Home Cooking

I have come down with a small bump today. Before cooking , I took my two boiled fruit cakes to friends in the village. One to Eirlys who didn’t make the show and the other to John & Mandy next door. 
I’ve cleaned the cottage and let Roger explore upstairs when the kittens are out of their room. He did so silently and carefully and apart from a few kitten hisses, he returned downstairs ten minutes later rather nonplussed.
I’ve made a parmesan aubergine bake top heavy with garlic and whilst it was cooking, sent in my nursing revalidation in  ( my final one ever) 


  1. Do I detect a small element of relief there?

  2. A bit of time for YOU now. Slow down, take things easy and re-charge. The animals are finding their pecking order, slowly but surely. (And we all know which little ones are at the top!) xx

    1. I’m sat on the couch now, the kittens are poking their heads through the bannisters again and the dogs are watching them

    2. I hope you are giving the kittens lots of fuss and strokes like you do the dogs. I'd love to eventually have a photo of you, the dogs and kittens all curled up- together on the sofa. Do you dangle string around for them to pounce on, they'll love that. Glad they are getting more confidence and the dogs are behaving well.

  3. Anonymous3:50 pm

    OK I need an eggplant parm for dinner. Yours looks terrific!


    1. I hate aubergines so have to smother them in cheese

    2. Anonymous8:21 pm

      Who said you have to buy, cook and eat aubergines if you hate them?

  4. Oh my, that dish looks so good!!

  5. Anonymous4:07 pm

    Now I am sitting here in Evans, Georgia feeling very hungry! - Jackie

  6. I think that can happen after a social whirl - I sometimes feel a bit flat and at a bit at a loss - You thought of others with your kindness and turned it into goodness and light - and we'll done young Roger too xx🤗 🐕

    1. The kittens are on the stairs as I type this

    2. I liked to peep from the stairs - I love peeping x

  7. Barbara Anne4:19 pm

    How generous of you to share your baked cakes with Eirlys, and John and Mandy to spread the happiness around. Your baked Parm casserole looks delicious and well looking forward to.
    So glad that Roger showed due caution in visiting with the kittens so there was nothing more than a few little hisses was heard.
    JOY! Your last nursing revalidation forever and ever has been sent in!!! I well remember finishing my last ever nursing care plan and the relief. Happy dancing for you!


    1. I need to lose weight babs so I was being selfish with giving my cakes away

  8. Your energy is astounding! I'd mooch around napping all day after such a big event and hard work. Your eggplant parm looks delish! Youre such and amazing cook and baker. How kind of you to share your prize winning cakes.

  9. PS I think I remember when you put in the ''last'' nursing validation a few years ago. I hope this time it's for real and your new career is launched. How rewarding! You nevr give up, John.

  10. Your parmesan aubergine bake looks yummy. To me, it is outrageous that nurses should have to re-validate at their own expense. I applaud your determination to qualify as a counsellor and to end your working life doing that job.

    1. Thank you Neil , I wish I had your retirement but I haven’t and I’m glad I’ve adapted

  11. Looks yummy, I made a chicken and rice casserole last evening.

  12. Your dish looks dellish. Sounds like it's going well with the kittens.

    1. Yes, like I’ve just said , both are on the stairs watching the living room. Both dogs know they are there and are ignoring them

  13. You have been busy for a long time, coming down with a bit of a bump seems like a natural reaction.Congratulations
    about your final nursing

    1. I have an essay to complete this week

  14. Tracy6:45 pm

    Oooh, that looks yummy!

  15. Anonymous7:13 pm

    Your dinner looks YUM. I wont be having dinner as I just got hope from having a tooth extracted. Roger is a good boy. Gigi

  16. Mmm, that casserole looks good!

  17. I imagine you are pretty tired after your busy weekend! Your dinner looks delicious!

  18. That does look very yummy.

  19. That looks so yummy & inviting that I've been to the grocers and will be having the same tomorrow. 😊
    Good to hear the kittens are doing well, and Mary & Roger are ignoring them.
    Have a lovely evening and may this week be less hectic.

  20. Nelliegrace11:10 pm

    The joy of shredding all that nursing paperwork, all the study day notes, all of the reflective practise, statements, policies, everything. I kept it for years.

    Enjoy your home cooking.

  21. That final revalidation is certainly worth a celebration. I have a question though. Did Roger meet Albert, or was he gone by the time that Roger moved in. Refresh my sad, sad memory.

    1. Oh no they met and apart from the occasional bottom lick , Roger engorged him

  22. Looks delicious!

  23. Gosh that looks good.

  24. Delicious comfort food! It looks very inviting.

    I find Roger so endearing in many ways.

  25. The aubergine bake looks amazing. Xx

  26. Congrats on your last time having to be validated! I’ll bet the homecooking was delicious.

  27. Revalidation... I'm sure you're pleased to get that out of the way John.

    Somewhat reluctantly, and due to having to look after an elderly parent with dementia, at 62 I let my nurse registration lapse at the start of the month. I wasn't able to accrue enough hours nor fulfil the study requirements for revalidation. There is no way I could afford to pay the 'return to nursing' course fees even if I was able to commit to a course.

    When governments and the NMC make a fuss over retaining nurses I do wish they'd consider the circumstances of older nurses. I do feel a little as if part of me has been taken away - and I'm not quite sure what to do next - an NHS pension isn't the gilded ticket some make it out to be. Hey ho. x

    1. To be fair after I retired in 2018 the nmc made it easy to re register


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