Time To Watch The Clouds

This melancholic lullaby by my lisping Choir suits today’s mood  perfectly.
I caught up with an old friend last night for a meal at The Goat and he looked tired and a little sad
Life can be a slog at times and sometimes all you can do as a friend is listen and understand.
It was lovely to see him.

I’ve done a little more of that this morning as I complete my nursing revalidation, sat at the kitchen table,
And from time to time, in between sad texts and messages, I’ve allowed myself to daydream and get lost in the art wall, where the Chicken is always smiling and the wide eyed dogs are galloping joyfully towards the hills.

I’m not depressed or down today, …..I’m reflective
There’s more sadness that’s been passed on to me today that I don’t need to share, and this in turn has recharged old memories and feelings. 
It’s hard to soak up a great deal, of sadness and pain and stress, not that anyone is forcing it on me, but when I mean soak up, I mean to assimilate it, to process it. 

Now follow me right now, drop what you are doing and go out in your garden, or your park, or your nearest patch of green.
It’s grey here with the gentle hint of rain 
There’s a breeze blowing too.

Now lie down on the grass,
my grass is cool and damp and luxurious 
And watch the clouds 
Like rabbits do when they think you cannot see them


  1. Anonymous11:29 am

    Well they do say that misery loves company.

    1. It should read misery needs company

  2. Most of the world, needs someone kind to listen, without judgement.

  3. There are days when life throws a curveball, then chucks a few rocks at you, just for good measure. On days like that I do try to think, "This, too, will pass". Occasionally it helps. I hope your and your friend's melancholia passes quickly. Those pictures, especially the running dogs and the Gray animals cartoon, would put a smile on anyone's face. xx

    1. I’m ok, there’s just been a bit of bad news and old ghosts around x

  4. Anonymous11:34 am

    Wise words about listening to a friend. I have started planning a art wall in my home. I hope to finish it by the end of the year. (yes, I am slow LOL) - Jackie

    1. Oh can you send me a photo? I could share readers art walls!!!

    2. Anonymous1:14 am

      Will do. But it will be awhile - remember: I am SO slow with projects. - Jackie

  5. Your art wall is always a pleasure to see.

    1. Have you got one debra? I’m suggesting an exhibition of readers walls !

  6. I think that art wall would cheer up most people. I especially like those dogs.

    1. Every piece means something important to me

  7. Though I can be overwhelmed by sadness - which creeps in unexpectedly or in waves - I have learnt now to branch out towards a distraction x

    1. Yes sometimes diverting yourself helps so much

  8. Anonymous12:06 pm

    The ebb and flow of mood. Thank goodness for good friends.
    Alison in Wales x

  9. That art wall must bring you so many happy memories of when you got each piece. Hope you have a calm, happy week, John. xxoo

    1. It’s the flower show in three days , chance will be a fine thing x

  10. Hard times and good times come and go. Things change like the weather. Nobody knows what is around the next corner. Maybe that's a good thing.

  11. The art wall is wonderful therapy.

  12. Anonymous2:37 pm

    You have been sounding a bit down lately, John. How are the kitties 🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛ have they come into contact with Roger and Mary on their own yet. It might be time for a spit and swat session. Gigi

    1. A lot of people around me are down, or are struggling at the moment

  13. Sometimes it's just a run of sad stuff, isn't it ? I always try and remind myself that things will get better , it's just getting through the cr-p. Being outside on the grass looking at the clouds is a great way of doing just that, I'm with you on that one John x

    1. You are right, something made me check my junk mail today, with more bad news lurking

  14. One or two pictures on the art wall are skew-whiff.

    1. Traveller6:55 pm

      So is the world, so is the world.

    2. It drives me quietly bananas YP , but I never get it right

    3. Jo in Auckland6:25 pm

      My pet peeve is wonky pictures... a quick tip to stabilise them is a tiny bit of blue tack on the back in the lower corner and a give a little push. Perfection! I have done it at so many client's houses over the years I'm the blue tack queen!

