Breast Feeding


I’m tired and after a sit down with a Welsh licking my feet, I will have a gin and will go to bed.
I’ve seen clients this morning and met a friend for lunch, then shopped for things for the flower show . 
Instead of garden flowers to decorate each tea table  I’ve bought a delicate single potted cyclamen which will be given as a gift to the volunteers and some of the elderly people  of the village when we close.
Pippa who is in her seventies ,stopped me when I was approaching the cottage and talked at length about the show
She got off onto a tangent and suddenly she was sharing that she stopped breast feeding because her son bit her once.
Red faced I  gave my excuses and raced for home 


  1. I'm surprised that, as a nurse, you became embarrassed about a breastfeeding story. Maybe there was too much information? Mind you, that was one hell of a tangent from the flower show! The blue pot sets off the red cyclamen beautifully. Sleep well, you're going to need all the energy you can muster. xx

    1. Anonymous1:54 pm

      I thought that too, it wasn't much to get embarrassed about for anybody and I can't imagine a nurse being embarrassed.

    2. Anonymous1:54 pm

      You do of course have to take all John's stories with a pinch of salt.

  2. Trust me, as a a 78 year old, sometime we geezers say the oddest things, because they make sense to us, for something in our past that the conversation triggered. The cyclamen is one of my favorite potted flowers.

  3. How unexpected - I am aware that occasionally I drop into chit chat with dog walkers & shoppers things previously I would never have shared - such as - one having a weak bladder x

    1. Anonymous1:56 pm

      No flis, that's Too Much Information.

  4. OUCH! Every woman will flinch while reading your post today.

    1. Anonymous7:51 pm

      I’m holding my nipples


    2. Anonymous8:33 pm




    3. Anonymous8:37 pm

      Without nipples Tits would be pointless!!!!!


    4. Anonymous1:56 pm

      Nobody tittered Lee

  5. Now that is definitely a blogpost title to draw you in.

  6. Barbara Anne7:57 pm

    Never had that happen with either of our babies. Ouch, indeed!
    Stellar choice of the glorious red cyclamen. Pansies are my favorite, but cyclamen are a close second.
    Sweet dreams!

    Hugs, too, of course!

  7. Well, that was some tangent!

  8. No need to be youngest used to nip me a bit at keep me awake!! I was absolutely shattered much of the time...he always has kept an eye on me and cared...

  9. Ana Dunk8:36 pm

    Well, okey-dokey then! Hard to carry THAT conversation much further.

  10. Wonder what made her think of that!?!

    1. Pippa is the nearest person in the village who could be taken as lady of the manor

  11. The cyclamen are beautiful and make very nice gifts. Nice choice. I think some people like you have a special connection with others and this allows them to tell you almost anything. When I managed a large group of people, one person told me he needed the day off to get a vasectomy that he did not want but his wife insisted.
    Another told me his wife left him after 3 months of marriage; he was shattered.

  12. You are welcome to my gin in the morning, if it helps!

  13. Those Cyclamen are a perfect choice John. They'll require little care beforehand and 'kill two birds with one stone' - well done. As for the random breast feeding story.. sounds like she's a little off balance? Most babies bite once, but it's unusual to need to stop feeding because of it, so there's a back-story there methinks. (Mine bit me in the middle of the night and I chucked him across the bed for my husband to deal with.... and he never did it again!)

  14. There's no need to be red-faced about breast feeding John - unless of course you also bit one of your mother's nipples when you were a baby.

  15. I had my first baby at 21 and breastfed him on demand. I remember so distinctly going to see my very old granny in her nursing home where she had some sort of dementia but did recognize family members. My grandfather was there too. These were people who hardly ever showed any sort of physical affection for each other or their daughter (my mother) or my brother and me. And so when my baby wanted to nurse, I was a bit worried about what they would think but my overwhelming desire was to feed my child, which I did, right there in front of them being as delicate and discrete about it as I could possibly be. And instead of any criticism from either of them, my darling old grandmother who had to be tied into her chair at that point saw what I was doing and said to my grandfather, "Oh James! Do you remember when I used to do that with our babies?"
    And my so very prudish granddaddy said, "She always had more milk than she needed," in such a way that let me know how proud he'd been of her.
    I am telling this story to say that breastfeeding our babies is something we do not forget and I guess the fathers do not either.

    1. Anonymous1:50 pm

      Your grandmother was TIED to a chair?

    2. Jo in Auckland7:00 pm

      Happened quite a lot in rest homes that don't have a dementia wing, or a tip chair is used so a resident cannot get out of it. It shouldn't have but sometimes there was no more practical answers when people were a danger to themselves or others or an escape risk.

    3. Anonymous8:18 pm

      Barbaric. Not how I'd want my relatives to be treated.

  16. The tyke must have been teething.

  17. Babies bite boobs. It is quite a tangent though. Reminds me of myself. I tried to explain to my husband once how my thoughts are connected by a thread which only I can see and which makes sense to me, but to others I'm sure it's odd at times.

  18. Gosh, this brought back some memories. I have 3 children and breast fed them all. Only the Middle Child decided it was fun to bite my nipples when feeding, and then she would laugh at my reaction! She was 8 mths old and quickly went onto a bottle . . .

  19. I hate knowing things about people that I would prefer not to know of.

  20. That's a lovely idea, giving the volunteers a Cyclamen each after the show, what a nice keepsake it will be for a while. I think elderly people come out with the most random things unexpectedly, she obviously thought she could tell you anything ... and did!!

  21. I think my original comment has gone to "Spam" - unless you censored me of course.

  22. I can imagine that would hurt. It is time we normalizing being mammals, and the bodily functions that come with that.

  23. Anonymous1:52 pm

    You're a nurse yet were embarrassed about a tale about breast feeding?

  24. Poor Pippa will be mortified if she reads your blog. For a nurse you are oddly squeamish about female body function's, Tho maybe it was the oddness of the digression. Have a wonderful flower show weekend!

  25. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Beautiful cyclamen. A neighbor told me our apartment building entrance planters had new plants and looked great. I noticed this yesterday and almost did a spit laugh. The colors are nice but the plants are…..plastic

  26. That gave me a good laugh. Yes, once seen it cannot be unseen - in your mind's eye that is. :)

  27. Why? Is that what you did to your mother?

  28. Well that was quite a tangent! I'd love to know how you got onto that subject.


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