Last Show Post

Tonight I’m relaxing with a gin and the Proms, the kittens watching the living room through the bannisters, like we did as children

 I’d thought I’d post you this too! 
A great conclusion to the Flower Show weekend
It’s a photo from Jenny Morris’ social media , 
Celebrating her wins 
Jenny is a young , hard working wife and mum who lives on a small holding on the village outskirts
It made me laugh 
And sums up the joy of a small village show


  1. I think you just found your cover photo for next year's Flower Show brochure!

    1. I had exactly the same thought, Debra. xx

    2. And I thought just the same but Debra the Zebra got there before me.

  2. Anonymous7:56 pm

    It’s not all tweed and grey hairs
    Fucking A


  3. Traveller7:56 pm

    “Well done lad”. Nice to see the blacklettes coming down the stairs.

    1. Weaver is still miss confident and spits at the Welsh when they stand on the couch next to me to get a sniff.
      Beans is shy , and sits quietly behind her sister

  4. Anonymous7:58 pm

    I have followed the preparations for the Flower Show and glad it was a roaring success! Lovely photos and nice to see the kittens are braving the rest of the house..... albeit it through the perceived *safety* of the bannisters!
    Susan M/ Calif.

  5. I'm sure the kitties think, like children do, that you can't see them and don't know they're there. Have they ventured further than the stairs yet? xx

    1. No , it’s a psychological barrier as the Welsh arnt allowed upstairs since Dorothy ruled the roost ( she slept with me )

  6. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Very smart little kittens. I was offered a Bengal kitten yesterday but sadly had to decline. I would love a cat but no longer could manage kitty litter and cat hair.. I just need to look after my dog myself and the house as best I can. I do not want to leave my house for a care place so I keep on keeping on. Do the Welsh still bark at the kittens ?

  7. Anonymous9:35 pm

    That lovely photo of Jenny holding her entry for “a miniature display in an unusual container” is delightful, it was an upside down honey jar and the tiny flowers were in a piece of honeycomb, an imaginative and well deserved first place .Tweetart ( Debbie )

    1. Debbie , your warmth and energy has made my job so much easier in the show

    2. I was trying to see in the photo what was in the jar, and it sounds like a great entry and win. Well done Jenny!

    3. It was an underwater floral arrangement

  8. Yorkshire Liz9:36 pm

    I'll bet that gin tastes the best ever after all your hard work this weekend. Could not be more deserved or warming the cockles of the heart of a better person. Cheers, John!

  9. Barbara Anne12:14 am

    Joy comes in all shapes and sizes and stretches so one size fits all!
    Love the peeking kittens, the top of your head, and Jenny's sheer delight!


  10. Bravissimo, Jenny!

  11. Lovely seeing the kittens on the stairs! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
    Well done, Jenny!!! I'm so glad she decided to enter this year.

  12. Congrats to jenny, who's clearly proud of her win.

  13. I have enjoyed reading all of your village flower show posts, they reminded me of the village shows I went to as a child and brought back lots of happy memories. Well done John on your hard work, I'm sure most folk don't appreciate how much goes into the organisation, however, I bet if you asked around your village everyone would say it was really worthwhile ( maybe not the lady who quibbled about paying to get in :-)) Hope you are resting a little now x

  14. Jo in Auckland7:38 am

    So glad to see you have a well earned Gin,,, and the little black kitties braving the stairs. That wonderful picture of Jenny after her win was a treasure to behold... such fun. Well done all on a fabulous job.

  15. Oh yes! Next year’s cover photo. So nice to see the kittens attempting to explore.

  16. I always forget how tiny kittens are at first, with my great big lolloping ginger boy draping himself around the place. It's good to hear that the animals are all 'working each other out' in their own time.

  17. She looks chuffed to bits. Well done, Jenny. Xx

  18. Anonymous11:08 am

    I have enjoyed all your flower show posts! Well done everyone. Kath x

  19. Love that photograph of Jenny ...... it sums up the joy of the simpler things in life { and I don't mean that in a derogatory way ! }
    One of my old schoolfriend's is in the Proms choir. He sings in it every year and has done o for many years. It must be amazing to sing in The Albert Hall in that atmosphere. XXXX

  20. I'd title Jenny's photo "bliss". You have done well. I am grinning from ear to ear for you!

  21. A glimpse into the good life.

  22. Jenny Morris' winning entry sounds unique and she should toast herself with a celebratory tipple from the winners cup x🏆


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