Hit The Road


I went to see a Chinese Neo noir thriller yesterday afternoon. It wasn’t very good, Only The River Flows 
Could have been the most depressing movie I’ve seen all year, but it was nice to get back to my touchstone of the cinema again. 
I’ve needed it.
Today I’m off to counselling supervision then am off to the university library to plan an essay, Trendy Carol’s hubby has the Welsh and Mrs T  will check on the devil kittens at midday. 

Enjoy my lisping choir 


  1. Good old Mrs Trellis - always willing to give a gentleman a helping hand.

    1. I can see her sitting on the stairs petting their fur off. :)

    2. She fed and “. Counted” them lol

  2. Yorkshire Liz10:00 am

    Sometimes you learn more, and feed your brain better, by seeing and reacting to shows or films you don't like than the ones that you do. Do a list of your ten favourite noir films and catch up with them on the internet. That will clear and refresh the synapses. (Hints: The Usual Suspects, LA Confidential, The Night Of The Hunter, The Maltese Falcon.......now fill in the blanks!)

    1. Anonymous3:48 pm

      can't be bothered

    2. Yorkshire Liz5:11 pm

      And who asked you? "Can't be bothered" is a typically negative, juvenile and dismissive comment you expect from a thirteen year old. If you are older than that - well - I hope better things for you if you want your life to improve and your psyche to grow. And God bless you indeed, because it seems you need it. Have you never heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"? And if not, why not, because that actually explains a lot.

    3. I’m with you Liz, great idea , neo noir movies are so common now , I have loads to choose from xx thank you my friend

  3. Your being busy today will hopefully take your mind off a depressing movie,.
    Nice to have folks take
    care of your family of animals,I hope your days
    plans go well,-Mary

  4. It's good that you have so many lovely people around who are willing (and enjoy) helping you out. Shame about the film, but we can't like everything! xx

  5. The Devil Kittens ... that would make a good film.

  6. Anonymous12:19 pm

    You do have the best neighbors. I am not a cat/kitten person. Every time one of our dogs have died I have said "no more" as I cannot take the heartache of losing them but then I think "okay, but just one more" - Jackie

  7. Study well, and enjoy the day.

    1. I didn’t enjoy it, but it was useful

  8. So nice to have helpful neighbors! That song reminds me of years ago sitting in a bar with my college friends trying to visit while a guy kept trying to hit on my pretty friend, Colleen. Just then that song came on the jukebox and she sang, "Hit the road, Jack" to him and he left us alone! :)
    Have a good day, John.

  9. I haven't been to the cinema in months. I've lost my taste for it. I'd rather just sit at home and stream movies and not deal with people sitting around me.

    1. I lost my way a bit Steve, but I need it at the moment

  10. Anything that can change our outlook is wonderful moment. Hello Kitties !


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