 pm

    That t shirt! No wonder you're single.

    1. I'd marry him because of the t shirt.

    2. Anonymous2:37 pm

      But would he want to marry YOU?

  23. Ooh. Those little stinkers~ I imagine them tittering together when they are safely up the stairs and peering through the bannisters.

  24. Anonymous10:47 pm

    love the shirt.....how lovely to connect with an old friend!....and those kittens.....ooh....they are coming into their own....slowly but *black cat* surely. I've had many cats and loved them all....but my fave was a black cat I named *Rescue* because of course I rescued him from a horribly abusive situation. Your kits and the Welsh will find harmony soon......hopefully you will not have torn all your hair out by then LOL
    Susan M/ Calif.

  25. I'm so far behind in blogging with what, being on holiday, I've missed you, and adore the addition of the beautiful twins. Black cats are the perfect cats...I adore black cats, and the twins remind me of my own dearly departed black beauty, Starbooty, who was a rescue many years ago.

    Hope you been doing real well dear.

  26. Karen1:19 am

    Gotta love the haldol!!!!!

  27. Am sure the effort and care to get them all used to each other will be worth it in the end.

  28. Anonymous6:42 am

    Are you going to tell us about “ the memorable late shift with the Haloperidol”?

  29. How nice to hear from a friend from the past, and to receive such kind words. The kittens look big and healthy. Ah, Mrs. Trellis; she has the same way with words as my mother’s entire family.

  30. Ha! Well, I'm curious about the Haloperidol, whatever that is -- but I can't disagree with Mrs. Trellis about that shirt!

  31. Mrs Trellis's remark made me laugh out loud. Gotta love her.

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