8 Days

 Just to let you all know I’ve emailed Weaver twice this week with no reply.
Her last email from the 21st was brighter and chatty, it ended
“ my gay friend I have known since he was twenty is so good to keep coming over and they keep me going” 
I’ve checked a few blogs to see if she’s commented but nothing. I’ve also checked my spam , just in case a relative of hers has emailed me as requested .
I will let you all know , when I do

I have two clients to see today


  1. Anonymous9:07 am

    If you manage to contact her, please give her our love and best wishes. xx

  2. Anonymous9:07 am

    Sorry, that was me, Happy Hooker.

  3. Yellow Shoes9:08 am

    I check your blog daily to see if there's news of Weaver, as well of course to read your blogs!
    I think her son may probably let us know if its sad news. I'm sure he knows she blogs.
    Fingers crossed the situation is ok. x

  4. Thanks John. Hope the client meetings go well.

  5. Thankyou. That quiet time. Glad that her friend has been visiting xx

  6. It's worrying, but hopefully you will hear something soon. It's that time when I guess only the closest family and friends nearby will know what is going on. I think of Pat every day. xx

    1. I’m sure she knows how much she is respected

  7. Thank you for keeping us as informed as possible on Weaver. I hope she's comfortable if she's still with us.

  8. I like to think that Pat is relaxing with beloved ones close by x

  9. Nice to know she was grateful for her friends the last time she wrote you.

  10. ❤ and peace to you and Weaver

  11. I'm sure her son will let us know.

  12. Anonymous12:33 pm

    I know you don't need thanks John, but we do all appreciate this.
    Alison in Wales x

  13. It does not sound good. I've been thinking that for a few days since you said about being "on the landing".

  14. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Your two emails already this week is one too many John. The last thing her family would want is her being bombarded by requests for information when she is so ill. You've already asked to be told, leave it at that and have more respect.

    1. Respect, sadly something you are totally lacking in.

    2. Last week John was chastised for not contacting her, now its too much contact. We have no idea what goes on behind the scenes and what John does with every minute of his day. Anon sits high on his/her
      perch just waiting to pounce. Must be lonely up there.

    3. Over the past couple of months weave and I have corresponded regularly , as she has done with many friends here in blogland. This is done on her personal email. And not bothering any of her family through theirs .

    4. Anonymous10:09 pm

      Yes on her personal email. Read the comment again - it says the last thing her family would want is HER being bombarded.
      Why did you have to send two emails when it's obvious she isn't well enough to reply. There's quiet concern which is fine without pressuring someone to reply.

    5. Anonymous10:14 pm

      Yeah, yeah, Hazel and Linda. Why do you feel the need to interfere? The comment wasn't addressed to you. Wait a minute, here comes Fliss and Lee.

    6. Why do I bother responding? Because its a public blog and you publicly criticized him so I am publicly defending him. He has only good intentions and showing her he cares is nice. Its not like he is calling her on her phone or knocking at her door. He is emailing her for Gods sake to show love and concern,not to badger her.

    7. John is concerned on behalf of us all, and is keeping a link open. Please don't criticise him for being a good citizen.

  15. Anonymous2:26 pm

    I have been checking your blog too for any updates too on Weaver and had same thought as Tasker. Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  16. I think Weave would be glad to know that we are all thinking of her and that John her friend is a spokesperson for all of us.

    1. Anonymous3:51 pm

      I agree! - Jackie

  17. Oh dear. I do hope she's OK, but of course the inevitable will surely come. My thoughts are with her.

  18. I hope your sessions with clients go well, you have been doing your best to stay in touch with Weaver and share what you know with us, no one can ask more than that .I hope you
    have a nice day,Mary xx

  19. Thank you John.

  20. Anonymous3:00 pm

    I've been hopefully checking the last 8 days for some good news. Although I know the last news will be inevitably bad. Pat in Pennsylvania

  21. Thank you, John dear.

  22. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Thanks John. - Jackie

  23. Thank you John for the update on Pat. No news is good news. I love that the twins are getting to be friends with your other babies. Stay well from West Virginia USA

  24. Anonymous4:52 pm

    Thank you, John for the update.
    You are a treasure. I wish you were my neighbor.
    Take Care,

  25. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  26. Barbara Anne5:35 pm

    I envision Weave enjoying her garden and the birds that visit there. She is missed.
    Ta for the update, John.
    Hope your clients are pleasant.


  27. May you sleep well,and
    only dream of happy things tonight -Mary

  28. Traveller8:50 pm

    Thank you JG. When she signed off on her blog Weaver said she would ask you to post the occasional update - a privilege and a responsibility. She chose wisely.

  29. Anonymous9:05 pm

    You are her Her trusted friend.💖 I don’t fear dying, but it’s the long process to get through until last heartbeat. I think we would all want it to be quick, painless and a calm loving process.

  30. Thank you for the update.

  31. The Weaver news doesn't sound very good. We can hope her passage is as pain free as possible.

  32. I too hope she is well, wherever she is. Your concern and help in getting us information is appreciated. Thank you.

  33. I've been quite concerned for her. Thanks for checking on her, John.

  34. Thank you for being a true friend.

  35. Thank you for the update - although worrying. So many people are thinking about her

  36. Thank you for being you. We are all so concerned about Weaver.
    Wendy (Wales)


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