The Patter Of Little Feet


It was still dark when I woke up.
The lane light remains out of use and so the bedroom is almost totally dark, expect for the slight glow from the garden solar lights and the faraway moon.
There comes the patter of paws on wooden floor boards
Then an excited squeak , followed by another set of pattering
The twins are in the bedroom. 
They don’t stay long, for the Marathon run is from my bedroom around theirs up and down the hall and into the bathroom where they terminate inside the shower cubicle .
I heard the toilet roll being unravelled and various shower gels being knocked over.
I fell asleep until my extended foot and right big toe was being tapped furiously .
More racing and fighting.
This time up and down the stairs. 
The first step is the first step into no man’s land and cannot be negotiated as yet.
The upstairs is their domain.
Around dawn they were at it again .
This time abseiling down the side of the bed ,
More toe smacks, and zooms and the occasional fart
Something crashes in the bathroom and the dogs bark from their place on the reading chair in the kitchen.
I put the pillow over my head 
And swear
It’s not yet 6 am


  1. You've brought it on yourself, and you love it.

  2. Anonymous11:02 am

    The joys of kittenhood and you love it I know you do. Before you know it the will be up there in bed sleeping with you. Gigi

  3. Life with babies, you'll have bags under your eyes before you know it. :-)

  4. Traveller11:21 am

    For me kittens are a pain in the neck most of the time. Haven’t had many kittens as we have tended to get “used” cats. We did get a couple of kittens six or so years ago. The one year old still somewhat feral cat brought them up and they taught him to trust us.

    Roll on adult hood

    1. Karen2:21 pm

      Traveller, never before heard older cats called "used". I love it!

    2. I have a "used" cat right now. I prefer to consider her "recycled." :)

    3. Traveller3:33 pm

      Love recycled as well.

  5. The joys of parenthood! xx

  6. Like having five year old kids in the house.

  7. Anonymous11:47 am


  8. Funs staarrted ! x ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ☕

  9. Love it!! My daughter's cat , although 19 and having dementia...still wakes at 5.30 and demands loudly Where is everyone, why are you not awake?????

  10. Yorkshire Liz12:05 pm

    Ah yes - baby behaviour the world over, two legs or four. And I hate to tell you (!) but sticking your head under the pillow does not make the little terrors finding their feet and their courage, go away and do something else. Rather, it seems to encourage them to keep on doing what they are doing. I feel sorry for the toilet roll - and what you might have found when you went into the bathroom!

  11. Oh well, you don't really NEED to sleep, do you???

    1. I fondly remember this same stage with the two kittens we brought home many years ago - identical looking to your two. I was younger then, and didn't need as much sleep as I do now. It was very entertaining, though :)

  12. Anonymous12:22 pm

    How lovely, they are having fun exploring. Re the flower show, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the extra behind the scenes glimpses, particularly the quiet joy of the man in the tank top on his wins. I have thought about that many times since I read it, and how important the flower show must be in his life, and wondered about the rest of his life. Jean in Winnipeg

    1. That bit about the elderly man and his wins really touched me too. It must have meant so much to him. I can imagine that growing the entries must be a really big part of his life and to get his efforts rewarded must have made him so quietly happy.

    2. Anonymous5:22 pm


  13. Rambunctious little cuties!

  14. Anonymous12:31 pm

    You need a couple of those trail cameras that take pictures of what happens at night so you don't miss a single moment!

    1. Anonymous12:31 pm

      Whoops, that is me, Ceci, above, I hit publish too soon.

    2. Sounds wonderful. I take it the fart was yours, kittens do not fart, they are too cute and well mannered.๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ˜บ

    3. Karen2:24 pm

      Jean, trust me when I say that kittens do indeed fart - some of the smelliest ever!

    4. Yes John, I know kittens do little silent ones but I was joking. They don't do noisy ones and soon grow out of it in my experience. Unlike humans who do both loud and silent but deadly ones, and more so as they get older.
      So I'm told. Lol !

  15. Too funny. I love kittens and I also remember how much trouble they are:)

  16. Babies are babies no matter their species. And they are the cutest and the darlingest and the biggest pains in the ass.

  17. Urgh - I like a quiet life!

  18. All sounds well in Trelawnyd. I'm surprised they haven't yet attacked the dogs.

    1. Anonymous5:30 pm

      The spitting will keep them apart
      I hate kittens to be fair


  19. Maybe you can fit in a nap today!

  20. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Awww, how lovely, kittens are such fun, but perhaps not so early in the day. I was woken at 3 this morning, our lab was trying to tell me something, thank goodness I let her out.....urgent loo stop required - say no more !
    Alison in Wales x

  21. For them every day - and night - is a continuous stream of great adventures as they discover and explore the world. Their curiosity MUST and WILL be satisfied! :-)

  22. Their confidence is growing. Before long they will be up and down your stairs like bullets... I was going to say like **** off a shovel but such an expression might not go down too well with morally upright visitors.