  15. We all need the rabbits as art on our walls. It made me smile and still smiling .

    1. I went outside. I took a pillow and a blanket , because my intent was to lie in the back of my pickup truck , tailgate down and I did just that. The clouds were moving east to west they usually travel west to east. I saw a turtle on rollers.It was cool and breezy . Almost cold. Fall is coming and it energized me. I thought I heard bunnies snickering a few feet away from me . I thought they weren't watching so I lay on my back and enjoyed the sun.

    2. Anonymous7:34 pm

      I went outside to the community garden
      I live in my dead parents’ apartment duplex
      With no garden.
      And I laid down on a patch of grass
      I did honest John
      And I loved it


    3. How was the New York weather ?

    4. Gemma,
      I loved your description
      I found it incredibly moving

    5. Anonymous8:30 pm

      Later afternoon and sunny temp 72

  16. Your art wall always brings a smile to my face. Love the rabbits cloud watching! I needed those smiles today, and I thank you!

  17. I'm just impressed that if you lie down on the grass you can get up on your own!

    1. I did look like a fat turtle on his back

    2. You're funny.
      If I went and lay on the grass behind my rented cabin right now, someone passing by would think I was dead.

  18. Barbara Anne5:44 pm

    Love your art wall and all the wonderful memories it contains.
    You are a good friend, John, and because of that, you have good friends. You spoke wisely when you said it takes time and reflection to process sad news.
    Love the rabbits and music! Ta.


    1. It seemed to me it was sad story after sad story, 5 different ones all told

  19. I'd love to lie on the grass and watch the clouds scudding along, trouble is, I'd not be able to get up again!

    1. I had trouble, but it was worth the effort

  20. What a dear post. On the grass and loving the clouds. XO

  21. Very sad yet fanciful. No grass lying here-1-somene would call an ambulance or the police, 2--there's ticks [mosquitoes, gnats]. 3- it would give me the heebie jebies. 4- a dog would pee on me. But I looked at the ocean instead, from the deck and walked Mo down to the beach verge.

  22. Back in the early 2000's, I was on the lawn relaxing on my (framed) hammock, the day was warm, the sky was blue, the clouds were fluffy white and my black cat Tiger was asleep on my belly.
    Happy, beautiful times, sadly now gone.

  23. Love your wall of pictures.

  24. We had a thunderstorm today with just a tad of hail. And it only lasted for about 10 minutes or so. But it was good.

  25. No clouds here yesterday, just dozens of vapour trails going in all directions.

  26. I cannot sleep, and came out to see the moon, just past full, but still bright and glowing, and drifting in and out of the clouds. I will skip laying on the ground to watch it because it is 49 degrees here and I am in a night gown.

    But cloud watching...I remember the sense that I was actually feeling the earth moving as I watched the clouds skuttle by. For a child, that was magical.

  27. Laying grounded but with your dreaming in the clouds. Perfect.

    Sad times often seem to come for several friends at once. Almost overwhelming and we need each other and just Nature to help us cope.

  28. Anonymous7:28 am

    The magical rabbits are beyond words…my day will be wonderful for having seen them. Who is the artist?

    1. Traveller8:10 am

      The artist is Anita Jeram

  29. I have always wondered how counsellors can listen to such trauma and unhappiness and not get dragged down by it. You rightly say it is the act of process, I think I understood you correctly. I love the rabbits pic. I once bought it for a birthday card for himself, he loves cloud watching.

  30. Sorry I can't follow your instructions, apart from not having any grass, the rain is torrential ... and I've already had a shower today!!

  31. A beautiful essay on grief and sadness, taking in and letting go.

  32. Just back in from my truck bed , blankets and sun. I hope it helps ...natural vitamin D. No clouds on this day though. I took a brolly to shade my eyes if I needed. Only when I sat up and had a catch in my rib cage that hurt when I breathed, then I needed it for the few minutes it took to breath till it didn't hurt. Don't let age stop you. Keep trying.


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