

I’m sending Weaver the very last note of this one of my favourite pieces by the lisping choir
It’s a cracker
She emailed me an update and she’s weak and rather unwell
She sends her love
If I can catch the bugger , I will send a photo of her namesake later
And here she is 
Beans is under the spare bed

Both kittens have been conspicuous by their ability and need to hide
I’ve given them some space until today then I’ve sought them both out and groomed them with my fingers 
Until they both purred.
I then fed them 
I’ve done that three times today 
And for the first time I’ve heard them perform the zoomies from downstairs 


  1. Oh John, you'll know so well how things are with Weaver. Holding her in our hearts.

  2. Anonymous6:11 am

    I love that you send your friend a note! Just one note from a much cherished song.
    I hope she enjoys it


    1. I hope so too…it was a cracking note indeed

  3. Anonymous6:13 am

    Thanks John.
    I am as always, reading your lovely posts. I think a couple of my comments have disappeared into the ether recently but no matter. Hoping the little black kittens are settling
    in x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I will check my trash , I never delete signed posts

    2. Anonymous12:52 pm

      That's not true, you have deleted signed posts when you don't agree with the contents. Only your opinion is the right one.

  4. May Weaver be given
    whatever she needs
    Thank you John for letting us know what's happening
    -Mary xx

  5. I will hope for peace and comfort for Pat.
    Thank you for the update

  6. Thank you, John. Pat is in my thoughts. Xx

  7. Remembering Weaver with great affection. Go gently, Weaver. I'm glad she will have good to see her namesake. Thank you John for keeping us in touch.

    1. Her namesake looks remarkably like a fruit bat

  8. Sending Weaver much love. That startled look is very reminiscent of the photo of Albert on your sidebar. Mischief and mayhem to come! xx

  9. Pat will be chuffed to see a photo of her namesake. I do hope she's coping OK. I think of her often.

  10. Much love to Weaver. Let her go gently into that good night

  11. Thinking of Weaver.
    And the joy that little Weaver and Beans will bring xx

  12. Thank you for the update John. I often think of Pat and hope this portion of her journey is smooth and as comfortable as possible. Love the names you chose for the kittens.

  13. Love to Weaver in this time and thank you for the update. x

  14. Sending much love to Pat, and thank you for updating us. I have always admired her; she has made the best of her life, no matter the situation. Those black cat eyes! Mischief will not be managed!

  15. Thinking of you Weaver.

  16. Anonymous10:29 am

    Think of Weaver every day, hope she has a comfortable day. Little Weaver is gorgeous. Gigi

  17. Sending lots of love to Pat, I think about her daily. Black kittens can be notoriously hard to photograph well.

    1. Yes she looks like a bloody flying fox bat

  18. Sending love and care to Weaver and Weaver.

  19. Oh my, what a startled look.

  20. Love to dear Weaver too and thank you John for the update.

  21. Yorkshire Liz12:03 pm

    Please send Weaver her love, and let her know we are thinking of her.
    Lovely Kandid Kitten photo. Made me smile, and I'm not even a cat person! (Seriously allergic) You are going to have to be on your toes with those two - and lots of fun!

  22. Thank you for the update. Thinking of Pat/Weaver today.

  23. Dearest Weaver, Gentle hugs and a light forehead kiss.

  24. Thanks for the update.

  25. weaver1:40 pm

    Feeling a bit better today. Thanks for everyone's good wishes. The sun is shining.

    1. Feel the lurve 🪡🌾❤️

    2. Anonymous1:09 am

      Very good news that you are feeling better today Pat. I am just now catching up on blogs since being away for a week. - Jackie

  26. Rest easy Weave, I am thinking of you. Feeling a bit better is good to hear. A sunny day is always welcomed. Thank you for the update Weave and John

  27. I think of Pat everyday and hope she is still enjoying her view of the garden and peaceful days.

  28. Anonymous2:25 pm

    I am looking forward to the day when you post a picture of a very cozy kitty or two curled up on your sofa, relaxed and loved.

  29. It's wonderful to see a current note from you
    weaver, enjoy the sunshine,-Mary

  30. I too think of Weaver. My fondest hope is that she is comfortably watching life from her window while sipping on a hot cup of something and eating a two fingered kitkat.

  31. Thank you for the update about Weave, she is very much in my thoughts x

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Wishing Weaver peace & comfort. May the sun on your garden bring you joy, Weaver, and know you are held in the hearts of many.

  34. Sorry that got sent before finished.
    It took a while for him to get where he is now. If I may make a suggestion, and I don't want to advertise......
    Apart from patience and a soft word, have you tried lick e lix , half a tube each in separate saucers, salmon or chicken should do it. As they get older treat them to a tube each. At first they may not eat it whilst you are there, but they will likely start to venture out on later days and let you sit and watch. Of course I don't know how they are with you already, but this has been a favourite treat with all my previous cats.

  35. It seems you didn't get the first part of my text after all! I've only got a phone to use.
    Part one.... It seems that the kittens haven't befriended you yet if the picture under the bed is anything to go by.😸 Those eyes! Have you sent Weaver the photo of them in the carrier when they arrived , and said which is which?
    My boy kitten was very scared when he arrived , and it took some time before he got to where he is today.
    Now the other text follows on !
    Sorry John ,I'm not very good at this tech yet,🙀

    1. Jean
      Yes I left them too long on their own , I thought a few days would be enough before they got their confidence but I was wrong. I needed to handle them , ideally at every mealtime so I was associated with food
      I’ve done that today and it’s worked wonders , after eating they played and that play could be heard from downstairs for the first time

    2. So glad John. I hadn't seen the bit about them purring and being touched when I sent my comment, I only got as far as the photo.
      Clearly they are starting to trust you. Maybe soon you will find time to sit with them and they will venture onto your lap. Contact is so important .
      I couldn't take my eyes off mine when I first had them. Things are looking good for both you and them. I'm so pleased they are settling in.

  36. Anonymous6:23 pm

    My love to Pat. My thoughts turn to her many times through the day. Thank you John for the update. Do the dogs have a clue yet? Pat in Pennsylvania

    1. There was banging and running this afternoon and both dogs missed it

  37. My thoughts are with the human Weaver today and to another blogger who has just lost her husband. A bit sad in blog world. Good job we have your kittens to cheer us up. I think they are going to lead Roger a merry dance.

  38. Barbara Anne7:11 pm

    What fun to visualize Beans and Weaver doing the zoomies as they become more comfortable in your sweet cottage.
    Love the song and hope our much loved friend Weaver enjoyed it, too. Holding her in my heart and in my prayers. Ta for the update, John.


  39. Thanks so much for the update on Weaver !! And enjoy your new kittens !!

  40. My cats have always loved to be brushed and combed, and sounds like Weaver & Beans responded well to your grooming them. Tickled that you've heard the zoomies!!!

  41. Anonymous11:24 pm

    Thank you for the update. I’ve been thinking about her. Lynn USA

  42. Anonymous11:44 pm

    Sending positive thoughts to Weaver and her garden.


  43. Once those kitties associate you with food, they'll be won over.

  44. How are they interacting with the dogs?

  45. Anonymous4:19 am

    Thx for the update. Kathy

  46. The kittens seem to be settling now. Lovely that they have each other for comfort and play.

  47. That picture has Weaver looking like a bat. Congrats on your new kitties. Good thoughts for the original Weaver.

  48. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Hope Weaver is feeling a bit better soon Tell her we send our love and miss her.


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