  23. I so loved that description, I was right there beside you hearing the whole episode. Thank you for the grin and another perfect for the book.

  24. You ARE enjoying this.


  25. I assume the occasional fart did not come from the adorable kittens.

  26. Anonymous2:54 pm

    ah yes, this is the phase I was waiting for LOL! Ooh boy, their *switch* is on, now!
    Susan M/ Calif

  27. Oh I knew you'd enjoy having TWO! I still get woken up at 5.50 a.m. every morning . . .

  28. Nelliegrace3:12 pm

    What fun. Ours bounced onto the seat, then the back of an armchair, and launched themselves onto the net curtains, shredding them on the way down.

    1. I've always had cats/ kittens but never had curtain problems or Christmas tree problems, though plenty of racing round. However, my current pair have managed to knock trailing plants from the window sill and murder my 6 feet tall, 38 year old cheese plant by climbing it and tipping it over. Luckily I saved a green piece before it died of shock and that has rooted. That was the early days. Now they are 10 months old and do all their climbing and chasing in the garden. So cute, I forgive them anything.

  29. Barbara Anne3:58 pm

    Ah, kitten exuberance is a mixed blessing at night. Hope nothing broke. It's so wonderful you got two kittens as they need each other.
    Yep, another for your book.


  30. The excitement of kittens is always a joy to behold! Your description of nighttime kitten antics is perfect.
    Hope your day has gone well.

  31. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Being kitten-less--it sounds like a perfect way to wake up.

  32. I well remember the insanity of kittens.

  33. Jo in Auckland7:03 pm

    Hahaha, and so it begins... morning torture; I remember it well. Good luck with two of them...

  34. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰

  35. That pitter patter can sound like thunder in the early hours.

  36. Gosh lots of comments which I will answer in one BIG one
    I’ve just got home after sitting through a somewhat dire Chinese neo noir thriller ONLY THE RIVER FLOWS

    THE DOGS are now more or less accepting of the twins , albeit in the upstairs of the cottage we have had the now customary ( and repeated) journey to the stair bottom ( gated) to watch the twins play and scratch . No barking no drama , just interested viewing.
    Both parties enjoying the Mexican standoff .

    Andrew is partly right, I am enjoying the interaction but I honestly don’t like kittens. To be fair I’m not a lover of puppies either. One is spitting ball of rage, the other just a ball of stupid .
    To me Albert just arrived as a kitten who acted like an adult
    Joan and Betty I had when I was 29 . I just don’t remember them.
    The noise last night was a minor irritation, but I slept in until 9 am let’s see how I am before a long day at work..
    I’ve handled the kittens but not as much as I could
    Albert was not a fussy cat, the twins im happy to be the same
    Walking to the toilet in the night is a careful procedure as both kittens arnt scared of me

    The farts were kitten based and terribly meaty

    Tonight both have been swinging from the curtains

    1. Anonymous8:46 pm

      I love your writing it sounds like a piece out of James Herriot ‘s books have you read them John ?


    2. Well, I LOVE kittens and this all makes me so happy. Although I do hope you bet better sleep. Our cats are 13 and wake us up before 6.

    3. At first I thought the kittens swinging from the curtains was funny,I do hope they aren't causing damage to the material though, I hope you sleep
      soundly tonight, Mary

  37. Oh no! You do need your rest and a good uninterrupted sleep. Maybe the babies must sleep in their crate for a few more weeks? Or close your bedroom door.

  38. Oh dear. Just what you need. Swingers! Kittens are hell on wheels.

  39. So sweet but must also be very tiring when you need your sleep. I am only used to puppies who are tiring in a different way for a while I think. The kittens seem to be becoming more confident and having fun now.

  40. Anonymous6:41 am

    Put your toilet roll on the opposite way so it doesn’t unroll when they play with it. It may look like Swiss cheese, but it won’t be all over the floor. Kittens are very cute to read about in someone else’s home. We have 2 crazy puppies that are very cute and funny but are wearing a bit thin. I hope they mature soon.

  41. Well, annoying as it all is, I'm sure you'd rather have their exuberance than them lying quietly in their carrier. As you know, if a human or animal is lying quietly, there's something wrong. They'll settle down - in about 10 years! xx


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